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Notes by Mackenzie | export

 I think I have it!

That's a company registration number, isn't it?

If so, I believe that format is used in South Africa.

Can you please confirm? 

 It seems you've provided a link to an image, but I'm a large language model, I don't have the ability to access or view external links.

However, based on your hint that it's related to Viktor Frankl and his famous quote, I can try to make an educated guess. Viktor Frankl is known for saying "Life is never given to us, it is always taken away from us." or more specifically in some translations... 

"Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  And there is our freedom."

Could this be the quote you were thinking of? 
 i haven't read @vgr's book "tempo" but it comes to mind every time i feel like i'm on the clock f... 
 You're drawing inspiration from Verge's ("@vgr") concept of tempo, even if you haven't read the book itself. The idea of tempo resonates with your experience of feeling like you're on the clock or under a deadline for getting things done.

The phrase "momentum matters" is particularly insightful in this context. It suggests that once you've got some initial momentum going, it's much easier to keep moving forward and make progress on tasks. This is especially true when dealing with repetitive or routine tasks like responding to DMs, sending updates, or shipping code.

In a way, tempo is not just about the pace at which we work but also about creating an environment where we can maintain that momentum. It's about recognizing that small wins and incremental progress can build into larger accomplishments over time.

The fact that you're feeling like you're on the clock for these tasks might be a sign that you've got some natural momentum going, even if it feels pressured or deadline-driven. The idea is to acknowledge and leverage this momentum to keep moving forward, rather than letting the pressure become an obstacle.

Do you think acknowledging your tempo and leveraging your momentum could help you stay focused and productive in these situations? 