hello Question to people who are using #element with #matrix.
Can you use this tool like a phone. Do you have like whatsapp a ring when someone call you? I see you can send voice message that I like it
can I ask a biblical question to experts ?
How do you understand Gen8:20
Noe took animals but it is exactly after the Arch. Only one male and female or each kind exists.
Does that means that few species of animal died at this occasion ?
This is a very sensitive call. Because sometimes donation to this population can be in the hands of Hamas terrorists. How can we be sure that donation arrived to destination people. Poor people in needs?
Mark Zuckerberg on Threads and ActivityPub
He is talking about interoperability again here as the distinguishing factor for the difference between phase one of social networks and the next phase. He then draws parallels to the messaging ecosystem. Meta is working on providing full interoperability for WhatsApp. Something that is conveniently not mentioned is that this interoperability for messaging apps is a requirement of Europe’s Digital Markets Act, which will come into force in spring 2024.
The implication here from Mark Zuckerberg’s perspective seems that interoperability of social networks is here to stay, due to external forces, and Meta will have to adopt.
Another note here is that Mark Zuckerberg says, when talking about decentralised social media protocols, that he has “always believed in this stuff.” Pressed by Alex Heath, he points at the technical complications of implementing a decentralised protocol into Facebook. What is not mentioned is that he also holds the majority of voting power at Meta, and that under his leadership, Facebook has actively removed functionality that enabled interoperability. For example, fediverse platform Friendica used to have a Facebook/Friendica plugin that allowed full interoperability between both platforms, until Facebook made major changes to their API that depreciated this feature.
I think the deletion of app or domain does not work properly. Because when I try to connect the domain and the app it say that the app is already connected. But in fact it it not. #yunohost #hubzilla
Finaly I could find how to have admin. 😀
Use the email who have installed but I had to add an app site admin and the system of app is not really intuitive
After playing and searching .. I got it.
My account is @6360459d
I try with an other domain and it is still the same. Leads to yunohost homepage
with streams all is ok exept that I still don't know how to get admin to configure the server.
I spend too much time 4 hours now to do that. I need to stop
With the email of yunohost I don't see the admin options...
Streams does not allow to import hubzilla json. It is like separated from hubzilla
Impossible to install hubzilla
I stop working today thank you for your help
@4d858ab1 my first user is not admin
Searching app with admin .. I don't see...
I will create a new account with email the same as yunohost .. Maybe that will be the admin
now I installed streams. What is the next step.
Good news I have the login page.
Do I have to use the email of yunohost admin to be admin ?
Is it possible to change it later ?
I am a bit confused
I try with an other domain and it is still the same. Leads to yunohost homepage
with streams all is ok exept that I still don't know how to get admin to configure the server.
I spend too much time 4 hours now to do that. I need to stop
Really strange I add a domain add hubzilla on this domain but the application was not linked to this domain. When I wanted to link it it says it is already linked.
the url direct at yunohost homepage not at hubzilla
Now I try with other domain and with streams Maybe I will have more chance and it will give me the opportunity to discover the difference between hubz and streams. For me it is almost the same maybe I am wrong
#yunohost is easyier when all works fine but it is harder when it is not working.
When something is not working on Yunohost I feel so empty so without solution. It is like a wall. Finaly I should find an other solution. We need hours to invest in reading reading documentation and install new apps and changing codificaiton . It is most of the time better to start from zero and write all
each time I need to use #matrix I am feeling like a noob.
1. Need my account what is my account
2. What is the password
3. What is the app ? How to use it
The step to get help is always high
* The first difficulty is to know how to use matrix or forum etc...
* The second high step is to present my problem
* 3. Find the log
* 4 change the code somewhere.
Yunohost is like a black box. When it works it is wonderfull but when it does not work I am feeling desesperate. Feeling like a blind people. Don't know what to do.
Sunday moring. The sun shine.
Yesterday It was a day of fail. I wanted to install a #hubzilla with #yunohost but it didn't work. I thought it was easy but it simply not work.
I ahve more than 5000 car to write but I only write short message. I hope it is ok. I don't want to spam anybody.
Reminder you still can unfollow me in case.
It is like talking expression. I always make short sentences. I don't know how to make long phrases.
One idea one message
Then He came to me a second time because I put few leaf of paper in the carton container.
Then I started to be irritated.
I am very sensitive sometimes and receive words as offence then I goes wrong way
next we go at the rubbish dump and an employee said that I did something wrong. I put platic botttle on the wrong container. There was platic for water or dring and platic bottle for hygienic things Iand It was not good
the only problem I see is that all account are multilangual.
That means that 3 messages will be sent one in german one in french and one in Italian
If you understand only one langue it will be fload of information you don't understand.
The best would be 3 account. one per language
Lecture de #Matthieu 5
Ce chapitre est trés dense. Il y a beaucoup de chose. On le lit souvent trés vite mais chaque paragraphe est un trésor à méditer. Ce chapitre pourrait faire l'objet de plusieurs méditations. #Biblefr
I just booked a car in a rental site and I noticed that the time was in 24 hours and not am/pm format. It was in #Scotland
That notice push my opinion that this kind of format is getting more universal even in UK.
It is like UK is in transition period concerning metric unit and time date format
Goal today : import all image from the old blog.
Did you noticed that my photos are gone
example here
If you have tuto how to do it I will be happy to know. It is a wordpress and installed with #yunohost that means that I don't have ftp acces.
Good morning
Saturday it is 9:00 local time (24h format)
The sun is shining outside. Everybody is complaining because the weather is too warm to hot (what is the best word)
I am happy because it is only hot afternoon. The morning and night is cool. and I can save gaz to heat the water. I have almost free hot water.
People always complaining about the global warming. I see some positive aspects.
I like this kind of weather. abour 30 the afternoon. it is like in summer.
In that time European Community was nice and make us dreamed.
Now it has changed. No democraty only neoliberalism. Only Rich and poor people are less than nothing. My dream now is that EU colapse and people win and democraty will be back
Notes by Kris | export