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 Marshall Kirkpatrick joins Read/WriteWeb in September 2007, which helps us crack the top 20 blogs in the world. The following month, I attend the Web 2.0 Summit and experience the start of hustle culture, through chats with GaryVee and a hungry (and muscly) kiwi entrepreneur. https://cybercultural.com/p/024-readwriteweb-key-hire-hustle-culture/ #InternetHistory #Web20 
 Unsurprisingly, #Web3 has an astronomical failure rate. 65% of crypto projects have died in 2023, according to this report. It also says that 72% of crypto projects "born in the 2020-2021 (bull run) have died." Not so much 'to the moon' as 'to the morgue'! https://alphaquest.io/blog/dead-coins-report-2024/ 
 Just before I deleted the Substack app from my phone, I saw that Stephen Fry joined Substack today. Oh Stephen…and he was one of the first celebs to join Mastodon too :( 
 nostr:npub1alqk9gq85d6zlzvjwmetzpch796as3cjzjugeghnu6e53cre5lnqvtmnj6 why not? isn't it a new age... 
 @b04d9c09 absolutely. I just meant that Web3 is a crypto term, so whatever this current era is will need a different term. 
 nostr:npub1alqk9gq85d6zlzvjwmetzpch796as3cjzjugeghnu6e53cre5lnqvtmnj6 so then, web3.0 is what we'... 
 @b04d9c09 I don’t think we can use the term Web3 anymore. 
 I’m actually going to this, *in person*! Really looking forward to seeing the Internet Archive for real. https://mastodon.archive.org/@internetarchive/111185583303482081 
 nostr:npub1alqk9gq85d6zlzvjwmetzpch796as3cjzjugeghnu6e53cre5lnqvtmnj6 if this is web 2.0, what is... 
 @b04d9c09 web 2.0 was the 2000s, but it was just the term that stuck. I always think of “web 1.0” as the Dot Com period. 
 I jotted down a few thoughts in my blog (!) about the anxiety I'm feeling about serializing my upcoming book on Substack. https://ricmac.org/2023/10/06/writing-content-thats-better-than-ai/ 
 @79067dd7 ah yes, old CDs that no longer work…alas I have a couple of those too. I also have all the old files (Movable Type and even Radio Useeland), but the one thing I wish I’d done more in the old days was save screenshots. One day I might try and reconstruct some of the early versions of RWW. 
 I just discovered, thanks to @09c6e1eb from The Wayback Machine that there is a button, "About this capture", that actually details the 'files from the future' in a Wayback copy of a webpage. I had never clicked that before! For my Cybercultural post today, I had manually inspected the source code to see which files were from the future. But this button is very useful going forward.

 Also, this is known as "temporal cohesion" and there is an Internet Archive paper about this: https://archive.org/details/arxiv-1402.0928 
 nostr:npub1alqk9gq85d6zlzvjwmetzpch796as3cjzjugeghnu6e53cre5lnqvtmnj6 nostr:npub1xrj3t052eyqclk39... 
 @09c6e1eb @30e515be Thanks Mark! btw, it's by no means a criticism of Wayback Machine, which I love. Indeed, I blame myself for the CSS issues I caused myself 18 years in the future ;) 
 As I get ready to launch the serialization of my Web 2.0 memoir, I discover that old Wayback Machine copies of ReadWriteWeb aren't always reliable. (this post includes some @30e515be forensics; so if anyone here is an expert in this area, I'd love to get your feedback). https://www.cybercultural.com/p/wayback-machine-vs-screenshots #Wayback #InternetHistory 
 The open source LangStream framework combines data streaming with generative AI. I talk with project lead Chris Bartholomew from DataStax about what LangStream contributes to the emerging AI app ecosystem. https://thenewstack.io/langstream-an-event-driven-developer-platform-for-llm-apps/ 
 Cloud Development Environment vendor Gitpod says it offers a "self-hosted" CDE too, but unlike Coder, it isn't "self-managed". I talk to Gitpod's Mike Brevoort and Talia Moyal in the latest in my #CDE article series. https://thenewstack.io/the-goldilocks-cde-gitpod-fits-between-saas-and-self-hosted/ 
 This wins my award for most useful webpage of the month. I wish I’d discovered the if_ flag in wayback urls much earlier (hides the toolbar when you are saving pages). Now all I need is a plugin to fix up wonky stylesheets!  #TechHistory #WaybackNerds https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Using_the_Wayback_Machine 
 New AI development platform coming soon -> LightningAI, led by the creator of PyTorch Lightning, is preparing to open up its "OS for AI" platform. I discuss with CEO Will Falcon. https://thenewstack.io/lightning-ai-teases-app-development-platform-an-os-for-ai/ 
 "Next up, it's time for a vibe...and that vibe is called Rainy Day. It's time for some Nick Drake!" That's my Spotify AI DJ, picking an artist who I do indeed like (and it was raining here 10 minutes ago), but it almost seems too obvious... Surprise surprise, this AI playlisting feature of Spotify doesn't quite have the spark and originality of a human DJ. 
 Cloud Development Environments (CDEs) became popular as SaaS products. But Coder insists that enterprise devs are better off with self-hosted CDEs. https://thenewstack.io/self-hosted-cdes-preferred-to-saas-in-large-orgs-says-coder/ 
 If anyone is curious how I use AI in my job as a tech journalist, I go through part of my process in my latest newsletter. Specifically, I tested out Perplexity while researching an upcoming article for my employer The New Stack. Let me know if other journos out there have any thoughts / feedback re AI tools. https://www.aiwriterworld.com/p/perplexity-ai-journalism 
 Some of my fellow journalists have been talking up Perplexity.ai as an alternative to ChatGPT, so I checked it out for this week's AI Writer World newsletter. Also: latest #aiwriter news and opinions. #journalism #ai  https://www.aiwriterworld.com/p/perplexity-ai-journalism 
 Can a cloud development environment be self-hosted? Daytona, a new product from the founders of Codeanywhere, aims to do just that. I chat to Daytona founder and CEO Ivan Burazin. #CloudIDE #developers  https://thenewstack.io/codeanywhere-founders-take-on-github-codespaces-with-daytona/ 
 nostr:npub1alqk9gq85d6zlzvjwmetzpch796as3cjzjugeghnu6e53cre5lnqvtmnj6, useful qualifier :)

 @3a912d87 oh no, I'm not getting into that argument :) 
 nostr:npub1alqk9gq85d6zlzvjwmetzpch796as3cjzjugeghnu6e53cre5lnqvtmnj6, what’s the argument (I d... 
 @3a912d87 Valuing humanity > machines is what I’m referring to 
 Who would’ve thought I’d be on Elon Musk’s side in 2023, but I totally back him in this argument he apparently had with Google’s Larry Page in 2013:

He [Page] accused Musk of being a “specist,” someone who was biased in favor of their own species. “Well, yes, I am pro-human,” Musk responded. “I f-cking like humanity, dude.”

 Web3 failed to remake the developer ecosystem, but the emerging LLM app stack is forcing the cloud native era to adapt. I examine its progress. https://thenewstack.io/llm-app-ecosystem-whats-new-and-how-cloud-native-is-adapting/ 
 The latest edition of AI Writer World features my review of Sudowrite, an AI writing tool for authors. Also, as usual, my roundup of the week’s relevant #AI news, opinions and research. https://www.aiwriterworld.com/p/sudowrite-review 
Event not found
 Of course I know the reason my articles aren't getting distributed on Twitter: it's *because I don't pay for it*. I just don't want to live in a 'pay for play' social media world, which is why I am increasingly rejecting X/Twitter. I guess I'm saying...I'm REAL close to quitting the platform altogether, except that I do still find it useful as research for my work.