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Notes by 58fa5be0 | export

 Where does the concept of justice come from? Is it man-made or natural to every living being? 
 Who tips the scales ?
 Do we ever have a "right" to take free will from another person using our free will? 
 Using the Hebrew thought process :
Leviticus 19 : 18 

Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the Lord.

In conjunction with Mark 12 : 30 , 31

And thou shalt love the Lord thy G - D with all thy heart , and with all thy soul , and with all thy mind , and with all thy strength : this is the first commandment .

And the second is like, namely this, thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself . There is none other commandment greater than these .

So the larger question would be , YASHUA is a Teacher of Israel & is also G - D , therefore , as is stated in the Levitical law ( Hebrew administrative religious law ) ; Leviticus 19 : 18 , man needs the moral code of G - D to remind him of duties to neighbours , even to the stranger in the land ; when man uses his free will to violate his neighbour’s free will is man subject to the moral precepts of G - D or will he guide himself under non consequential anarchy , violating the rights & freedom of his neighbours ?

This ties into the previous post regarding good & evil ; there cannot be one without the other ; & if man is a free moral agent , endowed with free will , without good or evil constructs , how will he know what is right ?
 Would you rather be a worried genius or a joyful simpleton? 
 I’ve seen joyful simpleton , I don’t think i could handle not knowing , the offer is tempting , but in the end don’t we all end up going to the grinder ? One knows the outcome , the other is lost in foolish bliss ?!? 
 Do animals have a moral code? 
 Survival keep the species going  , avoid humans , not much outside of that  

Can’t beat pizza in Italy , from a wood burning oven , from Naples ; especially made by friends ! 

“ You are everything , everything “ Marcello Rubini #LaDolceVita 

Build a flavor base , use classic methods , but animal free #Future 
 ⚾ Mets-Braves Doubleheader 📺 Tune in at 1:10 PM ET as these NL East rivals battle for the fi... 
 Oh Atlanta , maybe this year ; possibly the Mets too ? ATL is home , but i have a weak spot for NY Mets as well  
 Hello , My name is JoeyMatto , I am a freelance plant based chef , properly trained by Romans . Plants are the future as we are now at a point in time that we no longer need animal foods to survive or find nourishment . Thanks to tech innovations & greater availability to diverse ingredients , the possibilities are literally endless . 

The plant kingdom is no longer an after thought on a plate , its the main attraction . 

I’m here for a better , freer social network experience !
 As the world crumbles around us , would it be a good idea to consider The Final Week of Time ?

 This is an excellent movie , Goslings lone , darker , characters are some of hie best 
 ^^this should be :

This is really inspiring in that you started doing daily exercises to strengthen what yourself artistically !