Sometimes being autistic feels like simultaneously being older and younger than everyone you meet
@53de482a Funnily enough, that's my experience as well 🤔
It's Caturday! Here's Konijn, who jumped into the tiny space in the cabinet, which he loves, and ...
@fa0806db 'Can I talk to you about our Lord and Saviour, tuna fish from a tin?'
🇳🇱 Fijn hè, die jarenlange bezuinigingen op de geestelijke gezondheidszorg? Bedankt Mark! 👍
De verdachte van de schietpartij in #Rotterdam was ook actief online...
@e2aff28e Hoe minder aandacht er door de media aan het online reilen en zeilen van dat sujet gegeven wordt, hoe beter 🙄
Me when something isn’t amazing: That’s amazing
@53de482a ...while looking like this...
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