Jo, to je samozřejmě pravda, ale to je už dnes minulost. Je to vývoj. Hlavní na tom je skutečnost, že to není komerční poplatek bance, ktery podléhá konkurenčnímu prostředí, ale je to daň, což je zásadní rozdíl. To je věc, ze které není úniku.
Ani jsem vám neříkal. Jak jsem koupil ty pěkné bolt karty, tak ony byly z anglie. A já si neuvědomil, že UK už není v EU. Tak mi celníci poslali dopis, že je třeba vyplnit celní prohlášení. Chtěli přiložit nějaký doklad o koupi kvůli ceně. Ty karty jsem koupil volně na internetu bez registrace, takže k tomu nemám vůbec nic. Navíc jsem ty karty platil satoshi lightningem, protože to ani jinak platit nešlo. Tak jsem těm celníkům poslal výpis o té transakci z lightningové peněženky.. Stačilo to 😀 Doplatek 0.- 😉
#lightning jede! 👍👍😁
I didn't even tell you. When I bought those nice bolt cards, they were from England. And I didn't realize that the UK is no longer in the EU. So, customs sent me a letter saying that I need to fill out a customs declaration. They wanted some proof of purchase for the price. I bought those cards freely on the internet without registration, so I have nothing for that. Moreover, I paid for those cards with Satoshi Lightning, because there was no other way to pay. So, I sent those customs officers a transaction record from the Lightning wallet... and that was enough 😄 No additional payment required, 0.- 😉
#lightning rocks! 👍👍😁
I have a feeling that we're starting to see a new nuisance here. Lately, I've been receiving several SATs in my wallet multiple times a day, and in the payment description, there's a reference to some project. It's like a modern-day SPAM, or should I say SATOSHI-SPAM. Does anyone else have a similar experience?
#bitcoin #lightning #spam
Do you know Bleskomat? Would you like to easily buy Bitcoin for a small amount and have a chat about Bitcoin while doing so? Come on over - I invite you.
Many people turn away from me when I start talking about Bitcoin. I swear, when the bull market is in full swing and these people come to me seeking advice, I will turn away from them.
Notes by ₿itcoinguru | export