Go for fibres and protein. I wouldn’t care about sugar in veggies so much. Never ever eat fine milled cereals, like in bread and donuts. For fibres i can recommend sweet corn, but you shouldn’t stamp it, because it should come out, as you eat it. This will blow up your intestinal and things in your intestinal villi will be released (this can be a high amount). If you make things right you will notice it on the toilet. It should all come out at once, shouldn’t be too liquid or hard and shouldn’t stink. It should smell light sour. Sorry for the last tip but in my opinion it is one of the best ways to analyze. Never ever sweets and convenience food. But if you go for fibres you can eat a lot. You have not to stay hungry all the time and the body won’t absorb it. Fine milled sugars get fast and fully absorbed, while the sugars in veggies or fruits not and with enough fibres all around even less. Full unmilled cereal is quite ok, because it has a small surface in opposite to fine milled cereal. Of course you can eat sweets from time to time, but you should go for a diet you can do all life long as kind of lifestyle. I can imagine, that one meal a day is kind of hard to follow through and when you stop it there might be that rebound effect. At least this functions for me and i blow up like a balloon just when i eat a brötchen(sorry don’t know the translation)(;
Ah and stamped corn has a lot of calories, so it is important to eat the full sweet corn. In that case it is more of a fibre thing cause your body won’t absorb anything because the human body can’t digest fibres:)
Ah gut…ich meine Maiskörner, welche aber nicht kleingestampft beziehungsweise zur Paste verarbeitet werden. Die Maiskörner dienen dann eher als Füllmittel im intestinal. I meant sweet corn that is not mashed or crushed because there is a lot of sugar inside. So maybe no polenta or tortilla chips etc. At least i heard it that if you are on a diet you should avoid sweet corn. I had always a good experience with it as filler (i never ate it mashed, like in salad)in the intestine, like all fibres (Ballaststoffe(; maybe roughage is a different word for it, but it sounded a little odd to me). And of course you can eat some bread every now and then but better of rough milled flour and better no wheat especially not so fine milled. Rye flour should be quite Ballaststoffreich. You can look for nutrition with Ballaststoffe in the internet. Look them up and eat the ones you like. I think sauerkraut or cabbage or lentils and stuff like this. I eat a lot, but I keep weight or reduce it this way. I even eat a lot of oatmeal with applejuice. Oatmeal (Haferflocken (am besten grob)) has everything inside the body needs and keeps you not hungry for quite a long time (yes there are carbs inside too, but at least to me it is very, very different from the carbs in white bread). If you eat meat, that is good for diet, but only if you roast ityourself from raw meat. Fish is even better. But you should avoid wurst or all meat that is treated with nitrite curing salt, cause that is poison. Less eating is of course definitely good for loosing weight faster but relatively what you ate beforehand you will lose weight anyway. Some people can eat everything they want, but I‘m definitely not one of them but this is a good way for me to reduce weight. I guess I have now shared all my wisdoms about nutrition with you I guess. I hope that it functions for you or/and your husband. If not…a thousand ways lead to Rome, as we say over here(; … but I would be proud to help if it works for you…you should experience it with the analysis i told you before. This things should occur instantly ( at least after 3 or 4 days…maybe earlier). All the best and good luck(;
Deutscher Botschafter vom russischem Außenministerium einbestellt. Bekommt einen Orden verliehen, weil die deutsche Armee so leicht abhörbar ist und so großzügig Informationen übermittelt.
Demnächst wird der russische Botschafter einbestellt und bekommt einen Orden, wenn er ihnen Tipps und Tricks für gelungene Abhöraktionen gibt.
Scholz hat Putin mit Munition beliefert!!! Endlich…so funktioniert das mit einer florierenden Volkswirtschaft. Kriegsaktivisten Antonia vom Reiterhof und Karl-Heinz Kiesewetter sind begeistert. Endlich beweist Scholz Stärke und wir können mit deutschen Waffen noch mehr Menschenleben retten!!!
Mal ehrlich es zeugt nicht von Schwäche, sondern von Stärke allein gegen den Strom von Kriegstreibern zu schwimmen. Die wollen doch alle nur Ressourcen, oder haben neulich schwer in Aktien der Waffenindustrie investiert. Olaf…bleib stark und bleib cool!!! Du machst das gut!!!
Nachdem sämtliche Veranstaltungen von Fußball zu Filmfestspielen ordentlichst durchpolitisiert und instrumentalisiert sind, bleibt der ESC als letzte Bastion Politbürofrei. Alle Sportler,Künstler, Schauspieler, Autorenund Schauspieler wollen jetzt den Beruf wechseln, um der Stigmatisierung zu entgehen, falls sie aus dem falschen Land kommen, deren Regierung nicht ganz so nett ist!!! Naja oder zumindest so ähnlich (;
Häh I have always thought the WEF were complete arseholes selling mainly green technology for their profit. Maybe i am totally wrong about this. This man seems to really help the people without profit…good thing…i hope i didn’t fell for a WEF propaganda video(;
What the hell is wrong with the world nowadays??? What did the Hamas for the people in Gaza??? They invested a lot of money in digging tunnels and armory. Why didn’t they invest a cent in an autonome power supply to help their people and build up an autonomous state…but they didn’t. There are a lot of possibilities to use the long coastline for cheap and even green power or other sources for energy in that area with a little bit of help from their muslim brothers and sisters. But they didn’t go for it. But instead of investing in peace they invested everything in war…and their leaders who should stand in the first line leading their people sit in different countries giving commandos and sending their people into death, while drinking a cup of tea in a safe place. How is this old saying???
If you want a war, you prepare for war!!!
They have nothing invested in peace or a good live for the Gaza people and started a war. And in the west the same activists who are against Putin fight for the Hamas!!!
What the hell is wrong with them??? Is idiotism the new black??? There are a lot of possibilities to support the Gaza people seaways, but you can’t help them with your stupid blabla!!! Deliver fresh water and food over sea, bring the people to safe places and bring them back, when the fighting is over. It is not normal to have refugee camps in the middle of fighting zones. Get women and children out of there, but stop taking that fuckin‘ activist bullshit!!!! A world of the insane!!!
I don’t know, what is happening in Gaza, but I can smell a lot of foul stinking flavor over there. The US is supplying the civilians by air drops…hmmm. When I look on the map i can see a country that is 40 kilometers long and maximal 14 kilometers wide. There is a coastline 40 kilometers long!!! So they could bring everything from fresh drinking water to food and extras by sea. They could drown them in fresh water…But they don’t. If they would invest all the money that they invest to bring politicians to their blablabla conventions, to buy water and bring it by sea and if all the activists would support this by deeds instead of words like that Berlinale idiots who present themselves as heros…But they don’t, they are just blablaing on and on, but it stays blablabla. On the other hand: in the north and in the south there are muslim brothers and sisters. They could take the civilians and let them camp behind the border, even bring them there seaways…But they don’t! From the libanon they fire expensive missiles instead of taking out the civilians out of the fighting zone and helping their muslim brothers and sisters. It’s round about 20 kilometers from the farest point in the country to reach save ground and by seaway even less. But they have refugee camps in the middle of the fighting zone!!! This all sounds like a big farce to me and I guess that I am missing some important points here but it would be no problem to bring the people away from the fighting and bring em back, when there is less detonating over there but somehow I have the feeling that nobody in the world really wants to help the poor people. Just blabla and business as usual!!!!!
I‘m a little bit concerned about the future of #nostr. Now it is a little bit like the house & techno people were in the early times: more like a big peaceful family…some rude words here and there, but good people. But then, as it got more and more commercial things changed. Will it be like Hunter S. Thompson described it, when two different worlds of freedom lovers collided: hippies and hell‘s angels. Will we guarantee the freedom to beasts, who post videos, where they chop of their enemies heads and dance around their headless partys or beasts who rape children or women and post videos of it on nostr??? Isn’t this like the scientist who invented the nuclear bomb without thinking about the consequences, until seeing it in action??? Maybe total freedom isn’t that good, it sounds like. I hope, that it won’t be like this in the future, but I know mankind…and we live in a sick world!!!
How long will it take, that AI will take all the jobs of the higher educated humans away??? Right then only the lower educated people will be able to earn money, because it could be to expensive replace them??? Who can afford anything of their products??? What happens to economy??? Is this the end of capitalism??? Will this be the climax of modern slavery??? How many privacy will the digital controlled citizens have? None???Will the world get a fuckin‘ warzone??? Will there be peace???Who will rule this shit??? Get digitalized, idiots!!!
May you live in interesting times !!!
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