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 Wednesday, 1st May 2024 - Day Three - Love
It was a traditional 5.31 am start to May day on the streets of Goudhurst watching the Morris singing and dancing in the start of summer. I always get a bit emotional listening to the singing  I think it is being with the grandchildren and thinking of their future.

Today's prompt from Amy is 'Love'. I have painted a postcard to show the love of Sean and his dog and the love of his dog for chocolate birthday cake. 
#createwithamym  #mindfulartstudio  #abstract #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolours https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/b1d63e9db076db4f8232acc269ffebcdcb6330a8e85eb8664cbf08f23b281386.webp 
 Tuesday, 30th April 2024 - Day Two - Patience
As I drove into Cranbrook to meet Sarah for an americano and half a bacon roll I pondered on how to fulfil today's prompt from Amy. Patience!!! Tough one. Then it came to me. I planted a tree peony in the garden and had to wait 'patiently' for years before it flowered. Now I wait for over 11 months of the year for it to burst into bloom for probably a couple of weeks at the most. I never thought of myself as patient or not. Now I think I am.

To those who commented on the Morris fertility cake I will enlighten you....I have no idea apart that for the last 36 May Days the Weald of Kent Morris have danced a fruit cake has been speared on a sword and shared with the adoring audience. The getting up at 5.31am on May Day to dance and sing marks the beginning of summer and the fertility.
#createwithamym  #mindfulartstudio  #abstract #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolours https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/49ebda3d475358f577478c333008b104f6ac3d9896dc93a95f4a09bfdfd5091b.webp 
 Monday, 29th April 2024 - Day One - Leaves
Amy Maricle is running a 12 day Inchie Challenge. I thoroughly enjoyed the last one I did so am doing it again. I get a daily word prompt by email. Today's is Leaves and inspired by the rhubarb in the garden. And it means I don't have to come with an idea for my postcard for 12 days. I have broken the rules already as mine is a 10 x 12!!!

I am not sure what happened to my morning. It sort of disappeared. The afternoon was full of sunshine and I was very happy pottering around weeding, planting and watching the chickens battle with a crow and a magpie over crusts of bread.

My kitchen smells of the fertility cake that Tim has baked for May Day. I won't be eating any of that thank you.

#abstract #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolours https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/44e0895ed4d567c8017d7356fadc46864bd0faff6c7bfb3f5e8aed803ab20ef1.webp 
 Sunday, 28th April 2024 - Norway Chills
No, I am not in Norway. Explanation later.

We have the most adorable three guests to stay. They are long term returners from Holland and have become fond friends.

I have been ....yep....... lino cutting this afternoon. It is much more time consuming than I had anticipated. I love it.

Today's postcard is inspired by Wistling. An excellent Norwegian thriller. My only complaint is that it has subtitles and get very confusing when I don't read them as I am trying to paint my postcard. I am snacking Liquorice Allsorts - Bassetts are the only ones for me - another birthday present from Harriet. My birthday just keeps giving.
#abstract #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolours https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/dfddc14713b73da7cc70fccb9b23618499f334d6d604ddee5db22c969589eb12.webp 
 -Saturday, 27th April 2024 - Montana Broughton Star
Yesterday we had a wonderful day. The afternoon was spent in Wickhambreaux. Harriet and Brett have transformed an apartment they bought a few months ago. What an amazing team they make. Brett with his workmanship, Harriet with her artists eye and bargain hunting. They have worked their socks off scraping it back to the bare bones to start again. It looks stunning. So proud of them. Raffy and Herbie both got headteachers certificates this week.  Hetty's beetle linocuts were beautiful - so proud of all my grandchildren too. 

My late night was caused by having dinner at Ewan and Kath's. We haven't been to their home for ages or seen their daughters who have grown and changed. I managed to button my lip and not tell them. Always embarrassing to be told by your parents friends how much you've grown as a child. So good to relax with a delicious curry and charming friends. It's uplifting to be in the company of a good looking couple. Thank you for a great evening.

Today has been quiet. 

This climber was part of my many and very thoughtful birthday presents from The Evans family. I will find a delightful spot in the garden for it to clamber up to its full potential of 10 metres!!!
#abstract #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolours https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/bd89df7cd1cdd842f561bee574a29399c7ee4965c3063fd9d977c1cd525eb013.webp 
 Friday 26th April 2024 - Abstract with Fern
I left home at 11am this morning. It is now 22 minutes past midnight. I will tell you about today tomorrow.
#abstract #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolours https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/9d59f9d3b527c72cdfd0973d8bfd7221b37c5e45f13a6eaf3363cba67fe5cd9c.webp 
 Thursday, 25th April 2024 - View from Little Rock
It's Nick's birthday today. Happy Birthday. I love a birthday celebration. Tim and I battled through Folkestone's bracing wind and sea rain and met him with Alli, Si, Lesley, Lucy and Mick in The Ship Inn for a pre lunch drink. We missed having whelks and cockles at Chummys - not so keen myself. We had a table at Little Rock with a great view over the sea that was a threatening green colour with wild white horses. I want to go back and explore - when I have finished my lino cuts that are coming along slowly but surely. What a great place Folkestone is. I can see why it was voted the best place to live in the South East. 

#katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolours
 -Tuesday, 23rd April 2024 - Rambling Up Hill
In between having a messy time cutting a lino print fish I had brunch bought for my by Gay as a lovely belated birthday present.... And her and Robert gave a beautiful pink rose. I have walked it around the garden to find a suitable spot. This afternoon Tim, Wendy and I started a short walk due to the incoming rain that never arrived so it ended in a very very long walk ending at The Bull. 

Our new woodburner is glorious throwing out heat to warm our chilly bones in the evenings. 
 #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolours https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/6a02ef920efa13f02231510c73198794ec3fe64563d32ce58a3c6e34bfb45444.webp 
 Sunday, 21st April 2024 - Wonky Berries
My guests didn't want fruit salad for breakfast. Tim and I ate it.
#bluebells #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/55b5968941e8ea0658734ded26074e7894c21bb67e7ee1b508d150077215b4e2.webp 
 Saturday, 20th April 2024 - Trees and Bluebells

Hopefully Tim has done the last grass cut with the sit on mower before the robot is allowed out.

I have been gardening. Potting on my rampant seedlings, getting rid of exuberant weeds and planting out mysterious plants as the labels I wrote in the autumn are now blank. 

Tim added a prawn curry and homemade roti breads to the two curries I made last night. 

The bluebells are looking lovely in our hornbeam woods. I have been inspired by the Impressionist pointillism I saw at Musee D'Orsay for today's postcard.
#bluebells #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/fcd46acea704a0d5d0015094e45d47b4adf42203924e40fbd2a19e195baafda3.webp 
 Friday, 19th April 2024 - A Symbol of Long Life
 My thoughtful sister came for coffee with a box of Macarons just in case we were missing Paris.

I seem to have expanded. My jeans are just a bit tight around my wobbly waist. At least I know the reason and thoroughly enjoyed my almond croissant, Aperol spritz, baguette, roast pork in a cream sauce, wine, apple tart with caramel butter and more. 

I pruned my mint and put the cuttings in water. They have sprouted roots and a caterpillar. The caterpillar and it's mint has been put in a jar with compost. I am keeping it for Herbie to look after. He loves an insect. I have just had an internet explore to check they are insects as they have many legs but according to the Woodland Trust site they have six legs which class them as insects and up to five pairs of stumpy prolegs with useful hooks for hanging. 

We have come home to a garden with an abundance of fruit tree blossom. So pretty.
#katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/e836bc0672a46c3a06aa20e550f02546bac3c07faefefb8f3547d08883aa8659.webp 
 Thursday, 18th April 2024 - Lunch at Mignon Cafe
We were still in Paris this morning. Alex and Julia met us for a walk around Sacre Coeur. There was a street that I had read about, Avenue Junot, that had beautiful houses and the sun was shining. I really hadn't thought of taking my sunglasses. We stopped for lunch in Mignon Cafe. Being vegetarian we filled ourselves with black radish, spelt and sourdough. 

Now back at hom. I have had the most wonderful time celebrating my birthday. Thank you Tim for organising the whole trip from our 6th floor apartment in Montmartre, trains - many trains, restaurants, a gallery trip - I love a Monet painting of turkeys, the sunshine, and the surprise dinner with Steve and Zoe. What a wonderful couple of days. I love a city visit. Always pleased to come home. I miss my friends and family.
 #paris #monmatre #mignoncafe #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/cdeea17cf24943bf2b5d34202c9ff67bb0e92e74c5ff7fd877090ed0889e0544.webp 
 Wednesday, 17th April 2024 - Pavilion de Flore
 I woke to my husband bringing me an almond croissant. Perfect with a mug of tea. I bring tea bags wherever I travel. Lindsey understands the importance of tea particularly in the morning. He was up and out while I slumbered and showered. We packed our backpacks and headed downtown. It was a beautiful morning for a Parisian walk. Just adore it here. We spent the afternoon in Musee d’Orsay amongst the Impressionists. So many paintings I had only seen in books and some I had never seen. There was a Monet of white turkeys I particularly liked. It chucked it down while we were immersed  in paintings. So lucky with the weather. A Metro took us back to Monmatre. A brief freshen up, a cold glass of rose then back out for an evening of food and exploration.

We went for an aperitif. I was confused by Tim ordering two grand beers!?! Steve and Zoe were there. What a lovely surprise. We had dinner at Ma Biche which was good apart from a toilet fiasco. A wander back to the bar below our apartment to finish the evening with a Cointreau. I have heaved myself up over 100 steps of a spiral staircase to bed. Good night lovely people. 

This is the kit I take away with me.-
 #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/b983e3691e084a78c7eab988ea85bcafc9b4debc7ea25d773c115b69d6822370.webp https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/df4d4c70fd195a6b959bccfeb5a07b7edb316ba0977a23d5b5ca44d2aaa35401.webp 
 Tuesday, 16th April 2024 - View from 19 rue Gerando

 Tim has taken me to Paris as an addendum to my birthday celebrations. What a treat. Springtime in Paris. The Eurostar took us to Gare du Nord. We had a picnic on the train. My cranberry and vodka Cosmopolitan went well with a tuna and gherkin roll. What a fine way to travel. We are staying in Monmatre in an apartment on the 6th floor. 

After unpacking our undies we had an explore. Loads of bars and restaurants. We took the advice of bnb host. Dinner in Les P’tits Gros -translates as The Little Fat One!!! Wine, bread - why can’t we have bread like the French make - delicious food. After our meal we clambered up the steps to Sacre-Coeur and watched the lights dim over Paris while the Eiffel Tower lit up. Just stunning. 
 #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/3afe00477f5ba37e9cac16dad0f797ef2f5a6b7989cb1a49ecf6427ef94da01b.webp 
 Monday, 15th April 2024 - Tom and John

We have had a new flue and woodburner fitted today. Tom and John battled through wind and hail. It was a rather dusty process. The end result looks great. We look forward to many nights of warm toes.

My lovely sister came for tea this morning. We chatted about our love for our grandchildren. The rest of afternoon I spent in my studio lino cutting a fish.
 #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/a2a7a40974fb4b1c916b85250965ac40b89ed9eb6a73a4e8027222d6a97ca67a.webp 
 Sunday, 14th April 2024 - Clive and his Singer

We were five minutes late to the beer festival at The Bell & Jorrocks due to the broadcast change in time of The Archers. There were many many sides of Morris. Steampunk in black with leather, many bells and rainbows of ribbons. A lovely way to spend a couple of hours on a Sunday.

Tim has printed a map and we are planning our few days in Paris. I keep forgetting we are going and then get excited when I remember. Paris in the Springtime - so romantic.
 #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/a063321a9e61984c478e11d54bf45c03dd4c2e88fd594f821f9c68e5fa979d34.webp 
 Saturday, 13th April 2024 - Punch Club Finding Inspiration

The punch embroidery Harriet and I did yesterday was a course held at Water Lane in Hawkhurst. I chose something we had never tried before. What a wonderful way to spend a morning with my daughter. There wasn't even too much frustrated swearing. I can't really explain how you do it much more than it involves wool, canvas and a needle. Ian from Water Lane took us for a tour of the garden for inspiration. We were set up in once of the glass houses where Alice Liptrot - great name - led us through how to punch embroider. I thoroughly enjoyed myself. 

Today has been a catching up day. I haven't caught up yet.
 #waterlane #punchembroidery katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/c3e5fe580f85fe15cdd85e3bbad1ac890ece7585628fce48e9a023a94f1ad0a2.webp https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/a2c241097873544b88eb151aa1ee4eb48555fa395c24177ec9d813b96c556e7d.webp 
 Friday, 12th April 2024 - Frittilaria

Tim looked after, fed, entertained, fed and entertained, Hetty, Raffy and Herbie while Harriet and I spent a morning together at Water Lane doing punch embroidery. It was a birthday gift to Harriet and myself. I will blog in more detail tomorrow. I have been for a walk with Tim, Tony and Wendy that ended up at a drinking session at The Ewe and Lamb and feel a little infused with white wine.

We have a path into our woods that is speckled with Fritillaria for a very short couple of weeks in Spring.
 #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/b525272dce6c5660d6e0bf37b9928c1739eeb577b6f88e01f61fe1d16f68e29b.webp 
 Thursday, 11th April 2024 - Woodland Partners

 The bluebells in our woods are coming out alongside the wood anemone. They look lovely together.

Tim and I have been planning our trip to Paris. We met with Alex and Julia (from Toronto, that’s where we met them) at The Woodcock with Sarah (who is Julia’s cousin, that’s how we know them) and Nigel. They have been living in Paris and had some good tips and where to eat and what to see. We have added it to our two and a half day itinerary.

This evening I went to a WOKAS get together. The subject was to make a Picasso pot. My efforts were abysmal and ended back in the clay bag. I had a charming evening nevertheless.
 #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/ddfc73f6ad2723f5d84018af537614f4649abc66d58c40630872dd9d876ba38f.webp 
 Thursday, 11th April 2024 - Woodland Partners

 The bluebells in our woods are coming out alongside the wood anemone. They look lovely together.

Tim and I have been planning our trip to Paris. We met with Alex and Julia (from Toronto, that's where we met them) at The Woodcock with Sarah (who is Julia's cousin, that's how we know them) and Nigel. They have been living in Paris and had some good tips and where to eat and what to see. We have added it to our two and a half day itinerary.

This evening I went to a WOKAS get together. The subject was to make a Picasso pot. My efforts were abysmal and ended back in the clay bag. I had a charming evening nevertheless.
#anyathegardenfairy #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/897a29f7cb0aec71c23f8cdedc69adb0b2b9d011cd8163410bf160155e58a70c.webp 
 Tuesday, 9th April 2024 - Jam Jar Posy
After Tom keeping me up late celebrating last night I managed to rouse myself ready for my second day of being 60. Elizabeth and Keith drove to us from a field in Frittenden in their individual camper vans. The wind in the night caused them to not have the best nights sleep due to wobble. They joined us for bacon sandwiches - some topped with fried eggs - yuk. I highly recommend pineapple chilli jam. It is an excellent pairing with bacon. 

Tom packed up his car and Fable. He is now back in Northampton beavering away with work after a couple of days abstinence. It has been good to have him home for a brief and charming visit. I will miss him, Fable and his playlist.

Tim and I dragged ourselves out for a walk. We felt so much better after being blown at with a cool wind and squelching about through the mud. I still haven't mended my damn wellies.

It is very quiet at home. I have started preparing for an art exhibition. All my ideas are in my head swimming about. I need to start getting them out and onto paper. I love doing my postcards but am looking forward to making something bigger.

Part of one of my birthday presents was a jam jar posy made by Astilbe and Sorrel. Sophie is an artist when it comes to flowers. They are beautiful thank you.
#the100dayproject #astilbeandsorrel #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/499f5dc768882b413f6d9ea8d4934e30a87c3f57d879e4f75123cf1c6d44146b.webp 
 Monday, 8th April 2024 - Happy 60th Birthday to Me
 I am 60!!

I am typing drinking sparkling wine with my son listening to Dexys Midnight Runners - loved that band - what happened to them?!? Moving onto Rag and Bone Man - loving my birthday.

I have had the most glorious birthday. It started with a hot shower followed by croissant and coffee in the garden. It was the most sunny weather and a I had a walk with my son, husband and sister with dogs around Sissinghurst. 

I was opening presents outside when Elizabeth and Keith dropped by. We opened a bottle of bubbles - it's my birthday!!! I AM DOING TO PARIS The most beautiful present from my husband.

Harriet, Hetty, Raffy  and Herbie turned up with birthday cake. 

Thank you to all my glorious friends who came this evening to The Bell and Jorrocks to celebrate my birthday. I think I like being 60.
#the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/e14d5b4fc86281d0787ad8fb29e860ca338f6cc7f611f13bd0ebce3f298e7948.webp 
 Sunday, 7th April 2024 - Auricula

I have started my birthday celebrations early. I have had a wonderful day with Harriet, Hetty, Raffy, Herbie, Tim and Tom at The Rare Breeds Centre in Woodchurch. I wanted to celebrate my 60th birthday with the grandchildren doing something that we would all enjoy. The greatest joy is watching them having fun, exploring and learning. Harriet made an amazing and thoughtful picnic. I felt very spoilt. Thank you my gorgeous family for sharing my 'big' birthday with me.

I planted auricula tiny plug plants back in the autumn. They are now looking big, healthy and flowering in my greenhouse waiting for a theatre. I love an auricula.
#the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors 
 Saturday, 6th April 2024 - Wild Purple Orchid for Happiness

I have prepared and cooked the same breakfast for guests for the past four mornings. I will probably be up frying eggs tomorrow as it has become embedded in my daily routine. I need to find some exercises to strengthen my back. Bending cleaning the rooms makes my back grouchy and spasm. 

Tom has arrived for my birthday celebrations that start tomorrow. Fable needed a walk after being sat in the car for over two hours. I wore wellies and strode happily through the mud and puddles until I remembered I had not fixed the hole in my right boot! We posted my latest postcards, spotted a coterie (new collective noun for me to learn) of purple orchids and walked past The Bull. We opened beer and wine back at home. I reduced our egg mountain by making cheese and mushrooms omelettes. Well done hens.

There are load of entries on the internet about purple orchids. A lot to do with the double tubors. You can look that up yourself as I can't bring myself to put it in print. I will stick with the more pleasant symbolism of purity, prosperity and happiness.
#the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/e37275b20fb6e909e918f398de5c0d637dde7ea42215df1dd7e814f1714d70eb.webp 
 Friday, 5th April 2024 - Wild Violets for Healing

A lovely friend bought me coffee at Water Lane this morning. Thank you lovely lady. I popped by my sister's but she wasn't home so I went to the supermarket and got breakfast provisions for guests. Tescos had pots made from recycled fishing line and nets which looked perfect for Harriet's flourishing plants. I messaged her and while waiting for a reply went back to Lindsey's who had returned home. We sat in her summer house which seems to be a nursery for queen wasps and drank tea and ate digestive biscuits watching the wind blowing Fritha's ears about. 

There was a message on Instagram saying that the florist at Hartley wasn't open today due to being unwell. Today's postcard is going to Sophie. Wild violets are good at healing sore throats, coughs, inflammation and yin deficiency. The leaves are full of vitamin A, C, rutin and quercetin. Not knowing what was wrong with Sophie I thought maybe she had one of the ailments.
#the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/286e57a90683fb2c1a198132122a55c12bb2af147c67e3b631f147b2a65e031b.webp 
 Thursday, 4th April 2024 - Chancing the Traffic

I have been catching up with 'stuff' today. It is very satisfying to get to the bottom of the laundry basket. Simple pleasures.

Tim and I called into Mike and Pippa's for tea. Mike suggested a walk up the road to The Print House. At 5pm I wondered if it seemed too early to be having a white wine spritzer. I had two and they were thoroughly enjoyable.
#the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/df8ab9dd165a3d145376b830b96eb22cb654d3206c6dd7f8e6a467624965e260.webp 
 Wednesday, 3rd April 2024 - Driving Home

Happy 29th birthday to Harriet. Wow, where did those years go.

Tim and I drove to wish our amazing daughter a happy birthday. Tim donned his work clothes and painted doors and walls in Harriet and Brett's flat. Harriet served us all coffee and pastries. Herbie delivered Harriet's birthday presents. Tim and Brett were painting at such speed they ran out of paint. Harriet, Herbie and I took to the shops to find more paint and more food. Conversation in the car was varied from handbrakes and gears to emotions and adventures. I was very pleased with my purchase. I bought a whole salmon reduced from £35 to £3.50. It is now chopped up and in our freezer. Herbie helped me choose a plant for a friend who very sadly has recently lost their very much loved dog. It has been a good day.
#the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/84f91123291d0ef0d46d0e8a26f58ca81134a0083cc042a6b0ee3faf98e34cff.webp 
 Tuesday, 2nd April 2024 - Window Shopping in Cranbrook

On our last trip to Cranbrook Sarah and I vowed to try a different coffee venue after a grumpy greeting at Wendy's. We both forgot and ended up having very good coffee and a very needed half a bacon roll with chilli jam. We have become creatures of habit. It is comforting and means we can get to the nitty gritty of conversation about life in our happy space. Another regular haunt is the charity shop. There was nearly a bust-up with Sarah and the manager over the price of a stack of plates. I left them to it and pretended to be very interested in the clothing. I found books and a game for Hetty, Raffy and Herbie.

Once back home I had to reinstate my bnb rooms after the grandchildrens visit. Now all clean and pristine ready for today's guests. They have been before so I didn't get my usual guest arriving nerves.

The fridge is full of tasty bowls of bits of pieces left over from the weekend meals. I think I will have cold chicken followed by rice pudding and rhubarb. I made a triple sized rice pudding thinking it would be popular but none of the grandchildren liked it. Tim and I are making a valiant attempt at eating it.

Tony and Wendy picked us up for a drink at The Bell and Jorrocks, they were closing at 8pm so we went onto The Milkhouse, they were closing early too. We were extricated from two pubs in one evening!!!
#the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/0ca362b5bad9091ce373791929c4468f9ce00d6537bb0817b5ea3bd094040334.webp 
 Monday, 1st April 2024 - Coaltit Rescue

 Croissant at breakfast fuelled the grandchildren. Coffee fuelled the grandparents. It was a busy day again with Hetty, Raffy and Herbie. Raffy was out on her bike, Herbie helped move soil with his digger, Hetty pottered on her sprained ankle and rescued a coaltit that got trapped in the utility room. When it rained we took refuge at the kitchen table to play Happy Families which caused laughter and arguments and a bit of cheating as all the best card games do. The house is eerily quiet now the grandchildren have gone home.  We will miss them and their bouncy ways. 
#the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/51282e4fa6fb0fc7a1b65a44a5f450cecfabf6e0a04dfe6f530843e096670b98.webp 
 Text based only today? Too tired from the grandkids I imagine 😄 
 Can’t find how to edit after posting. I forgot to attach the picture  
 Sunday, 31st March 2024 - Chicken Inspection
Raffy and Hetty were up at 6am in the garden searching for a pheasant that had woken them up. They found him and his two female friends. We have had a lovely day. There has been an Easter egg hunt, Tim fixed up a bike for Raffy. She did circuits of the garden and church. Herbie and Hetty helped with with chickens, pulled rhubarb and weeding, watering and entertaining their Grandma. Tim built electric circuits with Herbie. The dining room has been turned into a hive of activity. Raffy is making a board game, Hetty crafting cards and found a box of Barbie's and a couple of Ken's that she found very amusing. An old box of Duplo littered the kitchen floor and still has hours of play appeal. The weather has been perfect for spending time in the garden. I feel very privileged in many ways. Tim and I are shattered!!!-
#the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors 
 Saturday, 30th March 2024 - Den Building
Happy birthday to my brother. Your card is in the post!!! I could blame the delay of the manby bank holidays ... but ... I admit it is to my negligence  on my part that your birthday will not drop on your doormat for your birthday day. I do love you though.

We have the grandchildren staying tonight, possibly tomorrow. We are having a wonderful time. The weather has been sunny and dry and the garden has been explored, the chickens cuddled and a new den being built. How privileged are Tim and I. It maybe an early night as the bloody clocks change!!!

 Friday, 29th March 2024 - Tending his Flock
Tim and I dropped our bnb guest at Benenden School to continue with his film making. The roads to the market in Tenterden were unusually quiet. No schools. Bank Holiday and it was before 9am. I was hoping for a floriferous encounter. We did get some polyanthus but otherwise I was disappointed. The fruit and vegetable stall was a much more successful venture. We came away with cauliflower, garlic and enormous oranges. We had coffee and biscuits made by Pippa at Caxton Cottage. Coming home a shepherd was checking on his lambing ewes. Such a lovely scene for today's postcard.

I am heading upstairs shortly to change into a skirt. We are going for a 'pot' supper at June and Barry's. I will let you know about the 'pot' tomorrow.
#the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/bd528b31ddb49633d5dbbc1f39690ff2be17642642f5197746237f93884106ad.webp 
 Thursday, 28th March 2024 - Cats and Dogs

I took advantage of a brief interlude in the rain to cut some daffodils, selecting ones that hadn’t been ravaged into frilliness by slugs and snails, for a last minute guest’s bedroom. 
#the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/686b3375b85ddf07904071278753e0e4eec059894dd3d60ba1392aa305ff1c36.webp 
 Wednesday, 27th March 2024 - Bottle Ducks
We needed a wedding anniversary card and a wedding card. Rather than send shop bought ones Tim and I spent an hour or so printing and making our own. We had many failed attempts with wonkyness being our main nemesis. The final cards were straightish and lovely. We make a good team. They are now addressed, stamped and in the post.

Lindsey and Fritha took me for a muddy walk (thank you for the wellie loan) past goats, into the Magic Woods and by a pond with ducks. I love a duck. Lindsey has her Easter Tree up and decorated. It looked beautiful and I left with Easter Tree envy. I came home, got my secateurs and now have some twigs in a pot ready to be decorated while I watch Dragons Den.

#the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/504fd1b7aa63797923d09beb731c783886ca3c8c71b8c3d2a921ce86c3e7ba14.webp 
 Tuesday, 26th March 2024 - Heart and Home in Lewes

Tescos delivered Easter eggs for the weekend treasure hunt with the grandchildren. I just hope it doesn't rain on Sunday. Pippa whisked Linda and I up to Lewes for an adventure. We met June in Cafe du Jardin for, yes coffee, and cake. June took us to her new space in the Lewes Antiques Centre where she sells her vintage homewares. What an amazing place for a rummage. June's room is beautifully curated but I would expect nothing less from her. Well worth a visit. 

I am just back from The Halfway House after book group. The lasagne was just what I fancied. We couldn't full discuss our last book The Lost Bookshop by Evie Woods due to lambing curtailing reading time. It wasn't on the top of our list for a book to read.

I did get some inspiration today about what pictures I will do for an exhibition I am in later this year.-
 #the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/fee7d2588645cf2ac24d05d3a564d719646b161040e8a57752906d88caa6f82d.webp 
 Monday, 25th March 2024 - Shelf Building

This afternoon The Viridians met at Wendy's. Clive and I sat at the kitchen table. Leelee and wendy set up their easels. Oils, watercolour pencils, Indian ink and lino cuts were produced over a few hours. I love my afternoons with my art friends.

At the weekend Tom's friends Steve and Andy helped build some shelves. They are now holding Tom's cycling 'stuff'. It good to have good friends.
 #the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/221833875b5630dd059b5bee63b3732bfec9f36dfc80316830c04faf2c53bc1e.webp 
 It was a wonderful weekend thanks mum for the time and energy spent with me 🥰

 Great to see your home in it’s final stages  
 Sunday, 24th March 2024 - Dinner on a Box

We are home from our weekend in Northampton. It's a long motorway drive and the Dartford Crossing was crawling slower than snails pace. The hedges on the country lanes were full of clouds of blackthorn blossom - so pretty.  It has been a wonderful few days. We met some of Tom's friends. It's good to put a name to a face. Tom made us all spaghetti with beany bolognese and a less spicy tuna version for three year old Robin. Tom's table is still under dust sheets. Robin was very happy to have a box for a table. I felt suddenly emotional and sad as we left - it was quite painful.
 #the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/54718e08288601836cd82b50df0c687ea2250d1ef4fd31493aca90973b4cee73.webp 
 Saturday, 23rd March 2024 - Happy 80th Birthday Terry

It's been a good day in Northampton. Tim has done loads of DIY, clearing, shelf building, wiring and painting. I have done some interspersed with walking with Tom, Fable and shopping in an International supermarket that was crammed with fruit and vegetables I have never seen before. Tom and I bought garlic and mushrooms. I hope to return tomorrow for a deeper explore and take Google translate with me for the ingredients lists.

As I type I am drinking tea with Tom and his mate Steve mulling over the pro and cons of social media. After a couple of glasses of wine it makes for interesting discussions. Earlier shelves were built that fit into an alcove to be filled with, no not books, bike 'stuff'. Fair enough it's not my home. Tom cooked a very delicious beany bolognese that fed 

Tom's good friend was 80 today. We met him in the park this afternoon with Charlie and Jack. Happy 80th birthday Terry.
 #the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/a0c6bde0519f9fff7bf81fafee8bfeb947377e016c0949c661beab19804fff22.webp 
 Friday, 22nd March 2024 - Nine Chimneys Lane

We have spent a good many hours on the road today. First 
a stop in Balsham near Cambridge to collect a couple of radiators from ex student and colleague of Tim's. We had lunch in a very pretty pub called the Black Bull. The butchers is now a bakery and sells lovely cakes. We got a variety of four and headed into the county of Bedfordshire to see Dave and Josie who added tea and coffee to the cake. Back in the car to Northamptonshire.

After an excellent take away curry I am sitting typing at a fold out table in Tom's house in Northampton. Tim and I are spending a weekend doing DIY a bit of decorating and gardening.-
 #the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/3725e14b1946adf80f160f0d850c5a9c8f3647a603467da9eb907417bcb3a0f5.webp 
 Thursday, 21st March 2024 - Bouncy Triplets

I filled the kitchen with ironed shirts while my guest ate breakfast. I feel like I have a new wardrobe. I wore one out to lunch with Nick and Alli to celebrate a belated birthday. The Little Bull in Brenchley does a good bacon sandwich. We were near Si and Lesley's home and were welcomed with tea. Si had been up since 2am on lambing duty. There was no action in the lambing shed. Si kept occupied by making a Victoria sponge, chocolate eclairs and florentines for us to have with our tea. Amazing. Just as we were finishing our tea a ewe went into labour. I have been watching via the Lambcam at home. I got to see the real thing today with sound. After a lot of baaing a lamb arrived and the ewe sounded like she was purring to her new arrival. Such a lovely sound. What a privilege to see. 

I watched these triplets, who were less than 20 hours old, leaping all over their very patient first time mother. Very adorable. -
 #the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/b738947f7a31c4a1a4467e67d52970dc2e1136a32f0401896a65b024bf62943b.webp 
 Wednesday, 20th March 2024 - The Mill

I collected a basket full of eggs from our hen house. Two I poached for my bnb guest. While he was at the breakfast table I packed the car ready for a day in Wickhambreaux. Tim settled into The Mill snug for a meeting. Harriet and I collected a very cuddly Herbie from school. We took him to The Ivy Barn for refreshments. We topped up our vitamin sitting outside. It was lovely. 

My postcard today goes to my son-in-law Brett. He has done an amazing restorating No 6 The Mill and now working on No 5. What a talented man. I am so proud of what Harriet and Brett achieved and look forward to their next chapter in life.
 #the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors https://nostrcheck.me/media/18d26089c0617d1b68bd08dfef065cf5eb5316a97eee1c0014d079ed3a6bc815/b87edf696068bf653088abb0c1630a3c9b063c76e346c386b4222c3e5a73ff1f.webp 
Tuesday, 19th March 2024 - Phoebe and Gay

What a delight to wake up to a day without rain. I met my friend Gay and her granddaughter Phoebe for coffee, tea and croissant in Cranbrook with Peppa Pig. I always carry a drawing pen and paper with me. Phoebe did a lovely energetic drawing which included some serious dot making.

Tim had just finished strimming our grassy tufts when Sarah-Jane and Beachie turned up for a mug of tea. We haven't seen them for ages. We caught up on health and family news. I love a medical matter. 

I have been getting some lovely messages from people I have sent my postcards. So pleased they are being well received.
 #the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors 
 https://nostrcheck.me/media/134743ca8ad0203b3657c20a6869e64f160ce48ae6388dc1f5ca67f346019ee7/nostrcheck.me_7495423977299155541710797728.webp -
Monday, 18th March 2024 - Muscari for Creativity

A rather sore Tom (following his cycling escapades - so pleased he didn't break anything) and Fable stayed last night. They are pleased to be back together again. We chatted while I made 'The Best Vegan Lentil Shepherd's Pie' for dinner with Lottie this evening. It had an ingredient I had never used before, Tamari. Beware it is very very salty. This was negated by a topping of potato and cauliflower.

I left chocolate brownie cooling for my bnb guests to join The Viridians. I was restricted by time having to return home to greet guests. I must admit I was rather proud of myself having managed to make a linocut interspersed with tea and Alison's homemade cookies. I find their company inspiring. I was tempted to add a touch of watercolour to my print but decided it is going to be sent to a male friend and monochrome seems more masculine. Possibly sexist. My postcard. My decision. My opinion.
 #the100dayproject #katesconnectedpostcardproject #apaintingaday #katerundell #artblog #dailyart #instaart #instaartist #watercolour #artoninstagram #artofinstagram #painting #watercolourpainting #blogger #dailyblogger #winsorandnewton #instadaily #danielsmmithwatercolors