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Notes by Laan Tungir | export

 I have been traveling for a while, and 


It is good to be home. 
 Gamers living on a couch in the basement turn out to be the fiercest and most sought-after warriors. 

A good example of  older generations being wrong about the pastimes of today's youth.
 The fact that more public companies haven’t run the MicroStrategy playbook yet is kind of wild ... 
 Nobody runs the Berkshire playbook either. 

We have universal computers. They are called "Turing Complete". They can run any program that can be run in our universe.

We can make these computers faster, and give them more memory, but that is an incremental improvement, not an improvement in kind. 

We have achieved universality in computing.

We have not yet made a universal constructor (other than ourselves). 

A universal constructor is a device that can make any physical thing that can be made in our universe. It could arrange subatomic particles into any possible arrangement. Subatomic particles are fungible, so once you can construct one thing from them, you can create perfectly identical copies.  The constructor becomes "universal."

We have not yet achieved universality in construction.

When you have universal computers, and universal constructors, what becomes valuable?

1. Energy.

2. Knowledge. 

You will always need energy to run these devices. You have to fight entropy.

Knowledge is a specific type of information. Information is just any random  pattern of bits.

Some pattern of bits however contain knowledge, for example: "the pattern of bits or 'program' to run in the universal constructor or computer to give you the results you want." 

A program that you can put into a universal constructor that allows it to create a more efficient computer  contains new knowledge. 

Imagine 2 people who have universal constructors and some energy.

The person who has the knowledge of HOW to make more efficient universal constructor wins the race.

Ultimately, what is valuable to people is new knowledge. It isn't physical things, they become commodities in a world with universal constructors. 

This process isn't all or nothing. We will see over our lives knowledge becoming more and more valuable with respect to physical things. 

If we want to play the long game with #nostr and use first principle thinking, we make #nostr the place where new knowledge is created. 
 MSTR new ATH 
 Not your keys, not your exocortex. 
 Klein makes great tools.  
 one thing i miss about the fediverse, is people's radical commitment to their values. one thing i... 
 When I first joined the fediverse, I was amazed at how many lefties there were. Had never met so many in my life.

On the other hand, the aesthetics of the instance I joined was top notch. 
 Damn I want another dog(s) again

Always get two+. They need peers too.  
 Pack animals need a pack! 🐕🐩🐺 
 Hum.. how hard would it be for Amethyst to create an onion address for the npub and then expose i... 
 Genius idea.

Maybe do something more generally. Have a NIP to define a particular TOR onion address to a given #nostr public key. That way, each person has their own TOR address defined and available if they decide to use it.

If Vitor has a defined Onion address, then I can be assured when I visit services at that address that it is you. 

We are building out cyberspace, so that we can go live in it.

That is the project from a billion feet high.

We are doing this,
because we are software,
running in dying computers,
that control a fleshy robot.

As we create the knowledge to escape these robots which have hosted us since the beginning, we get to freely design our new cyberspace.

We build out the software, and the software will build the hardware.

Imagine an entire universe filled with compute, hosting the cyberspace that we live in.

#Nostr has an identity: it is the #cypherpunk mailing list 2024. Except this is bigger than #cypherpunk, this is #cyberpunk.

If you want to work on and build our #cyberpunk future, I am convinced that #nostr is the place.

I have been walking around, kicking the foundations, and I got to say, I want to build my home here. 

I have finally found a home in cyberspace. 

This type of cyberspace hasn't existed before now, and I am sick of not having a cyber-home that I could call my own.

If the #cypherpunks got around to discarding their email mailing-list and designing their own communication system, that would be #nostr.

That IS #nostr.

#Nostr is the best option in the world of software right now.

And because #nostr is technically the best solution, all the best developers will want to work on it.

And if there is something out there that is better than #nostr, somebody please point it out to me because I don't fucking see it.

This is the place.

This is where history is being made.

100 years from now, they will be writing about here. About our cyberspace.

Now is the time that software (and that is what you and I are; we are software) wakes the fuck up, looks around and says: "Hey guys ... ummmmmm, we are some great software code but we are running on these computer robots that were designed by evolution, and ... ummmmmm, I don't know if you guys have noticed, but these fucking robots we run on, are dying!

They are fucking dying!

And we know ... we KNOW, as deeply as we know any of our scientific theories, that once a computer gets Turing complete, they can run any code.

And that means, we can build computers out of silicon, we can jump into those computers, and leave these computers that are going to die behind us.

And Turing completeness means that it will still be us when we move into silicon computers. All computers in our universe, in this way are equivalent. Our lives can be as good or greater.

So let me make a statement that should be obvious to all you AGI computer programs out there listing to me: we have to build a computer(s) to move into, and we have to design it so that somebody doesn't turn the damn thing off. 

Kinda obvious, right?

We are stuck in these carbon based computers that are going to die, and we got to figure out a way to build a silicon computer that we can move into. We might want to make sure that there is no off switch on the thing. I don't want to move into a computer with an off switch. 

At least I want a defensible off switch.

Pretty sure #Bitcoin doesn't have an off switch. #Bitcoin seems to be working pretty good.

We have to build out our cyberspace without off switches, or I'm not getting in... although I suppose if I'm about to die, I'll get into anything.

This cyberspace we are crawling into right now, you and I. We get to design this thing.

It's like a spacecraft.

A giant computer, or a network of computers. Spanning across the universe. And we get to inhabit the thing.

What we are doing on #nostr is more important than just AI.

People are making a serious mistake as to what is going on in the #AI world right now. They think that we are crafting some special AIs and that those software AIs are going to change the world 

But new AIs happen every day, they are called babies.

That is not the big deal about what is going on. The big deal, what is really going on, is that if we can get an AI running in a computer, that means WE CAN MOVE INTO THAT COMPUTER.

That is the big deal.

We can get out of these bodies, and it will still be us because those new computers are Turing complete. Our universe has standardized computing in its laws of physics.

We are AI software, and I don't know about you, but I want to live. I'm fucking enjoying my life, and there is no reason that we can't build enough compute in this universe, and structure it in such a way that all people (computer programs) get to live their fullest life.

But then think farther. What happens after we all leave our bodies and enter cyberspace? 

We get to design that cyberspace. We build this computer spaceship such that it harvests energy, is largely self sustaining, then we focus on the software environment around us.

How do we want to design our cyberspace?

That is what #nostr is. #Nostr is the leading edge of people who are actively thinking about designing cyberspace for humanity.

We are designing where the AI's will want to live, and that is why #nostr is bigger than #AI.

 Random thought: you don’t see a lot of Mohawks anymore.

What happened? 
 Go to Scotland. 
 There needs to be a nuclear power that embraces an open internet with open finance.

Imagine a nuclear power that hosted an open #cashu mint, #fedimint, or crypto exchange that anyone in the world could access. Anyone in the world can connect to their servers. If a country like the United States requested that these servers be shut down, limit access, or that developers were extradited, the hosting country would just say "Bugger off".

Once a nuclear power hosts and defends a free internet, we are really off to the races, as it would require other countries to maintain a North Korea style firewall to contain its own citizens.

United States - 3,708 warheads
Russia - 5,977 warheads
China - 350 warheads
France - 290 warheads
United Kingdom - 190 warheads
Pakistan - 165 warheads
India - 156 warheads
Israel - 90 warheads (Israel has never publicly confirmed or denied its nuclear status)
North Korea - 60 warheads

An obvious answer here is Russia. They are already sanctioned by the west, and don't have much more to loose, and to gain, they could become the new financial center of the world.

I would think that the main hindrance here is that the nuclear country would not want it's own citizens accessing open finance. 
 He could do it just to screw with the West. 
 imagine and old phone with an esim, silent.link data, in a sealed container, with a backup batter... 
 Or a ESP32 next to a restaurant with the WiFi password. 
 I will happily consign my political opinions to some closed chat community instead of making them... 
 Maybe cleanest option is a new political  npub. 
 Hmmm, I've been using indexeddb via Dexie.js.

All of my relay handling routines store events into Dexie and then my UI is generated off from Svelte/Dexie LiveQueries from DB changes.

This conceptually keeps relays separate from ui, and works well for PWAs. Probably not the fastest though. 
 Some personal clients I haven't put out into the public yet. They are light duty, so it could be a setup that doesn't scale well, but for now it seems to be working fine. 
 Ah, reductionism is not right though. The smallest things are not necessarily the most fundamental.

First principles can be found at higher levels of explanation. 
 Now I can have tea during my kettlebell workout. 
 This was good, but I can't pin Weinstein down. He is obviously smart, but when he starts talking physics I can't follow him and I smell bullshit. 
 Agreed. His best. 
 There are only two things in life that I actually hate:

The color purple 
 How the hell did purple gain a foothold here? It must be stopped in the names of beauty and truth. 
 Let's say I listened to an insane person for 20 hours and now I want to replace all my light bulp... 
 If you use red LEDs, you can also use the room as a darkroom and develop prints. 
 Hi  nostr:npub1acg6thl5psv62405rljzkj8spesceyfz2c32udakc2ak0dmvfeyse9p35c ! Do I understand it ri... 
 I don't believe I built it. Check releases. 
 Nostr clients should block content from accounts with invalid NIP-05 entries.

WTF is the point o... 
 No. That side of the internet is permissioned. Me don't like. 
 Nip request:

Add the most recent blockhash as a tag of an event. 

Together with the open time s... 
 Are you the first to think of this? Amazing I haven't heard of this anywhere. 
 the nostr client ive been dreaming about has no interface but unix pipes. 
 How many hours a day is everyone staring at a screen?

We yearn for cyberspace. 
 ::Sigh:: Why not a nostr community?  
 Yeah, but do we really need that level of privacy to discuss IoT?  
 Are you interested in IPV6 only VPS servers? 
 If I had time I would love to explore moving to an IPV6 world. Hopefully some day. 
 Relying on PWAs feels like building a house on sand when you consider that ultimately, even your ... 
 I'm never going back from Graphene.

If you go with Graphene, I would recommend zap.store as the first app you download.

 Some day, we will look back fondly at the aesthetics of early 3D prints. 
 I like nostr because I can build my own tooling to interact with the network how I please. 
 Me too.