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 The finanicalization of tech is ruining what people found useful about it (which is also contestable). @b92dcc07 talks about this at his #DEFCON32 talk https://jacky.wtf/links/2024/Oct/youtube-defcon32-cory-dcotorow/ 
 First Ancestry and now 23andMe. Who's idea was it to commercially collect genetic data anyway? https://arstechnica.com/security/2023/10/private-23andme-user-data-is-up-for-sale-after-online-scraping-spree/ 
 Haiti is in trouble. Need I bring attention to the lack of international aid and support? 

Oh, I... 
 @2a70c54d Sending "international aid and support" has accelerated the harms that Haiti has. What are you seeing here as that tho? 
 I plan to write more about my time helping with organizing efforts and what management has done more publicly. Maybe that'll fuck up my job prospects, but I think I'd be happy helping more people clock behavior from upper managers and spending a bit more time in the screening process - it's all work at the end of the day. 
 I'm officially looking for new work! Contracts are great as they'd allow me to be a bit more flexible; but full time work is most ideal. Remote (US). My resume lives on my site at https://jacky.wtf/work. I'm open to Ruby, Rust and JavaScript roles currently. (https://jacky.wtf/2023/10/Mh0p) 
 Watching this video of Kwame Ture talk about Haiti (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJ09Z8Bu2V4) and I have moments where I'm like "damn really?" but I'm immediately reminded that the lens in which history is taught controls how we can imagine our future.

Like he mentions Haitian influence in the freedom of places like Bolivia, Peru, Venezuela and the only requirement Haiti had was the slaves in the area were also freed. That and the immediate freedom granted to any runaway slave and it being the first (and probably only) democratic entity to actively fight for slave freedom. All of that feels fictional and impossible to imagine. Especially with the time, we're taught not to focus on anything else but what slave holders did here in the United States. Not that America was giving money to maintain slavery in other parts of the world ever since it came to be. 
 Today's the birthday of the late bell hooks. She's contributed a tremendous amount of my understanding of self, my community and the world around me. My only regret is that I hadn't spent more time reading her work sooner. (https://jacky.wtf/2023/9/WSLy) 
 One thing that bugs me about people who claim that they grok this place but then still deem Twitter as superior is the ignorance of a few things:

* Twitter has a cultural head start.
* Twitter has a dedicated team focused on making you keep using their app (advertising, marketing, content curations)
* Twitter made it hard to build alternatives through cultural inroads (and Black people def helped with this, for better or for worse)

Because of that, yes, you'll find more people, content and info on there. That doesn't make it better (that's like saying BBC is the best news source when it's heavily biased towards the State and doesn't report in an empanicpatory fashion - like grassroots journalists). The difference between here and there is that WE actually own more of the means of production (or curation) and I think that overwhelms people who weren't expecting that. 
 There's a #Haitian restaurant that's open downtown #Oakland and the name of it is tied to the indigenous history of Haiti (namely how the Taino and Arawok people helped marooned Africans find refuge in the mountains and made a shared dish in a bowl called) T'Chaka!

I've known this word but to know that it's the forming of a bond between people over liberation hits differently. 
 When I say capitalism is what corporations will defend until they die, I'm not joking:

"Dozens of unions have lined up in support of the bill, while the California Chamber of Commerce and more than 130 business groups have expressed opposition."

I hope this passes and sets a strong precedent for other states.

#labor #strike

 ha ha I think at this point I've been fully consumed by the beast known as Semantic Web. (though ... 
 @59c6c59c precisely how I feel with IndieWeb stuff lol 
 Ta’Kiya Young's shooting highlights sobering reality for Black pregnant women in America https://19thnews.org/2023/09/takiya-young-shooting-reality-black-pregnant-women/?&utm_campaign=19th-social&utm_source=mastodon&utm_medium=social  @eeef0018 @8b089599 #BlackMastodon #SayHerName 
 Free and open systems work to preserve history.