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 Someone: "AI art isn't art!!

Me: [Bweating nervously] 'W-What if I used it for inspiration? I do... 
 @af151d0b In the end art is art and where it comes from doesn’t matter.

Humans are nervous because we are afraid to be replaced. Mostly because in a capitalism we only have value if we bring monetary value to someone else:( 
 nostr:npub1ll033zrwn8kkh6c0wpv02t7345xhvqq48264ddnu5ywt5u6yv8ys5gt7nf How in the hell… 
 @af151d0b @ffdf1888 Slight of hand and misdirection. Also WD-40. 
 nostr:npub1px9prtjuza0vmqe57uy7hkhu8j8fl3kjygn9vcfq3ffjkcjc2tws4uv9r5 I hope we find out. 
 @226b9134 @098a11ae There 100% will be made a movie or a mini series about this whole thing. Because the twists and turns are crazy and has everything people want to see in a train wreck.

Just saying. 
 @3ddab33a Hmm. That thing is faster than a Switch (even overclocked), but I’m guessing the GPU isn’t as fast. I haven’t been keeping up, but the drivers etc was lagging in the past:( (yes give us Vulkan).

I wonder if someone will build a water cooling block (that connects to all chips that gets warm). Not so much for overclocking but for the coolness factor:)

Also the perf/watt numbers, any idea how they compare to A/M SoCs? Now that you can run Linux on M. 
 @b541bfe5 Never seen this before, 47 on Sunday. 
 @b541bfe5 I just got boosted for being old and stupid :)

(No hard feelings, made me laugh:)) 
 nostr:npub10p88d6myu98n0fcqknww39dlrrd6de9snw5pkadeqdu8juglyt7sugu860 I’ve never had a check bu... 
 @af151d0b They are so worse. And so insecure! I take a CC over them any day.

Writing a check for a large amount is very nerve wracking to say the least. 
 nostr:npub10p88d6myu98n0fcqknww39dlrrd6de9snw5pkadeqdu8juglyt7sugu860 I mean… it doesn’t real... 
 @af151d0b Coins end up everywhere and have virtually no value. Like the 1 cent coin here is a perfect example of why things are bad. Plus they are often quite honestly disgustingly filthy.

Bank notes are just a fiddle to deal with. Plus the idiotic notion of making all of them the same size and color here…

Nah, I find it to be a hassle to be honest. I’ve avoided cash for decades now:)

Checks, them I loathe. 
 Am I one of the few people who misses physical cash? With buying online it makes sense not to hav... 
 @af151d0b Well I have an intense hatred for coins so that might answer your question :)

I got my first plastic card when I was 15. Could only be used in ATMs. 
 Thinking about the time I suggested Mastodon to someone on Discord but they said it had a bad nam... 
 @af151d0b One of the greatest skills you can learn is to know who to listen to, and who not to. Nobody knows everything, but fools listen to fools. 
 @a61bc064 Having lived through so much computing it’s a amazing the things we have today. That tablet is so futuristic and what can be done is mind blowing. 
 @226b9134 Now my favorite ad of all time is running in my head. It’s for a McD burger I’ve never seen in the states. It’s a Mexican themed one (so TexMex really) called El Maco.

The ad is just super stupid with some Mexican movie overdubbed by a crummy sounding Mexican accent that goes “ey Paco, whatcha thinking of?” in Swedish.

It’s so so so bad it’s good :)

Burgers were by far the best I’ve had at McD as well. 

Sorry for the random outburst of nostalgia:) Paco is a cute little rascal. 
 @af151d0b The design hasn’t aged that poorly. Pretty neat.

I do wonder about IBM’s love for naming things with a slash in there. They so do love that. 
 nostr:npub10p88d6myu98n0fcqknww39dlrrd6de9snw5pkadeqdu8juglyt7sugu860 I just kinda looked up Minn... 
 @af151d0b It’s usually what I do too, and then interpolate a bit:)

(But I have the exact cities in this case, so I knew :)) 
 @af151d0b Made the world’s fastest computers at CDC, then the world’s fastest at Cray. Right here in the Twin Cities and in Chippewa Falls, WI.

Dude was legit a character in more ways than one. Recommend reading a bit about the guy. Hint: Tunnels.

Shame Cray ended up being ran by shit company (HP) in the end:( Equally shame that HP went from such a cool engineering company to utter trash. Fiorina was one of the most useless CEOs (and an even worse politician). 
 Has UPS changed their routing software to AI? A package from Minnesota to Minnesota is now in Illinois…

For anyone who isn’t used to the geography, they overshot by 350 miles. Roughly 560kms.

Yikes. I wonder how common this is. 
 Ow my knees 
 nostr:npub10p88d6myu98n0fcqknww39dlrrd6de9snw5pkadeqdu8juglyt7sugu860 nostr:npub1nsquk08fvz5ytmla... 
 @af151d0b @9c01cb3c They do, but corporations have much much more info about you:(

Reminds me of physical addresses (where’s the clouds, I need to yell!). Wish I could have a virtual address, and then only USPS knows where I actually live. Then if I move I only need to update that last step and we are back on track. 
 Now that the #wgastrike is likely over I can finally go back to being rightfully unemployed due t... 
 @226b9134 :(

If I may ask though. When it comes to scripts (screenplays?) is it more common that someone gets employed as a writer to write something specific, or that a writer writes something and the try to pitch it? 
 @2a724ec6 That Robin has Nightwing vibes going on.

(Why didn’t they call him Knightwing?) 
 @8336cb71 I still sometimes go “I should save this empty toilet roll for the rats”. I miss them.

(I put treats in them and stuff the sides/crinkled them up. Then they had something to chew on to get some good stuff :)) 
 The child tax credit cut child poverty in half in the US. As soon as it expired, child poverty we... 
 @7a98d510 I keep coming back to UBI, as it’s fairly simple in concept. Tax credits are often a bit messy, and I feel we need to greatly simplify taxes.

Basically minimize administration. Give UBI to everyone 18+ that’s not retired. No other tests or checks. Very cheap.

(There would be even more administrative savings if we got rid of insurance as well. What a rip off concept all around.) 
 nostr:npub10p88d6myu98n0fcqknww39dlrrd6de9snw5pkadeqdu8juglyt7sugu860 Instead of a test of master... 
 @b65192d2 And how much you rebel from dealing with a whole new rule set.

Feels like something someone could write a paper on. Like that prison experiment, but not as insane. 
 nostr:npub10p88d6myu98n0fcqknww39dlrrd6de9snw5pkadeqdu8juglyt7sugu860 Ha! Make up an alternate ru... 
 @b65192d2 Love how your brain went 180 on that one:)

Crazy idea. Come up with completely new rules for board games. Then hold a big tournament for each, but hand out the rules just before the first round starts.

(Would require a judge per game, as it do take time to learn after all.) 
 The problem with Carcassonne is that the competitive part of my brain wants to score points and w... 
 @b65192d2 Ever played it as solitaire with the only goal to make it tidy? Maybe you’ll end up enjoying that?

People are playing video games that’s pretty similar in spirit after all:) 
 @af151d0b It’s been decades since I ran Gentoo. Bet it would compile a lot faster today.

(Also we all rolled custom kernels back then:)) 
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 @226b9134 Somewhere out there, there’s someone working on a script when they should be writing software. 
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 @af151d0b The lack of colors and animation saddens me. Could have made it even more fun :) 
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 @b541bfe5 Never seen this before, 47 on Sunday. 
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 @9c01cb3c @af151d0b Ah yes, 2FA. Where it’s technically more secure and all of a sudden more fragile as well. Because the real problem is, what to do when we effectively *loose* the key(s).

Which phone numbers don’t solve either, as they get swapped out. :(

(And if I give away my phone number I get spam calls as a thank you:/)