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 "Yuval Noah Harari backs critique of leftist ‘indifference’ to Hamas atrocities"

"There is no contradiction between staunchly opposing the Israeli subjugation and occupation of Palestinians and unequivocally condemning brutal acts of violence against innocent civilians. In fact, every consistent leftist must hold both positions simultaneously."

#YuvalNoahHarari #Israel #Palestine #Hamas 

 "Most Londoners think Tory mayoral candidate Susan Hall’s social media activity is racist, poll finds"

We hear you're a racist now, Ms Hall.

#SusanHall #Conservatives #MayorOfLondon #racism

 "Kicking woke ideology out of science" - a new Tory dogwhistle.

How is this different from the Nazis going after Jewish science, or the Bolsheviks' ideological perversion of science?

#science #pseudoscience #fascism #communism #ideology #Conservatives

 Back to Green Party conference, and a fringe session "Our shared commons - from land to sea", with guest speakers naturalist Nadia Shaikh and economist Guy Standing. 

An important point made my Standing is that the very idea of a 'tragedy of the commons' is an ahistorical nonsense.

#GreenParty #GPC23 #NadiaSheikh #GuyStanding #Commons #TragedyOfTheCommons 
 I'm now Covid and flu-jabbed for the coming winter.

This is good, but why do residents of a well-serviced town with ~15k residents have to make a 50km round trip by car to a small village pharmacy in a neighbouring county to get their vaccinations?

#Covid #flu #vaccination 
 If Israel and Hamas are "at war", there can be only one winner, and very many losers. 

Please let it end quickly!

#Israel #Palestine #Hamas #Gaza 

 Green Party deputy leader Zac Polanski speaking now at conference. He talks of identity, or rather the complex tapestry of identities that make up individuals and communities.

Well said, Zac!

#GreenParty #GPC23 #ZacPolanski #IdentityPolitics 
 "Surprise attack"? How does Hamas manage to prepare 5,000 rockets for launch without Israeli military intelligence knowing about it?

The consequences for Palestinians are likely to be horrendous.

#Israel #Gaza #Hamas 

 "I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Cars having to do 20mph on the Tower Bridge Road. Men who aren’t allowed to see their kids – they know why – taking 19 goes with an angle-grinder to disable a camera in Chingford … All those moments will be lost, like tears in rain..."

#MarinaHyde on twat with a podcast #LaurenceFox.

 Green Party conference is hybrid in-room/online, and, despite some teething issues with online voting on amendments from the floor, it's working pretty well even in the first plenary session.

The chairing of this technical session is very good.

#GreenParty #GPC23 
 nostr:npub1cfpda8cq42mt3ds0a8kjndhat7dwkmvjah7j7l3m006e3er23xdsu394fe A by election being caused ... 
 @b0cf41c4 The way in which the party initially handled the incident might dissuade folk from voting for the party. At least this time. 
 Almost entirely absent from the coverage today of the Rutherglen by-election is the cause of said election, and reason for much constituency dissatisfaction with the SNP: the public disgrace of former MP Margaret Ferrier. 

#Rutherglen #MargaretFerrier #SNP #Labour 
 As a slogan, "No new oil and gas" is like "Brexit means Brexit", only it actually means something.

#CarlaDenyer #GreenParty #GPC23 
 Stonking leaders' speech at Green Party conference, following a warm-up from Caroline Lucas MP and her hopeful successor in Brighton, Sian Berry.

 nostr:npub1cfpda8cq42mt3ds0a8kjndhat7dwkmvjah7j7l3m006e3er23xdsu394fe What a terrible thing of Su... 
 @3bc2ddc0 Sunak is a terrible person. 
 "Belgian transgender deputy PM urges Sunak not to join ‘the real bullies’"

Well said, Petra. Attacks on trans folk have climbed to a record high, no doubt fuelled by comments by politicians and the media. Whatever one's views on sex and gender, always remember that we're talking about real, vulnerable human beings.

#trans #PetraDeSutter #RishiSunak

 "Jailed Iranian activist Narges Mohammadi wins 2023 Nobel peace prize"

Congratulations to Narges!

#NobelPeacePrize #NargesMohammadi #Iran #WomanLifeFreedom #women

General change from 18.6% ... 
 @b55ee24c Is that a national poll, and if so how sampled? Labour's 18.6% translated to a single MP, and it's still an enormous leap to extrapolate from Rutherglen to the country as a whole. Still, congrats to Michael Shanks on his victory. He certainly worked for it! 
 After all the nonsense with the Tory turd-polishing fest, and the Tweedledum and Tweedledee party conferences, note that the Green Party of Englandandwales conference begins today in Brighton, and that of Plaid Cymru in Aberystwyth. The Green Party supports independence for Wales.

I shall be taking part in the Green Party conference online. Every member is entitled to attend, and all participants have a vote. How's that for party democracy?

#GreenParty #PlaidCymru #Wales 
 After all the nonsense with the Tory turd-polishing fest, and the Tweedledum and Tweedledee party conferences, note that the Green Party of Englandandwales conference begins today in Brighton, and that of Plaid Cymru in Aberystwyth. The Green Party supports independence for Wales.

I shall be taking part in the Green Party conference online. Every member is entitled to attend, and all participants have a vote. How's that for party democracy?

#GreenParty #PlaidCymru #Wales 

Interesting piece, Sean, but extrapolating from a single by-election forced by the public disgrace of a sitting MP to a landslide victory across the country is a bit of a leap. Is there reliable polling to suggest that the entire nation will go Scottish Labour (Optional Identity Mark) at the general election?

#Rutherglen #Labour #SNP 
 I understand that 'Scottish Labour' (Optional Identity Mark) now have a second MP in the English parliament. For the next few months at least. Congratulations to Sir Keir.

#Scotland #Labour 
 "It is concerning to watch UK disengage from the world, says Irish PM"

I rather think there will be many Irish folk who are entirely happy with this development.

#Brexit #Ireland #LeoVaradkar #BritishImperialism

 Musk's Saudi investors are going to be fucking furious.

#ElonMusk #Twitter

 "HS2 will not extend to Euston without private funding"

Otherwise, a bus replacement service will ferry passengers between Euston and Old Oak Common. 

You heard it here first.

#HS2 #Euston #OldOakCommon 

 nostr:npub1t3d0yc2kmf6qqcd7tg63smeg7r9xdvea734kr9mmklfdvuk0f2wszwqnlg nostr:npub1cfpda8cq42mt3ds0... 
 @8db42c9e @5c5af261 Totally agree. I just wish there were more than a couple of Linux distributions designed for mere mortals. 
 RIP Alan Rea, teacher and adult educationalist.

#WEA #AlanRea #AdultEducation

 If your computer won't upgrade to Windows 11, just put Linux Mint on it and continue using it. Do... 

Other Linux distributions are available. Very many. Oh yes.

(I've been using Linux since Slackware was installed from a bunch of floppies.) 
 In his speed to the Tory turd-polishing fest yesterday, Rishi Sunak 'joked'...

"Nicola Sturgeon wanted to go down in the history books as the woman who broke up our country. But it now looks like she may go down for very different reasons."

Isn't that Contempt of Court in Scottish law, where it applies from arrest, and not charge as in Englandandwales? 

Could RishGPT be extradited to Edinburgh?

#RishiSunak #NicolaSturgeon #PoliceScotland 
 "RishGPT veers between dull and delusional in Tory conference speech" 

"He just sounds awkward. Detached. Words tumble out in more or less the right order but they are drained of emotional intelligence. He’s bet the house on himself and he can’t even connect with himself. He merely sounds patronising. Condescending. Listening to him speak is an ordeal."

#RishiSunak #RishGPT #CPC23 #JohnCrace 

 "Court grants permission for Liberty legal action against Home Secretary"

...for signing-off anti-protest legislation that was previously rejected by Parliament.

#PublicOrderAct #SuellaBraverman #ProtestBans #StatutoryInstrument

 "Rutherglen and Hamilton West: Voters go to polls in by-election"

To those thinking of voting Labour today...

It really isn't worth the effort. Find something more productive to do with your time.

#Rutherglen #Labour 

 That helmet's nowhere near massive enough for the Reverend Robinson.

#CalvinRobinson #HatePreacher #GBNews

 This is now the fourth week of next door having their patio repaved, and the builders are using every conceivable power tool under the sun to carry out the infernal work. I work from home exclusively, and the OH hybrid.

The neighbours never even notified us what was going to happen. Bastards.

That's broken Britain for you.

What's Rishi Sunak going to do about it?

Eh? EH?


#BrokenBritain #NeighboursFromHell 
 nostr:npub1cfpda8cq42mt3ds0a8kjndhat7dwkmvjah7j7l3m006e3er23xdsu394fe The attention seeking littl... 
 @4732ce8e May Laurence Fox's incontinence spread south. 
 "Laurence Fox arrested after video showing police in his home shared on social media"

What a tart.

#LaurenceFox #Ulez

 "Escape from the rabbit hole: the conspiracy theorist who abandoned his dangerous beliefs"

Good for Brent Lee.

Reading Brent's story, and others, it seems to me that belief in conspiracy theories is an environmentally-induced psychosis. And, as Brent shows, it is curable.

#ConspiracyTheories #BrentLee #QAnon #psychosis

 "I hear you're a trans-hater now, prime minister."

#RishiSunak #transphobe #trans #CPC23

 nostr:npub1cfpda8cq42mt3ds0a8kjndhat7dwkmvjah7j7l3m006e3er23xdsu394fe I'm going to have to resort... 
 @0b31d3d7 I have a toilet to clean. 
I can't stand any more. I ... 
 @0b31d3d7 Look after yourself, Heather. I could endure no more than 10 seconds. 
 I see that Akshata Murty is the warm-up act for him indoors at the Tory turd-polishing fest in Manchester. Nauseating stuff, it is.

#RishiSunak #CPC23 
 nostr:npub1cfpda8cq42mt3ds0a8kjndhat7dwkmvjah7j7l3m006e3er23xdsu394fe Christ, what a strange story. 

Richard Dearlove is a very strange chap. 
 Judicial review incoming...

"If Rishi Sunak does not reverse the changes he announced last month, Mr Packham said he will apply to the High Court to challenge this in a judicial review, arguing that such a delay is unlawful given the Government is required to follow a series of carbon budget plans on the way to becoming net zero by 2050."

#NetZero #ChrisPackham #RishiSunak

 "Top science journal faced secret attacks from Covid conspiracy theory group"

"A conspiratorial group of extreme Brexit lobbyists mounted an extraordinary campaign against one of the world’s most prestigious science journals"

To think that fruitcake Richard Dearlove once headed England's foreign intelligence service.

#Nature #Covid #ConspiracyTheories #ClimateDenial #Nature #science #RichardDearlove https://bit.ly/3ZWtiU1

 We are, apparently, in "World Space Week", but I have no idea what that actually means in practice.

For our planet, Terra, every week is World Space Week. It hangs there, in space, for billions of years.

 Vitaly Milonov, Russian politician...

"Human evolution involves good mutations and bad ones. The good ones improve their vitality, and the bad ones - such stupid Neanderthals - slowly die... I'm talking about Ukrainian statehood and the national idea. I deny them the right to exist. Ukraine is beautiful as cultural variations of the Russian people. But she couldn’t do it on her own."

#VitalyMilonov #Russia #Ukraine #RussianImperialism #fascism

 "Climate scientist faces sack for refusing to fly to Germany from Solomon Islands archipelago | Greenhouse gas emissions"

The issue with #GianlucaGrimalda is bigger than his refusal to fly. It appears to be linked to membership of #ScientistRebellion. If Kiel IfW wishes to forbid climate activism among its employees, it should say so, and write this into HR conditions, even if this draws unwelcome public attention to the institute.

#climate #KielIfW

 Michael Gove at the Tory conference looked like he'd had a good gramme for breakfast.

#MichaelGove #CPC23 
Are you sure that's the di... 
 @9241fda4 Well, the Tory conference today was all a bit Nürnberg. 
 nostr:npub1cfpda8cq42mt3ds0a8kjndhat7dwkmvjah7j7l3m006e3er23xdsu394fe the Conservative Party will... 
 @09e8c8cd Farago is the Tories' new spiritual leader. 
 "Nigel Farage rules out rejoining Tory party after Rishi Sunak suggests he might be allowed in"

The Conservative Party is now too deranged even for Nigel Farage. 

Let that sink in.

#Conservatives #RishiSunak #NigelFarage 

 "Barging past Nigel Farage – the Tories will let in anyone these days – a fan asked Liz to sign a copy of the mini-budget. That was the moment the conference jumped the shark."

#LizTruss #JohnCrace 

 Woke this morning feeling rather discombobulated.

Got up twice in the night for a pee (pity my ageing bladder!). The first time it seemed like dawn was approaching; the second felt more like the wee hours.

There must be a wormhole in my bedroom.

#wormhole #InterdimensionalPortal #TimeSlippage #sleep 
 "Five GB News Men Accused of Sexual Impropriety as Channel Engulfed by Wootton-Fox Misogyny Storm"

Includes station chief Angelos Frangopoulos, who expressed outrage at the behaviour of Laurence Fox.

#GBNews #SexualHarrassment #LaurenceFox #DanWootton #AngelosFrangopoulos #misogyny 

 "EU proposes €5bn military aid package for Ukraine after ‘historic’ meeting"

Europe acts where America slacks.

Yes, I know that's unfair, but it's justified given the recent farce in Congress.

#Ukraine #EU #US #Congress 

 I have to admit that junior minister Gareth Davies made a reasonable stab at polishing the turd that is the Conservative's record in government. His frequent nervous swallowing was entirely incidental.

Well done that chap!

#GarethDavies #Conservatives #CPC23 #Newsnight 
 Liz Truss...

"I want everyone in this room to unleash their inner conservative!"

'Cry 'Havoc!' And Let Slip The Dogs Of War'

#LizTrus #CPC23 #Conservatives #wato 
 "‘New Conservatives’ group launch campaign to include ECHR withdrawal in next Tory manifesto"

Or 'Go back to your constituencies and prepare for opposition'.

#CPC23 #Conservatives #Tories #ECHR #FarRightLoonies #LizTruss #NewConservatives 

 "Water firms want bill rises to cut leaks and spills"

Alternatively, we could renationalise the water companies without compensating shareholders who have made a killing over the past 30 years. 

Just saying.

#WaterCompanies #sewage #leaks #Ofwat 

 "Scientists whose work enabled mRNA Covid vaccine win Nobel prize for medicine"

Well deserved by Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman.

#NobelPrize #Covid #mRNA #vaccine

 "James Webb telescope makes 'JuMBO' discovery of planet-like objects in Orion"

Rogue planets such as these could be ubiquitous.

#RoguePlanets #Exoplanets #JWST

 "[M]y impression is that our former partners would welcome us back, provided – after all the rubbish they have had to put up with – that we were serious.

"However, with a Brexiter prime minister and a leader of the opposition who rules out re-entry to the EU, or even the single market, we do not look serious. That is to say, our politicians do not look serious, although polling suggests that the people are way ahead of the politicians."

Add the LibDems.


 Rishi Sunak says that his "Plan for the Farmer" will include exterminating every single beaver in England. "Enough of these hare-brained conservation schemes," he adds.

#beavers #RishiSunak

 "Labour optimistic in ‘huge’ byelection in Rutherglen and Hamilton West"

The English party goes for broke in Scotland, and, TBF, it has no other option.

#Rutherglen #Labour #SNP #indy

 "Revealed: UK government keeping files on education critics’ social media activity"

It's not just education. A number of departments operate what can only be described as blacklists of experts who have been critical of government policy. And I wouldn't be surprised if this has been going on longer than the life of the current Tory administration. 

#education #experts #blacklists 

 General Mark Milley...

"We don’t take an oath to a country. We don’t take an oath to a tribe. We don’t take an oath to a religion.

"We don’t take an oath to a king, or queen, or tyrant or a dictator, and we don’t take an oath to a wannabe dictator.

"We don’t take an oath to an individual. We take an oath to the constitution, and we take an oath to the idea that is America, and we’re willing to die to protect it.”

#MarkMilley #Trump

 "Green Party plans to double membership fees amid legal woes"

Aside from the innumerate headline, this gives the impression that the #GreenParty is in danger of going bust. It's actually growing rapidly and achieving huge electoral successes. Money is tight, not least as we don't accept corporate donations for ethical reasons. The legal case brought by a vexatious former deputy leader over our support for transgender people is serious, but ultimately a distraction.

 "Why finding alien life in Universe is now 'only a matter of time'"

Indeed, and like one of the scientists referenced in this piece, I'd be surprised if there was no life on one of Jupiter's icy moons. Europa is the most likely candidate.

#AlienLife #exobiology #Jupiter #Europa 

 "How a thinktank got the cost of net zero for the UK wildly wrong"

Tufton Street telling porkies? Surely not.

#Civitas #TuftonStreet #NetZero #ClimateDenial

 "Scientists on panel defending ultra-processed foods linked to food firms"

A panel briefing which, as the Grauniad helpfully points out, was organised by the RCP/Furedi-cult body known as the Science Media Centre.

Shocked, I tell you. Shocked.

#UPF #BadScience #RCP #Spiked #FurediCult #SMC

The Edge


 "Crooked House pub: police investigating fire arrest man and woman"

"Staffordshire police said a 34-year-old woman and a 44-year-old man, both from Leicestershire, had been arrested on Wednesday on suspicion of conspiracy to commit arson with intent or being reckless as to whether life was endangered."

Crooked House pub owners Carly and Adam Taylor are 34 and 44, respectively. They hail from Leicestershire.


 "Croydon stabbing: Elianne Andam, 15, named as girl killed on way to school"

RIP Elianne. May your memory be a blessing.


 Wherein George Monbiot reminds us that HS2 was originally a Labour project, and "the case for HS2 always was a baggage train of bullshit."

#HS2 #RishiSunak #Labour #GeorgeMonbiot

 "Michael Gambon, star of Harry Potter and The Singing Detective, dies aged 82"

Oh feck.

RIP Michael Gambon, actor.

 I see that Ken Loach is shortly to present an episode of BBC Radio 4's Great Lives, on Gerrard Winstanley, founder of the Diggers (True Levellers).

A low-life reviews a great life? I shall give it a miss.

#GerrardWinstanley #Diggers #Levellers #KenLoach

 "Now Sunak blames Covid for failing railways as he repeatedly dodges HS2 questions in excruciating interviews"

Human beings are stupid creatures who fail to learn from history. Even very, very recent history.

(That includes me, as I've momentarily forgotten the name of Sunak's immediate predecessor.)

#RishiSunak #LizTruss #BBCLocalRadio #HS2 #potholes #CarCrashInterviews

 "Sunak suggests fixing potholes is transport priority as he refuses to tell Manchester if it will get HS2"

England's prime minister has his finger on the g-spot of the nation. Oh yes.

#RishiSunak #potholes #HS2

 nostr:npub1cfpda8cq42mt3ds0a8kjndhat7dwkmvjah7j7l3m006e3er23xdsu394fe that's terrible they had to... 
 @b870d4c8 As chaps so very often do. 
 nostr:npub1cfpda8cq42mt3ds0a8kjndhat7dwkmvjah7j7l3m006e3er23xdsu394fe wtf now I like them. 
 @b870d4c8 Even though they bashed the bishops while saying that women are [insert misogynistic epithet here]? 
 nostr:npub1cfpda8cq42mt3ds0a8kjndhat7dwkmvjah7j7l3m006e3er23xdsu394fe what did fox and wooton do? 
 @b870d4c8 Wanked each other off live on air.