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Notes by victorwhite | export

 My mum-ski, she’s a survivor, soon a retiree, healthy since 1963. She’s always been a cool hippie mum, pushing cultural boundaries within the bounds of the norm at the time. Keep in mind I can’t see the future so I only know what is going on for those 27 years and younger, let’s say 27 to 13. 
 For sure it’s painful to sit and listen day in day out to the elders, it has merit & we’ll all be there one day, last in line. And I do listen with empathy. But I also know my truth, and what goes into it, I’ve now lived it. So yea it’s difficult as language is also a science and you never know what sticks and what doesn’t. But yea, I get mostly crap from my family constantly - so remember you don’t choose your family but you do choose your friends! 
 And yeah, it’s always been the same my entire life, 1-2 make it, the rest fail.  I’ve always made it. However I don’t want to live a life that’s shallow & filled with achievements, the small things matter! 
 Yup, I could sustain. #Barbados 
I can’t wait to transition out of the mainstream New Keynesian view & into the Austrian view next year. My belief was that I’d do it my way the first 2 years, then in solidarity do it the normal way until graduation as university is meant for knowledge sharing, not weaponisation, which always seems to happen..
 And yes, I don’t like the summer Olympic Games, I acknowledge it sure. 

I like the Winter Olympic Games. I belong in the italian mountains where I can learn how to make and serve Italian coffee. 

Natural selection = natural death. I say this because generally, apparently, with age (we are nice when young and mean when old),  the difficult part is living through all the crap. 

How would you feel if you had two systems in direct conflict of each other so that anything you do is essentially illegal? The same reason I’m “special” is the same reason why I’m always the first to get sacrificed, and I’m tired of it. Remember that we can only build what we see as history gets repeated day by day more or less. There is not enough for everyone and there never will be enough for everyone so we have to constantly make do with what we’ve got. Anyone with the slightest common sense would know/understand this. My peace will return when I have a family, downstream, to care about. Until then I’ll just have to leave the world behind as usual. 
 I don’t know what to do with myself. Think I’ll disappear without telling anyone, just as I suspected the world would be a much better place without me in it. 

Music was important to me because sound is the last thing that leaves the body before you die. No one knows, still after all these centuries. No one knows. Unbelievable. Fornicate, shit, piss, eat, sleep, that is all there is. Suffering & holy wars that never ever end. 
 So yeah, I’ll have my drink, that family dinner at la cabane 
 Barbados has turned into China lately with cameras everywhere sadly 
 At la cabane there are no cameras (in barbados) 
 Yup, as usual I’m excluded all alone in barbados 
 This is from the global financial system, perks of being a Barbadian citizen 
 I get it. Be the change you want to see. 
 No one likes the fence my
Mum has put up, including me, my uncle does not have a fence. Yes I live in a non gated community. 

I think it’s her madness. But, it makes her “feel” safer, this is white woman perception of safe, with all due respect.. At least her rescue dog can run freely on my land now. Yes I take responsibility for my land, while respecting 8 of the 9 good family neighbours on my street. 

Only one is a trouble maker but that’s stored somewhere before Christ at this point, obsolete. I will raise a family here at some point so yes I will never stop caring. One thing is for sure and that is that the bad neighbour trashcan will never be on my side again. It’s bad enough he is torturing his dogs, (they are suffering badly, since I arrived back home in February they have not been on a single walk, being tied up, crying at night). 
 My mum is starring to add value, she knows how to kill a rat.. She’s forgiven. 
 Barbados remains good for families!
 Missed you guys happy to be back 🫂 
 Welcome back! 
 It will all work out just fine, for a majority of people, without the risk of stagnation in development or the risk of existential threat from unwanted forces. 

My European athlete mindset (yup Europe is indeed best practice) is something I have to learn to live with, my blue flame. 

This is difficult from the aspect that I tend to make difficult things look easy, which is in itself is not bad, passing it onwards will be done with great care. 

My life, my path is by no means an easy one, and I certainly don’t want to cause a scare by publishing some of these radical thoughts. I’m very protective over small free speech as it’s a privilege we benefit from here in Barbados. 

All economies are event driven & mathematically unique. As you can see I have undergone my Wig Change in due time for France and Paris which I will watch from the comfort and safety with friends here in Barbados! 
 I’ll step back into the arena April 2, 2025. 

Until then I’m still a 
student - sure my academic freedom has been threatened multiple times. Sure I’m not perfect. Sure my individual freedoms have been taken away from me. But yea, I’m very sane, and I choose to preserve my sanity. I’m certainly more sane than the police officer, my mum (61) and old uncle Bentley (72). It’s because when they’re old they’re more dangerous, no one knows what someone is cable of as they enter their last years of mortality. 

At the end of the day I have to die on my own sword. Which in my case is death on a ski mountain, but I have also suspected the “death by vlog” scenario. 

Natural selection = natural death. For others, this natural selection may be a swimming pool or a track and field. For a large majority it’s obesity. For me, my flame remains blue and I find solace in my own truth as I brace myself for a life worthy living. I like the Winter Olympics. I don’t like this “changri-lalaland” mentality that the summer olympics continue to bring to the table. Nevertheless, I’ll continue to smile and show up. They have brought in e-sport which is good. 

Next up: back to Stockholm & finish bachelor degree in Business & Economics 🥰!

 And lastly. 
Taxes, does not work. 
Education does not work. 
God, does not work. 

The only thing that works is people. Good, bad, evil & kind. All there is is people. 

History is repeated day by day so that there are no miss conceptions once it is settlement time. And yes, they say there is no such thing as a free lunch in economics, guess we all know the answer to that question by now. 

My personal status is 27 year old boy, both blind & deaf continuing to living day to day since 2020 & my inscription at the Stockholm School of Economics as the future is uncertain.. 
 It’s difficult for those who are old as they start to realise what human nature is and how it works, obviously always too late. Never the less everyone has to die at some point. No one has escaped death, for good reason. 
 Since the cat is out of the bag: 
No, everyone should certainly not know everything. And yes, what’s going on in Ukraine is the First World War and it affects everyone. There never was enough resources for everyone in the first place. You either die (take your own life) or evolve n have kids. That’s it. #Paris2024 
 To those that are worried, you should be, worried for the right reasons that is, not the wrong reasons. 

We have Bajan-German Yan here welcoming German population (acquaint of mine) Sep-Nov. 

My broski Bajan-Dutch Yan is busy in 
London, he lives there. 

I’m here, Bajan-Swedish Victor, welcoming everyone from a neutral perspective, including Russia, including China and including United States. 

Some of us are hybrids, it is not fair, but we try to make it as fair as possible. 

Stargirl Ivanna is doing her thing in the U.K. we all love it, she is missed in Barbados..!🫧 At least I’m man enough to say I miss a friend, nothing wrong with that!

Taking hits for Barbados & taking hits for Sweden, I believe it’s called “taking one for your team”… 
 Primates on primal 😎 
 As a fellow ally I don’t like it when we don’t have a leader of the free world in place. Get it done asap, whatever the U.S. does, the rest of the world will follow.. Ahaaaa, election in November… Nice! 
 Barbados checks in. Nation and by extension world, in colour confirmed. Club olympians, thank you! ❤️‍🔥 

These are two high calibre bachelor thesis’s. One spearheaded by “Trinidad” and partner, the other by “Barbados” and partner. This implies a roughly 20 year safety period ranging from 2024 - 2044 in the public domain through the reliance on the debt based eco-system. Mother Earth, Mother Earth, Mother Earth, let’s build a world we want to live in!💜 

1. How to Draw a Circle: Investigating Relationship Management in Circular Business Companies

2. Portrait of a crypto investor
 Lastly, this is something I tell my self in times of struggle, “It’s the boundaries that we choose not to cross that defines us”. Human Development is indeed difficult. 
 No one can predict the future, least of all economists.

So, where are we? As I will detach from the global growth rate I’ve been stuck with as normal neutral boy age 14-28 coming end of March 2025. This is my worldview:

Upside down
🇦🇺Australia - Historically Prisoners and Wild West, they like to assimilate the European aristocracy. Nevertheless, they’re making it habitable on the dark side. 

🇳🇿 New Zealand - Good people, I remember my time there fondly. I’m Island person trained in Island life. Big ups the All Blacks and big ups those legends shredding this ski season (it’s always ski season somewhere). I do care about NZ, hard not to. It will always have a special place in my heart.

🇧🇧 Barbados (my home & 1st nature) - We continue to practice small free speech and we continue to be number 1, we are proud as the worlds “newest” republic. Barbados is not perfect by any means however in terms of culture, we are very good. Making days & making memories to last our visitors a lifetime. Indeed, Pride & Industry - one flies, all soars🦅. The reason I’ve chosen not to finish my degree here at UWI, is due to fairness, as most of it was done at the esteemed Stockholm School of Economics, which is why, I’ll meet my maker coming August - March. 

Downside up
🇸🇪 Sweden (my birthplace, my 2nd nature & the resting place of my father) - 1 of 2 neutral countries, good for families, part of greater Scandinavia. I’ll finish my degree, most likely amongst the last in my class in the 110th cohort, (I would not know), together with Trinidad, my mate. And take the mandatory picture once done. Hopefully in a Snow filled winter landscape☃️.

🇨🇳 China - they will be busy facilitating the 800 million people that were brought out of poverty in the 30 year stretch. Astonishing feat, we all know and love China. I have to compliment the Chinese people in the diaspora, in and around the world, I could name drop my Chinese female role models but I will not do that since I’d rather tell them to their face, how awesome they are. Within China, my admiration has shifted from Nanshan (ski) to Guangzhou (family). Go skiing, it’s a family activity!! 

🇷🇺 Russia - Autocracy. They are allowed to say no. No one wants the planet to warm, this would release their natural gas into the atmosphere, not good. It should stay frozen. However I have yet to meet a multiracial person of colour who is Russian which I hope to one day experience. I will do my best to try and fear Russians moving forward. 

🇺🇸 United States of America - Democracy, land of the free, capitalism and innovation. They continue to put the entrepreneur on the pedestal. I want to go there to visit my best friend who lives outside Salt Lake City and my Auntie in California (yup she’s ex wife of a Berkshire, lived in Hong Kong all that stuff many moons ago). Perhaps visit NYC for some friends, met a cool girl at work who invited me!🙏🏽 If it’s the will of the masters of the universe and for the allies, I could see myself help out a little bit there.

🇬🇧 United Kingdom - laws of the land, stay miserable and use Fulton Umbrellas, come back to Barbados for a relaxing vacation! I love UK, and I’d be there in an instant if needed. After all, UK is an island. 

🇮🇹 Italy - I’m very close to moving to Livigno post bachelor degree. I love it there, it’s my longstanding sanctuary in Europe. It’s where the decision was made, before I announced it to the public that I had to retire from my career in the Sport of Freeskiing, 2019. 

On Friday, the opening ceremony will be watched here in Barbados, I’ll gladly cheer for Barbados, Sweden, New Zealand, Italy and UK. It’s the one month every 4 years when we all come together as ONE ☝🏽. 

Nevertheless my flame remains blue not red, this will not change as I have been unknowingly blessed by Jean Claude-Killy, an alpine racer who still shreds at the altitude of 3452 meters in Valdi, as a 70/80 year old living legend. ✊🏽

One step at a time and remember that you are never too old to study 📚, we learn something new each and everyday, there is no such thing as a stupid question.🌴

 CNBC Squawk Pod (Neutral View)! Immediately! Hot summer drink water by order of Frozen Melting Aquarius boy in Barbados💦 

Squid King = Andrew Ross Sorkin, he is, in my opinion the real Prince of New York City 🏙️. I wish him and his family good health ♾️, perhaps one day they come vacation in Barbados, they are most welcome here! 

And Joe Kernan, he stood up for Bitcoin as an Bitcoin Evangelist, what a legend! I agree with his comment that they’d have to drag him out of there, stay strong!

Not to mention Becky Quick, a great American female voice and role model. 

It’s an hour a day and covers the most important topics/happenings Monday to Friday.

U.S. according to what’s thought bestow 1/4 & 3/4 economic share. And yea, no one can come and tow away Utah, not possible. 

The mission is to upgrade the world and leave it in a better state than it was found, you live in the economy you build.✨ 

Yes it’s true that capitalism has to work for a majority of people. 

 🤙🏽 TMI = Too Much Information. 
 Hmm.. We will see. At least it’s the most environmentally friendly technology I know of! 

 Good morning! It’s Monday, let’s get after it this entire week! 🤙🏽 
 Remember everything leaks. 
 It had to be tested globally. To conduct my education fair & square I opted out, solely relying on humans & fiat, New Keynesian. I instantly see and feel the use case for both this app as well as bitcoin. The day (end of March) my degree is over I’m doing what I’m destined to do, create. The plan was always risk on after Uni in Europe, which, btw is best practice. My practice is pretty flawless, as usual my track record speaks for itself. Bitcoin first entered my sphere of knowledge in 2014 at the price of around $100. 
 To the moon. Let the games begin. I’m pray and I do not fall. 
 I’m headed straight outside! Thanks for the reminder to breath 🙏🏽 
 Born to die 💯 
 I’m a lot worse of with mum in my life yea. I tried. No more. I’m not taking it. I’m the person that has achieved something and continue to do so. She’s just a danger to anything living in and around her vicinity. Weak ones are supposed to die out. 
 That’s it. My mum alongside 1963 will not get to see her grandkid(s) when they arrive. I’m leaving her to rot alone. Too much. God have mercy on the Barbadian population. 
 Because some people seem to be incapable of understanding the simple notion of hierarchy, this is the world hierarchy pyramid. Instant succession order. I’m still in education which falls under population control…🥱

 Was someone banned already? 
 See, mixed population samples in every, single, outcome. Good not bad blended family for sure!🤙🏽 #Disney 
 Even better, and, a pirate!🙀🥰
 Disney 100 
 Smithsonian CHANNEL 🌞 
 Evening watch through YouTube TV , for free. Link👇🏽

 Phone? Nope. Shell. #Vacay
 Lovely summer weekend in the northern western hemisphere! DRINK WATER BY ORDER OF AQUARIUS BOY!🩵
 Don’t forget to 
Like Yuh Self peoples!❤️‍🔥

 Thanks for notifying me, appreciate it, didn’t know about tracking tokens.. 
 Thank you. The first sensible move from the current leader of the free world. This is what will be known in the history books as great courage. I stay and remain a-political. 

 Most westernised countries are financed with long run perspectives in mind including the making of space in history for new kings & queens, living through one century at a time. This includes the capability to survive and re-adjust in the instance of a war time economy occurring. This is why a country is not a corporation. The painful part: in Barbados we have to understand the slave trade, it is part of our history however brutal and dark that period of time was, it lingers with us to this day just like dangerous far-right-leaning ideologies still linger in Europe. When war breaks out, everything changes quickly and radically, as it should. However, it is my belief that calling for reparations is the wrong way to go bout it, as we inherit the good and bad from previous ruling classes & generations as new ones get seated. This same reason is why every single economy on the planet is debt based through the centralised system except for Iran & North Korea, this is what Mr. Ray Dalio refers to as the economic machine. Looking back through a historical context most “hard times” were defined by nations at war (there are many different forms of war as we are more sophisticated today, commonly people predominantly care about those originating from trade, but there is also war for human rights, war for peace, war for animal rights..). These times of temporary instability are followed by good times of general peace. This is also why, those in trouble, have to knock on the door of the White House and ask for help. This in turn entail that roughly 40% of any given economy is owned by domestic family(s), where the remaining 60% can and is competed for by old and new market entrants. Thus, it is important to know which risk you and your family carry, in my case I’m Hurricane Boy (first come first served). Yes, these systems are brutal, whether we look at Russian Autocracy, Chinese Bottom Up or western (predominantly American) Top Down. Both for owners as well as for workers, by design. However it allows for those willing and able to work to build a house (piece by piece or through mortgage), get married (church & spirituality), start a family (fulfilment), retirement (our preferences tend to change with time & life experience) living with meaning (finding what you are passionate in doing for a living). It also accommodates for human development & life long learning. It is said that it takes 3 generations to cycle out the horrors of war meanwhile it takes 1 generation for a legal migrant to settle in a new country. I predominantly deal with high level risk transfers facilitating dispute resolution on a high level from an economic perspective quietly behind the curtains while ensuring & prioritising the safety of families living their life. The photo below is a picture from my old student dorm in Stockholm. While my home, is in Barbados, I come and go as I like in Europe, since I was born the glorious year of 1997 in Sweden. #SundaySharing 
 Wow, this one is absolutely beautiful! 
 No one judges a Queen with or without her family, young or old in Barbados. We are used to tourists from all over. This is Queen Street, where I eat sauce on Saturdays.☮️🩷 Hopefully police will not show up with assault rifles again, they should not do that, those are for the men and women serving in armed forces, not police, in my opinion. Historically black queens are on the right side of the street and white queens on the left. But this is old nonsense and we are culturally diverse here. Point is everyone should feel safe and welcome. #SundaySharing
 Thy heart of Aquarius, washed up on shore post Hurricane. 
 At Last - by black Queen Etta James
Frozen Aquarius ♒️❄️
 Guilty pleasure white girl, Miley Cyrus, she’s pretty cool! I once wrote a rap to the song Wrecking Ball 🤣She has a cool unique voice. (Yes it’s not breach of privacy to talk about someone, but if I were to take and post a picture of her face, this act would breach GDPR unless it is a published picture). Because so much of our lives are online and/or facilitated through digital means, it’s important that people get educated in how to navigate these policies. And I hope no one will threaten anyone when mentioning someone by name, this is best left for the rappers, a threat would be illegal, in other words common sense and don’t write anything about someone else you would not be able to say straight to their face with Small Free Speech. The process of bringing and raising new humans in this world obviously calls for sensible manners. And respect the elders, it is thanks to them we can sleep at night or not sleep and party, offer your seat!✊🏽 
 Isn’t she beautiful, Barbados…❤️‍🔥🥰
 Good Night good decentralised people on this platform! It’s my favourite for sure!❤️ Signing out for the remainder of the weekend here in Barbados aka Centenarian Island. 
 Some notes on privacy. Yes, I posted the face but from a magazine cover. I’m not posting anyone’s face without their consent in line with the General Data Protection Rule developed by the EU to protect personal data (which it is classified as if you can recognise the face in the picture). Even though we are now decentralised it is good to have some guidelines in place. 
 This photo was taken by Reco Moore. In Barbados naturally. 
 Yes, it was me that put Barbados on the map in the Winter Sport Community. I saw myself as an ambassador even though I was just an athlete, first of its kind sure. While flying the flag across the slopes around the world. 
 Me in Australia. Thredbo, Snowy Mountains. Trick: Backflip. 
 Sigh, New Zealand.. Please someone get a rumour going so that they start using Primal (this app) asap. This picture was taken in the land of the Hobbits by me. In it you see two American broskis (yes I favourise freeskiers), me and a Russian snowboarder girl!☮️
 Look, yes of course, as an industrialist I’m highly legitimately critical towards the government. Never the less she is our PM. She did write some history. Credit is due where credit is due no matter gender of global leader in question! As mentioned, she’s sitting on the shoulders of giants. Next to her is the mural of Sir Harold (more my style).  
 Someone needs to see the moon 🌚. 
 I’m humble okay. Look Jeremyn Street in London, that is where at least I recommend you buy your first reasonably priced suit. It’s cool, it’s an experience and it’s part of growing up. Charles Tyrwhitt 💯. I went shopping there with my mum.🙏🏽
 This is me. ☮️❄️🇧🇧🇸🇪 Hehe yes I suspect I aim to have a ski family even though living, having my home in Barbados…🤣 Ski trips are so cozy!🥰 I hype skiing but in reality I’m just stoked if someone even goes once, it’s the effort of the person choosing by their own choice to go skiing because they want to spend their hard earned money doing so is what amazes me every-time! Great family activity.
 This is me in a Oneskee ski suit, Easter time (family time) skiing. I’ll have my life back once my degree is finished in Stockholm!
 Yes, this is me. It is possible to Google me. I continue to live a life with the public with usual norms. I’m not a diva, just down to earth. Yes I’m on LinkedIn platform, thanks U.S. & founder Reid Hoffman!
 Barbados. This is me. Believe it or not. In my natural habitat. I’m 27 now and will ski into my late 80’s!
 Commuting in my 9-5 like everyone else. Fort Rupert is okay post Hurricane. 
 Parishes. I live in St. Lucy. A house. Yup yup. Property rights have to be taught through this platform safely. 
 I will stick to pictures. A picture says more than a thousand words. That what my mistake on the platform of Instagram. In that way intellectual freedom is best persevered here on Primal. 
 Scientific Astronomical Unit scale of Mother Earth left, Google Earth right. We can sustain. Just. Wait. So to the left, what is the name of the app? Solar System Scope in AppStore. 
 Don’t freak out but the next time you hear “macro view” respond with the words Astronomical Units? 
 I am guilty of this. Sport of Freeskiing. Natural selection, natural death is what I believe. 
 The legal name of this trick is: Cork 720 Tail Grab. I speak Freeskiing fluently. It translates across cultures. 
 Free iPhone screen saver. 
 Free banner on Primal. Will design free screen saver for iPhone asap. 
 Caricom (Caribbean Community):
I only care about 246, Barbados. 
I don’t care about the other Caribbean islands. (Prudent Fiscal Policy). It’s harsh yes, but hurricanes. See proof. I was in the eye hour by hour with the families of Barbados. Biodiversity. Opportunity in the Caribbean lies in Barbados, as has always been so through time. Most friendly people. Resilient. 
 I have growth rate naturalis in BBD & SEK. I have tried my best to be as human as possible in my consumption which ripples into societal norms. Moderate consumption.