Our school district has been taken over by whack jobs and one of the member just gave us our first book challenge in over a decade. Now we’re in a FB battle. She can’t spell but she sure is a gaslighter. Please send chocolate. #bannedbooks #bannedbooksweek #LGBTQ #libraries #librarians #help
1. So many kids checked out #books today! I was on my toes all day but worth it!
2. Wrote the first draft of a letter to my home school board strongly in support of keeping #bannedbooks in schools
3. Had tea with an old friend
@b4bd0bf7 One of our most outstanding teachers is starting another leave. She’s having panic attacks at school and crying during class. The students are challenging but nothing she hasn’t dealt with before. She’s had Covid 4 times (fully vaccinated) and I really worry that it broke her.
@ef37507f It’s sad because I used to believe in Bigfoot, I was such a dreamer. But in the age of cell phones and NOT ONE clear photo!? Naw. Maybe they went extinct…sigh…
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