Happy October.
Because there are always pregnant women, the average number of skeletons in the human body is always higher than one.
Subscribe for more disturbing and intrusive thoughts.
@9a9797e1 anytime this happens, it is because the server is having an issue with that particular file - the next iteration will be more forgiving.
But you can almost always fix it by running the file through https://tinypng.com and using the result.
The youngsters over there don't know who they are... it's sad
And they all freaked out "but you'll cost them YT views, that will hurt their monetization... etc"
@efa2e20e Oh wow - you're really not familiar?
That's like not knowing who Mao is when discussing the CCP take over of China.
Seriously, she's at the tippy top of the regime's censorship machine.
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