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 I'm very curious about the avg cost of say a sandwich vs min wage over the last half century.

I stopped at a local sandwich shop yesterday, not particularly fancy, nothing special, no meat in it or anything super costly. Just maybe slightly above average tasting toasted sandwich. It was good, maybe a tad too sweet but satisfying. 

After tax and tip it cost about an hour at Ontario's minimum wage. 

I'm curious what the cost of prepped food in relation to min wage has been historically. When I actually stopped to think about it, it seems really ridiculous that a single sandwich was an hour of top line wages. 

Was this always the case, is this just a ridiculously expensive shop (I know I'm downtown near transit), or is this part of the artificial inflation going on? 

What's a sandwich near you cost in terms of hours of work at min wage? 
 Water source for 1.2m people in New Orleans is about to be unsafe because of #ClimateChange 


 We are at the stage of higher education where faculty members are now given option to remove themselves from information directories due to fears of violence. 

Social collapse doesn't happen in a day. Very likely historians will look back at this and point to it having already begun. 
 Technology can make our lives easier. It was so much more convenient to press this year's mooncakes using the plastic molds but one day the spring will wear and the plastic plates will probably go brittle and snap. 

The wooden one is harder to use, harder to wash, but in 100 years it will still be functional unless I leave it in the outdoors to rot. The likelihood of the plastic ones lasting 100 years is next to 0. 

Chasing tech is a short lived pursuit. Old school methods will still be here long after our tech enabled creations have failed or reached end of life.

 We were warned.

But the men in the suits kept saying 'oh but the economy'.

You want to see what will damage an economy? Starving people. And these starving people will suddenly realize their best path of survival is to come after your fancy mansions with pitchforks and raid your bunkers of food. 


 Very interesting read on benefits of a foreign language.

This seems to be focused on people who grew up in one language and learnt another. I wonder how this affects people who grew up in two languages.

 Once again, unless we take power from the capitalist class, we are all dead

They really don't care how many lives are lost in the name of money.


 These guys want to build in the greenbelt 

They want us dead. Taking political power from the capitalist class is our only path to survival


 The corporate oligarchs are reminding us again and again that they will not stop murdering us. If we have a problem with mass murder, that is just too bad. They don't care how many dead bodies there are in the #ClimateCollapse. 

The only thing that will stop them is complete societal overthrow. 

They are forcing us closer and closer to that day. Hungry peasants will overthrow an empire. Always give people a way out. If you give us the choice between death and a fight, you will get a fight to the death. 

The oil men are forcing our hands into a fight to the death. 


 Our fundamental problem is capitalism.

As an environmentalist, I tend not to buy things that I don't need. My daughter knows better than to ask for lemonade at the fair because it'll come in plastic. We brought water bottles for a reason. She can drink that perfectly fine.

She knows I get annoyed at grandma buying all that plastic trash from the dollar store because it gets played with a few days and turn into landfill. 

This behaviour is terrible for the economy. The big businesses need infinite economic growth. They need us to buy 3% more trash a year. We have so much stuff that there are industries making legit coin storing our trash that we will realistically never use again. We have entire sectors that make a lot of money off of throwing out our trash for us.

Environmentalism means that many of these new industries will disappear very quickly. It means that fossil fuel billionaires will lose a lot of wealth very quickly.

Does this sound like a system that will change because we sent some politicians backed by rich people to a summit somewhere to talk about it?

The reality is that billionaires' wealth is at stake and they would take complete social and ecological collapse before a dent in their wealth. They want the entire ship to go down believing that they have enough flotation devices they'll come back out on top. 

It's not that billionaires don't believe in climate change. They just lied to enough people to convince them of it. They plan on taking advantage of climate change eliminating a lot of the population so they have more resources for themselves.

This is nothing short of murder with a borrowed hand. 

Event not found
 As a small example. 

We can't even keep trains running when the internet has an issue, let alone electricity going when there's general chaos. 
