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 Officially 1 year of 100+ pushups per day 🤠 I started on October 15 2023, my initial goal was to do it for 7 days as a small challenge to myself. To my surprise, it wasn't that difficult to pull off, so I just kept going :) 
In the meantime, I've travelled from Darwin (Northern Territory, Australia) to Perth (Western Australia) to Byron Bay (New South Wales, Australian east coast) to Thailand, back to Byron, then Bali, Estonia and more recently to New Zealand. Didn't miss a day (sure, a couple of times I did the pushups well after midnight, but it still counts in my book). Where there's a will, there's a way 🤠
#100aDayTil100k #100aDayTilIDie
 Yes! Auckland for now but looking to get out into the nature (or at the very least, a smaller town) soon :) yeah I saw something about the Bitcoin week via your feed, will do my best to be there, looks like a great plan and something a bit more substantial than just plain meetups/conferences. Feel free to hit me up if you need any help organising the event ✌️ 
 If you define hope as "expectations" then I agree.
If you define hope as "belief in the goodness of all human beings and thus a potential better tomorrow" (which is how I would define hope), then I don't agree with Seneca on this one. 
 Even if the whole world is a simulation, then you are the operating system. You can rewrite your code. 
"Tähevärav" ("Stargate") is a lyrical stream of consciousness; it's wordplay and rhyme scheming, but its central narrative is the importance of confidence, staying unapologetically true to yourself & facing the hardships of life with courage. These are all themes and issues that I've been struggling and dealing with for most of my life and, the track serves, first and foremost, the purpose of being a reminder to myself to not give in to the pressure, to not give up, to continue betting on myself and what I believe to be true. Life is too short to let yourself be ruled by anyone else but your higher self.

You are the Stargate. You are the connection to the vastness of the Universe. It is all within.

― Kontext


#tunestr #estonia #hiphop #rap #opensourceculture 
 Some fresh Estonian rap by yours truly 🤠
 2022 was an incredible and absolutely pivotal year in my life's journey. Yoga, journalling, psychedelics, calisthenics, friends & sunshine can really make a difference...

Here's the Original Trilogy of Kontext's Writings: 

"The Basics of Yoga (AKA The Beginner's Guide to the Human Experience)" (published December 2022)
"In the present, we are projecting our intentions and our energy into the future through what we do, say and think. That’s the real manifestation."
#nostr: https://njump.me/naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzqqn3uxu6m9lr790dws3j03ww5dynh4nzsps3vw9h5rmw9zkcelusqq2ng7ngf4t55cfdgvuy65r40yuhx4fcwfskshdrnam
Medium: https://medium.com/@mckontext/the-basics-of-yoga-bdfc8da2fefa
Fountain: https://www.fountain.fm/episode/jfyk69ZOEHtXmzm16cIZ

"Life Is Meaningless" (published January 2023)
"That is not to say life can’t have meaning or shouldn’t have meaning. Since life has no inherent meaning, each and every one of us has the option to CHOOSE the very meaning of our lives."
#nostr: https://njump.me/naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzqqn3uxu6m9lr790dws3j03ww5dynh4nzsps3vw9h5rmw9zkcelusqq2kj4ztf424q3fj8p98wsn5w9cnyvngguu47kx2pmq
Medium: https://medium.com/@mckontext/life-is-meaningless-5d4da5b97edc
Fountain: https://www.fountain.fm/episode/vz2rOZg695ewgkqwkXIT

"Unified Creation Energy Theory: God is Energy; Expressed in Layers" (2nd draft published April 2023)
"The whole of our reality is based on energies. We are harnessing, directing, conserving and converting our energies. We, along with the rest of reality, are no more than energy fields ourselves. The whole universe is frequency, vibration. That means it’s all music. That means it’s all dance. Embrace it."
Medium: https://medium.com/@mckontext/unified-creation-energy-theory-ucet-8814041ed94c 
 Try to do everything and you end up doing nothing. 
 You being alive means you are one of the active co-creators of this reality, which means you can literally make history. 
 "How do you fight for love
When the world has broken you?
I know that times are rough
When you're down, keep looking up"
 Often, your determination to pursue something new is very much correlated to your frustration with the old. 
 "The victory's found in truth
Like innocence found in youth
Self defeat is your own dispute
And man, you put yourself in your own shoes"
 When you embark on entrepreneurship, you “add venture,” which it literally is - an adventure. 
 Some years ago I made this (very basic) edit of Carrie Cleveland's beautiful track "Love Will Set You Free" 🤠
"If you're down and you don't want to be, yeah
Fall in love - love will set you free
Every day take some time
Make some love - love will free your mind"
 You have to work very hard to make it look really easy. 
 GM & LFG 🤠
 I subscribe to no religion, guru or mentor. 
My religion is Love,
my guru is my higher self
and my mentor is the Tao. 
 Talking about a potential “financial crisis” is a bit of a misnomer since the financial system IS a crisis in and of itself. 
 What supports you when nothing does? Who do you turn to when the world turns away from you? How do you convince yourself that your work is important and valuable when no one around you seems to see it as such? For how long are you willing to keep faking it until you need external validation that you're making it? How do you overcome impostor syndrome? 
#asknostr #plebchain #grownostr 
 "Prophecy that's you and me
we are the ones"
 “Art is a kind of innate drive that seizes a human being and makes him its instrument. The artist is not a person endowed with free will who seeks his own ends, but one who allows art to realize its purpose through him. As a human being he may have moods and a will and personal aims, but as an artist he is "man" in a higher sense— he is "collective man"— one who carries and shapes the unconscious, psychic forms of mankind.”
― Carl G. Jung 
 The only time when you can become the person you want to be is right now. Because the only time that really exists is the present.

The past is an abstraction, the future is a projection. 
 “The way an order expresses itself through any system has to have flaws and mistakes. I’m talking about developing an idea of wholeness or completeness that includes imperfection.”
— Vivian Dittmar
This & more great stuff in this John Vervake podcast:
@fountain_app link: 
I listened to all 3 episodes of them together... hadn't heard of her before, just picked an episode randomly - which was the latest in the series (the one I linked) and then went ahead and listened to the other ones as well. I found this latest episode to be the most captivating and interesting of the three - I ended up listening to it multiple times actually. Although I will say if you enjoy this one I do definitely recommend to go back and listen to the other 2 episodes with Vivian as well.  
 Philosophy is - phílos sophía - the love of knowledge, yes. The pursuit of truth, for sure. That all resonates with me, it has my name written all over it. But what really caught my attention was how - in my eyes - it also equates to a “way of life.” Your philosophy is how you relate to the world, what is valuable for you, what is ethical for you, what “good” means in your perception. So everybody has “a philosophy,” even if they don’t acknowledge it or perhaps don’t have a particularly intimate relationship with the aforementioned Sophia.

I think it all relates a lot to having a purpose. And similarly to when you don’t have a purpose of your own you will inevitably end up working towards someone else’s; if you don’t have or are unable to articulate a philosophy of your own you will invariably inherit or be subject to adopting somebody else’s.
#plebchain #philosophy 
 Trippy Thursday 🤠
 Hard to keep up with all the 2 hr long podcasts. Who is making ai summary tool :) select podcasts... 
 NoteGPT.io is pretty good. Don't remember if it had clickable points though  
 Why are you on nostr? 
 Why wouldn't I? 
 Probably one of the best tracks I've released in English thus far... Sakura from 2020 🤠
"my love is eternal you can see it right there
but life is a bitch it will never fight fair
so I'm like yeah, see you in a lightyear
embrace the silence you see I'm not a hype man"
#tunestr #hiphop #trap #opensourceculture 
 The Simpsons aren't the only ones predicting things...
"To the left, to the left
Everything you own in the box to the left"
— Beyoncé ("Irreplaceable," 2006) 
 Stuck at home waiting for the wife to return so I can ditch nostr:npub138y5h8asc895pxdndrdnx4mgnz... 
 "None of my work is real" 
I feel the same, not sure if in a good way or bad, but same 😄 
 As a member of the band / comedy group Lendr2stik, which translates to "Flying Viper," I approve of this episode 🤠
 My vague comment about this particular episode doesn't really do justice to how great it is. Really, put on your headphones, close your eyes and listen to this. The whole episode is a trip in and of itself, including the bit with the dog.
And if you're really attentive, perhaps you'll also get the flying snake reference :)
 As a member of the band / comedy group Lendr2stik, which translates to "Flying Viper," I approve of this episode 🤠
 “Diagnostic questions you can ask to measure how much meaning in life you have:
1. What do you want to exist even if you don't?
2. How real is it? Is it really real?
3. How much of a difference do you make to it now?”
— John Vervaeke
 Thanks for sharing, I'll try to get to reading it in the coming days 🤠 
 Your whole life is sacred. Your whole life is a ritual. 
 We #nostr because even if Elon Musk is the godfather and savior of free speech and succeeds exceedingly in all of his efforts in protecting it, then while he may become the metaphorical Marcus Aurelius, whoever comes after him could very well be Commodus.
#plebchain #grownostr 
 Allow yourself to feel the victory of every small battle as if you had won the war. 
 My biggest weakness is food. 

Any advice how to control that? 
 1. Cut off sugar
2. Fasting
3. When you do eat: energy dense (high in quality fats and protein, low to no carbs) food, large portions, no more than 2 meals per day

That's sort of what seems to be working for me at least :) 
 In case you missed it: 
36 copyright free hip hop beats for you to use and enjoy at your own discretion. Crediting appreciated but not required. If you utilize these in a commercial project and are able to make a profit, feel free to zap me a sat or two.
Stream / download links: 
#tunestr #hiphop #opensourceculture 
 Good things take time bro ✌️ 
 Every moment you’re alive is a gift.
That’s why it’s called the “present.” 
 #NostrMemes Sponsored Contests Are Back!

This Weekend’s Contest is sponsored by our frens nost... 
 Learned that my sister nostr:npub147eupkghvseyf8spk7zl2lw6nzgf8ct3t37xef2mfh8kt3knalmq62w4qk lock... 
 In other words, you learned that your sister is more based than you 
 Share your thoughts and experiences; get zapped 😉🤠 #plebchain
 Imagine if a government wanted to slowly & quietly dumb a countries population down, train them t... 
 Bread and circuses 🤠
 Quick list of documentaries:

Hunger Games
The Matrix
 Black Mirror
The Truman Show 
 We’re still doing 100 pushups per day until 100k, correct? 
 To 100k and beyond 🤠 
 What are books that changed your life? 
 "The Holographic Universe" by Michael Talbot
"The Awakening of Intelligence" by Jiddu Krishnamurti
"Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius
"Mastery" by Robert Greene
And of course, the Bitcoiner classics:
"The Sovereign Individual" by William Rees-Mogg, James Dale Davidson
"The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin
"The Fourth Turning" by William Strauss, Neil Howe 
"The Price of Tomorrow" by  @Jeff Booth
"The Bitcoin Standard" by  @saifedean 
If you're considering doing the same, I say go for it.
It's not as difficult as it sounds.
PS. Ladies, I'm pretty sure 100 squats a day ain't that hard either 😉
#100aDayTil100k #100aDayTilIDie
 Officially 1 year of 100+ pushups per day 🤠 I started on October 15 2023, my initial goal was to do it for 7 days as a small challenge to myself. To my surprise, it wasn't that difficult to pull off, so I just kept going :) 
In the meantime, I've travelled from Darwin (Northern Territory, Australia) to Perth (Western Australia) to Byron Bay (New South Wales, Australian east coast) to Thailand, back to Byron, then Bali, Estonia and more recently to New Zealand. Didn't miss a day (sure, a couple of times I did the pushups well after midnight, but it still counts in my book). Where there's a will, there's a way 🤠
#100aDayTil100k #100aDayTilIDie
Curiosity is the seed from which the tree of knowledge can emerge. However, a seed is unable to germinate and develop on its own, in isolation. The conditions must be correct. The right soil with the right nutrients, adequate amounts of sunlight, moisture and warmth are all necessary for the process to take place. Similar conditions are required in humans for the tree of knowledge to grow and hopefully, one day, bear the fruits of intelligence. The requirement for curiosity to emerge in the first place is willingness to admit not knowing. The second requirement is the eagerness or need to know. Smash these 2 hard truths together like rocks, and you get the spark of curiosity, which, under the right conditions, can start a fiery passion.

I guess this is just another way of saying:
Curiosity creates luminosity 


Wangi Falls Loop, Northern Territory, Australia

#Australia #nature #philosophy
Event not found
Gn legends 🤠