The Russian Embassy in Canada issues a statement to the CBC about light displays and protests, saying--I swear I am not making this up--that the Russian government is deeply concerned for the health and safety of their employees as a result of my "provocation."
"Who by the tweet & who by indictment, who by projection and who by incitement, who by the lie and who by the scam, who by delusion and who by self-delusion, whose brain shall be rotted and whose shall be enriched, who shall hallucinate and who shall see clearly, who shall deny reality and who shall face it, who shall be consumed by demons and who shall stare them down, who shall murder and who shall protect, who shall degrade themselves and who shall elevate themselves"
Projecting at the Ukrainian Embassy's Independence Day Reception
It was not the first embassy party my projectors have ever attended, but it was the first time they've been invited ;)
Today's #DogShirtDaily is out!
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