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 Academic research “can be reproduced & distributed around the world virtually for free,” which is “vital for the scientific process, global collaboration & knowledge building,” - EFF’s Rory Mir. 

But publishers don't want to give up control. https://builtin.com/articles/shadow-library 
 The idea that only authorized government agencies would ever use backdoor channels for getting user data was always risky and flawed. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/10/salt-typhoon-hack-shows-theres-no-security-backdoor-thats-only-good-guys 
 The FTC's latest investigation found giant tech companies collect way more data than users expect and share it widely without oversight. Federal privacy legislation is long overdue.
 This isn’t about national security or innovation; it’s about a rent-seeker monopolizing access to a public resource. 
https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/09/nextnavs-callous-band-grab-privatize-900-mhz #FCC 
 Armed with two rooted Android phones and three Wi-Fi hotspots running cell site simulator detection software developed by EFF, @afc24d59 conducted a first-of-its-kind wireless survey of the signals around the Democratic National Convention.
 France’s arrest of Telegram’s CEO may relate to refusal to moderate or intercept end-to-end encrypted messages, or it may relate to hosting publicly accessible content. Both scenarios could be dangerous for users in the future.  https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/08/french-detention-why-were-watching-telegram-situation-closely 
 No one should have to worry about warrantless police drones spying on their backyard sunbathing. 
#drones #privacy 
 While a device’s mobile ad ID is technically an anonymous piece of information, it is easy to cross reference other data points to determine the owner, EFF’s Beryl Lipton warned the @ba07ee6f. https://www.texasobserver.org/texas-dps-surveillance-tangle-cobwebs/ 
 Certbot is part of EFF’s larger effort to encrypt the entire Internet. Along with HTTPS Everywhere, Certbot aims to build a network that is more structurally private, safe, and protected against censorship. https://certbot.eff.org/ 
 A security researcher got a cease-and-desist just one day before a DEF CON talk. Our Coders’ Rights Project worked hard to ensure the talk went forward. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/08/2-fast-2-legal-how-eff-helped-security-researcher-during-def-con-32 
 EFF submitted comments to the FCC demanding investigation of SS7 and Diameter security and transparency into how the telecoms handle the security of these networks. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/07/eff-fcc-ss7-vulnerable-and-telecoms-must-acknowledge 
 Hey Resorts World Las Vegas: It's wrong to treat all hackers as dangerous, and to attempt to penalize people just for owning the tools of the trade. These tools have productive uses, as demonstrated by the massive convention of professional security researchers taking place. #DEFCON32  https://www.404media.co/hotel-to-search-rooms-during-def-con-hacking-conference/ 
 Google prioritizes profits over privacy by keeping third-party cookies in Chrome. It's time for privacy legislation to put you in control of your data. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/08/google-breaks-promise-block-third-party-cookies 
 Victims of human rights abuses enabled by powerful surveillance technologies must be able to seek redress through U.S. courts against both foreign and domestic corporations, we told the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.  https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/08/eff-ninth-circuit-dont-shield-foreign-spyware-company-human-rights-accountability 
 Google abandons its promise to block third-party cookies in Chrome, leaving billions vulnerable to online surveillance. We need strong privacy legislation to fight back. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/08/google-breaks-promise-block-third-party-cookies 
 Google abandons its promise to block third-party cookies in Chrome, leaving billions vulnerable to online surveillance. We need strong privacy legislation to fight back. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/08/google-breaks-promise-block-third-party-cookies
#chrome #privacy 
 What's Certbot? It's EFF's free, open source tool for automatically using Let’s Encrypt certificates on millions of domains across the web. It's also part of a growing number of EFF technology projects designed to protect your freedom online. Help support this work today! https://eff.org/support-certbot 
 Digital spaces enable LGBTQ+ people to engage with their gender and sexual orientation, but it can be daunting to give up any kind of privacy online while doing so. Here's a guide to protecting your identities online, from using a VPN to obscuring faces. 
 Still on X? Without notice, X has opted all users into training its "Grok" AI Model. To turn off this setting and stop your "posts, interactions, inputs, and results" from being used for training and fine-tuning Grok, visit https://x.com/settings/grok_settings and uncheck the checkbox.

 Google no longer intends to drop support for third-party cookies in Chrome. "This is an extremely disappointing decision that really just highlights Google's commitment to their own profits over users' privacy," EFF’s Lena Cohen told @0d6c6ac4. https://www.theregister.com/2024/07/23/google_cookies_third_party_continue/ 
 Instead of a handful of platforms trying to control your life online, people are reclaiming control by building more open and empowering approaches to social media. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/06/whats-difference-between-mastodon-bluesky-and-threads 
 Lawmakers should focus on advancing measures protecting user privacy and encouraging greater competition, rather than harming users’ ability to speak online. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/07/its-time-lawmakers-listen-courts-your-law-regulating-online-speech-will-harm 
 A new approach to social media is emerging, so we broke down what we’re seeing so you can get involved. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/06/whats-difference-between-mastodon-bluesky-and-threads 
 It’s still early for ActivityPub and AT Protocol, but we broke down some current differences and what directions they might go in.
#fediverse #bluesky  #interoperability 
 Thanks to new records spotted by the Boston Institute for Nonprofit Journalism, we now know more about the current generation of cell-site simulators being used by law enforcement. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/06/next-generation-cell-site-simulators-here-heres-what-we-know 
 Facing a government-mandated click-through agreement before you can engage in basic internet use sounds like a dystopian novel. But it's an actual proposal before the EU Council. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/06/eu-council-presidents-last-ditch-effort-mass-scanning-must-be-rejected 
 Set it and forget it.

Start an annual or monthly recurring donation to EFF to show your support for free speech and privacy online. https://supporters.eff.org/donate/fight-surveillance-and-protect-free-speech--S 
 Protecting your electronic devices and digital assets before, during, and after a protest is vital to keeping yourself and your information safe, as well as getting your message out. Learn more:
 The reauthorized FISA 702 was a clear dereliction of Congress’ duty to oversee the intelligence community in order to protect all of the rest of us from its demonstrated overreach. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/04/us-senate-and-biden-administration-shamefully-renew-and-expand-fisa-section-702-0 
 If you change one setting in WhatsApp, it should be to enable end-to-end encrypted backups. https://ssd.eff.org/module/how-to-use-whatsapp#enable-end-to-end-encryption-on-backups 
 Net neutrality means that ISPs don’t get to speed up or slow down your web traffic based on what site you’re visiting. The FCC understood this in 2015, yet left the door open for the creation of fast lanes in their new rules. Tell them to fix this mistake. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/04/fcc-must-clarify-its-rules-prevent-loopholes-will-swallow-net-neutrality-whole 
 We need your help! Call your senators and tell them to vote NO on reauthorizing and expanding Section 702. https://eff.org/risaa

 "I have a hard time believing that YouTube would be unable to keep business afloat without the revenue generated by behavioral-tracking advertisements,” EFF’s Daly Barnett told @0d6c6ac4. “It’s a lazy and deliberately malicious move on their part."
 For our latest Speaking Freely interview, we spoke with the Executive Director of FORUM-Asia, longtime human rights advocate Mary-Aileen Diez Balasco. Read her interview, and the entire Speaking Freely series, here: https://www.eff.org/speaking-freely

 MPs in Ghana have passed a draconian bill that will criminalize LGBTQ+ people, stifle free speech, and incite discrimination. EFF and 34 civil society organizations wrote to President Nana Akufo-Addo urging that he reject the bill. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/03/eff-and-34-civil-society-organizations-call-ghanas-president-reject-anti-lgbtq #ghana #lgbtq #freespeech 
 Have you set up a username on Signal yet? Now’s as good a time as any. https://ssd.eff.org/module/how-to-use-signal#set-or-change-your-username 
 Cars can collect and share an abundance of data with insurance companies, advertisers, and others. It can seem impossible to figure out what your car is sharing, but it is possible with a little effort (and a lot of patience). Here’s how. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/03/how-figure-out-what-your-car-knows-about-you-and-opt-out-sharing-when-you-can 
 If an app or web service offers two-factor authentication, you should be using it. Here's how it works and what sorts of pitfalls to watch out for. https://ssd.eff.org/module/how-enable-two-factor-authentication 
 U.S. Senator Ron Wyden, D-OR, who co-authored Section 230 — “the 26 words that created the internet” — joins EFF’s “How to Fix the Internet” to discuss recent attacks on this still-vital law.
 Happy Sunshine Week! Grab your popcorn and enjoy the "winners" of The Foilies, our annual faux awards that name and shame the agencies that thwarted the public's right to government information. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/03/foilies-2024 
 For decades, software developers have relied on the settled view that a work is not derivative under copyright law unless it is “substantially similar” to a preexisting work in both ideas and expression. We’re asking the Ninth Circuit to uphold that view. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/03/eff-ninth-circuit-theres-no-software-exception-traditional-copyright-limits 
 EFF and its allies are opposing Nevada’s attempt to stop Meta from offering end-to-end encryption by default to Facebook Messenger users under 18 in the state. Encryption is the best tool we have for safeguarding our privacy and security online. https://www.eff.org/press/releases/reject-nevadas-attack-encrypted-messaging-eff-tells-court 
 Looking to protect yourself from online spying? Check out EFF’s Surveillance Self-Defense guides at SSD.EFF.ORG

 NEW on “How to Fix the Internet”— U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, D-OR, joins EFF’s Cindy Cohn and @d566d212 to discuss his “I squared” legislative approach, prioritizing individuals and innovation to foster an internet that benefits everyone. 
 Ghana’s virulently anti-LGBTQ+ “family values” bill — packed with online censorship measures — could effectively ban big brands like Rihanna, FIFA, Guinness, Marvel, and Nike, EFF’s Daly Barnett, Paige Collings, and Dave Maass write for AllAfrica. https://allafrica.com/stories/202403080425.html 
 For data brokers dealing with our personal information, our data can either be useful for their profit-making or truly anonymous, but not both. Our privacy rights online must not be sacrificed so corporations can fill their pockets. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/11/debunking-myth-anonymous-data 
 Don’t give in to privacy nihilism. Instead, share and celebrate the ways we’re winning. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/02/privacy-isnt-dead-far-it 
 Start a Tor relay at your university, get a challenge coin! Learn more at torchallenge.eff.org today.

 EFF and the ACLU today urged CA’s Attorney General to crack down on police who are still violating state law and Californians’ privacy by sharing automated license plate reader info with out-of-state agencies, putting abortion seekers and providers at risk.

 Without archival work, we stand to lose the history of social movements online. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/01/save-your-twitter-account 
 Strong, unique passwords are a must, and it's not as hard to accomplish as you might think. https://ssd.eff.org/module/creating-strong-passwords 
 Research into adversarial watermarking for AI is just beginning, and while there’s no strong reason to believe it will succeed, there are some good reasons to believe it will ultimately fail. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/01/ai-watermarking-wont-curb-disinformation 
 Thanks, American Dialect Society, for choosing "enshittification" as the 2023 Word of the Year. @b92dcc07's apt term describes how online platforms decay by showing users less and less of what they came for, while keeping them trapped and unable to exit for better alternatives.  https://americandialect.org/2023-word-of-the-year-is-enshittification/ 
 Privacy Badger now replaces tweets embedded in articles with a “click-to-activate" placeholder. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2024/01/privacy-badger-puts-you-control-widgets 
 The looming expiration of the Section 702 surveillance law gives us the opportunity to introduce real reforms. But the FISA Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2023 (H.R.6611) is a step backwards and must not pass. Tell your Congress members:

 Privacy Badger's learning just got a huge upgrade. Spoiler: it's scouring the web like a swarm of wasps, devouring more trackers than ever before. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/10/privacy-badger-learns-block-ever-more-trackers 
 Take our new quiz! Guess why real students got surveilled and flagged for visiting websites from National Geographic, Washington Post, Scholastic, Wikipedia, and more, at https://www.redflagmachine.org

 Lots of smart and security-oriented folks are confused about what exactly a #passkey is. There’s a good reason for that. We explain here: https://www.eff.org/what-is-a-passkey 
 With the impending expiration of Big Brother’s favorite surveillance law, Section 702, the intelligence community will start to search for new scary problems that can be solved with mass surveillance. Don't fall for it. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/09/dont-fall-intelligence-communitys-monster-week-justifications 
 Government mandates on platforms are antithetical to the First Amendment and also hurt users, who often rely on platforms' content moderation to create diverse forums that have unique editorial views and community norms. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/05/11th-circuits-ruling-uphold-injunction-against-floridas-social-media-law-win-amid 
 Users are rightly frustrated with large platforms' often perplexing content moderation decisions. But government mandates to carry certain speech do not solve the issue and they violate the First Amendment. https://www.eff.org/document/netchoice-v-paxton-eff-amicus-brief-oct-8-2021 
 With the Supreme Court set to review two state laws that require platforms to carry certain users' speech, the justices must recognize that users are best served when platforms get to freely choose whose speech they carry. #como #scotus https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/29/us/supreme-court-social-media-first-amendment.html 
 Government mandates on platforms are antithetical to the First Amendment and also hurt users, who often rely on platforms' content moderation to create diverse forums that have unique editorial views and community norms. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2022/05/11th-circuits-ruling-uphold-injunction-against-floridas-social-media-law-win-amid 
 A federal data privacy bill that keeps states from responding to future privacy threats removes an important consumer protection tool—one of the few tools that’s working right now, EFF’s Hayley Tsukayama argues in Bloomberg Law.
#privacy #BIPA 
 Last week, we and ACLU urged a federal appeals court to tell New York officials that they can’t coerce social media platforms to moderate First-Amendment protected online speech.  #1a #ACLU  http://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/10/eff-urges-second-circuit-affirm-injunction-new-yorks-dangerous-online-hateful 
 The Government Accountability Office has put out a report that confirms our worst fears about government use of face recognition. It's unaccountable, nontransparent, and being used without any training whatsoever. That's why it needs to be banned.
#facerecognition #surveillance #GAO 
 “An app built to flag people into binary filings of good or bad based on their (often completely legal) association with sex work is really, really, stupid,” making trafficking worse and consensual sex work more dangerous, EFF’s Daly Barnett told Forbes.
#sexwork #surveillance  #security 
 It's actually really hard to spy on the entire world and do it within the rule of law in a way that never allows any misuse. It's a hard and expensive thing to do, and they're not doing it very well," EFF’s Cindy Cohn told the Defense One Radio podcast
#surveillance #Section702 #4thAmendment 
 By making software publishers report to governments when a security vulnerability is exploited and before fixes are made, the proposed EU #CyberResilience  Act places the public in greater danger: 
#EU #cybersecurity 
 EFF’s 2022 annual report is now available! Check it out to learn more about our member-supported fight for digital rights last year. https://annualreport.eff.org/ 
 It is comparatively easy to write data privacy laws that are constitutional. Not so much for age verification requirements. 

Just ask Arkansas, California, and Texas: 
 If you think Border Patrol's surveillance machine at the U.S.-Mexico border is extreme, wait until you learn about the Sentinel Tower that the State of Chihuahua is building in Ciudad Juarez. 
#surveillance #mexico #facerecognition 
 Austin:  You can catch security technologist and EFF board member Bruce Schneier next week on Oct 10 at "Cybersecurity Thinking to Reinvent Democracy," an in-person and streaming event hosted by EFA member @5658f9f2
#austin #cybersecurity #elections #EFA 
 “If Chinese companies are collecting data in the U.S., that is a symptom of how lawless our data privacy protections are,” EFF’s Matt Guariglia told NBC News.

#privacy #selfdriving #robotaxi 
 We want you to be able to:
Express what you want online 🗣
Use encrypted messaging to chat with friends 👩‍💻
Watch all of the cat videos you want 🐈
EFF fights for your rights on the internet. Help us by becoming a member today! eff.org/join 
 We join other experts in an open letter to the EU to revise the #CyberResilience Act vulnerability reporting obligation and not open the public to a greater cybersecurity threat: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/10/eff-and-other-experts-join-pointing-out-pitfalls-proposed-eu-cyber-resilience-act
#EU #cybersecurity 
 The EU #MediaFreedomAct could lead to marginalized groups who are often targeted with hate speech facing arbitrary content moderation and discrimination—and could have worldwide effects, EFF’s Christoph Schmon & Paige Collings write for @94f0141b https://techcrunch.com/2023/10/03/the-eu-media-freedom-act-is-a-dangerous-law/
#contentmoderation #EU  #AmendArticle17 
 You can catch security technologist and EFF board member Bruce Schneier next week on Oct 10 at "Cybersecurity Thinking to Reinvent Democracy," an in-person event hosted by EFA member @5658f9f2 https://www.eff.org/event/austin-cybersecurity-thinking-reinvent-democracy
#austin #electionsecurity #event #EFA 
 New York: Care about privacy law and cybersecurity? Of course you do. Luckily you can discuss both over drinks at Thursday's CyberSecurity Happy Hour, hosted by EFA member Privacy Law Association @ NYLS: 

#nyc #cybersecurity #event #EFA 
 New York: Care about privacy law and cybersecurity? Of course you do. Luckily you can discuss both over drinks at Thursday's CyberSecurity Happy Hour, hosted by EFA member Privacy Law Association @ NYLS. https://www.eff.org/event/nyls-privacy-law-association-cybersecurity-happy-hour-0 
 We applaud the changes that Google and Apple are introducing with their latest round of updates. Cell-site simulators continue to be a problem for privacy and security all over the world, and it’s good that mobile OS manufacturers are starting to take the issue seriously. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/09/apple-and-google-are-introducing-new-ways-defeat-cell-site-simulators-it-enough 
 Jordan, UAE, Tunisia, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia all have surveillance and censorship laws targeting the LGTBQ+ people in violation of internationally recognized human rights. The #UNCybercrimeTreaty could help them amplify & cooperate on that persecution.  https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/09/growing-threat-cybercrime-law-abuse-lgbtq-rights-mena-and-un-cybercrime-draft #lgbtq #UN #surveillance 
 The authors of the Kids Online Safety Act believe pinning liability on a platform’s recommendations will allow them to square a circle and get away with censorship while complying with the First Amendment. It will not. #KOSA https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/09/get-real-congress-censoring-search-results-or-recommendations-still-censorship 
 EFF and Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression told the DC Circuit that government agencies shouldn’t censor public comments on their social media pages because they disagree with what people say.
 We applaud Google and Apple for taking privacy from cell-site simulators seriously. There's still more they can do to protect people, but in the meantime, here are some settings to consider changing. https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2023/09/apple-and-google-are-introducing-new-ways-defeat-cell-site-simulators-it-enough 
 Since 2013, Signal  has set the bar for private digital communications. 

Signal provides real communications privacy, offering easy-to-use technology that refuses the surveillance business model on which the tech industry is built. Congrats Signal on your 2023 EFF Award!

 EFF’s Alexis Hancock presented the last award—the EFF Award for Communications Privacy to the Signal foundation: 

“It is my opinion that Signal helped to create more ubiquitous encryption in our everyday lives.

Today’s landscape of communication on our devices often leaks information in various ways that can seem futile to stop. It’s difficult to not feel like just a number. 

But on Signal, for a moment in time, you can be just a person again, talking to your friend about your weekend."

 "It's an honor for all of us who work at @06ffd1da to keep moving forward together with all of you. The encryption wars of the 90s never really ended, nor if you listen to Signal's president, 
Meredith Whittaker, are they likely to ever end."

 "LFP are your friendly neighborhood radical librarians... Some of you may have only recently learned about our work, but back in 2015 we made headlines with our efforts to bring Tor exit relays into libraries. We did not expect the Department of Homeland Security to show up and demand that our relay get turned off. But DHS didn't expect US. Our library community rallied in support, the patrons showed up, and EFF had our backs. DHS completely backed down." - Alison Macrina of LFP 
 "In libraries we are now facing an organized movement of anti-democratic, anti-speech actors...Against this assault, LFP is fighting back through community-building and education...In this environment, we all need each other, and we need you."

 "Enter the Library Freedom Project....Librarians can have a greater confidence in their ability to protect their core mission when it comes to technology with the knowledge that the Library Freedom Project has their backs.” 

Library Freedom offers trainings, resources, and community building on issues of privacy, surveillance, intellectual freedom, labor rights, and more—making safer, more private spaces for library patrons to feed their minds and express themselves. Congrats,  LFP!

 "LFP are your friendly neighborhood radical librarians... Some of you may have only recently learned about our work, but back in 2015 we made headlines with our efforts to bring Tor exit relays into libraries. We did not expect the Department of Homeland Security to show up and demand that our relay get turned off. But DHS didn't expect US. Our library community rallied in support, the patrons showed up, and EFF had our backs. DHS completely backed down." - Alison Macrina of LFP 
 The EFF Award for Information Democracy was presented by EFF’s @9c5f4002: “At EFF we create tools that can protect the privacy and security of Internet users, but who will ensure that these tools are known about by often at-risk library patrons and librarians?”

 "Enter the Library Freedom Project....Librarians can have a greater confidence in their ability to protect their core mission when it comes to technology with the knowledge that the Library Freedom Project has their backs.” 

Library Freedom offers trainings, resources, and community building on issues of privacy, surveillance, intellectual freedom, labor rights, and more—making safer, more private spaces for library patrons to feed their minds and express themselves. Congrats,  LFP!

 “The open access movement is fighting to get rid of paywalls altogether, and we are making progress. But in the meantime, thanks to Alexandra’s courage and creativity, researchers around the world have SciHub. It is my honor and privilege to recognize her with a  2023 EFF Award.”
