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 🔴One in Five Voters Say Conservatives are Now a ‘Far Right’ Party

Exclusive new polling finds many voters now see Rishi Sunak as a weak politician leading an increasingly extreme party

 🔴The Conservative Party Conference Embraces Trumpism Without Trump

Rishi Sunak’s reckless attempts to mimic the political tactics of the radical Republican right led to some truly ugly scenes at his party’s conference in Manchester

 Rishi Sunak's Conservatives are increasingly placing themselves in opposition not just to their own record, but to observable reality itself. https://bylinetimes.com/2023/10/02/unleash-that-gas-the-conservative-partys-radical-right-takes-over-in-manchester/ 
 🔴The Myth of the War on the Motorist

British politics has long prioritised the needs of drivers over everyone else at a massive cost to us all

 Rishi Sunak, who promised a Government of “integrity, professionalism and accountability” is now trying to cling to his job by pushing outright lies.

His totally false claim that Labour has "pledged" to accept 100,000 migrants a year is just the beginning
 🔴Voter ID is Working for the Conservative Party

A new report by the Electoral Commission confirms what critics suggested all along. This is voter suppression

 BREAKING: Electoral Commission report on Voter ID finds

- Young, unemployed and ethnic minorities were more likely to be turned away 
- Voters in poor areas hit more than rich areas

Overall those less likely to vote
Conservative more likely to be blocked https://bylinetimes.com/2023/09/13/voter-id-harder-young-poor-and-ethnic-minorities-vote-electoral-commission-study-finds/