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Notes by Outrunn3r | export

 Looks like the WHO got rejected. Notch one for liberty 
 Podcasts at 1.3x speed is the only way to get through them.
Except Lex Fridman in which case 1.7x... 
 Someone once said our podcast at .5 slow was hilarious. They’re right. We sounded drunk.  
 Heh. It was Damus that wasn’t working.  
 Some bloke in the USA said something apparently. 
 Happens all the time. Ignore it. 
 I just stsrted on here but hopefully it’s a little like Threads in that respect. Lots of good convo there.  
 1.  Oh all ye, who passe by, whose eyes and minde
To worldly things are sharp, but to me blinde;
To me, who took eyes that I might you finde:
Was ever grief like mine?

11.  Judas, dost thou betray me with a kisse?
Canst thou finde hell about my lips? and misse
Of life, just at the gates of life and blisse?
Was ever grief like mine?

21. Herod in judgement sits, while I do stand;
Examines me with a censorious hand:
I him obey, who all things else command:
Was ever grief like mine?

22. The Jews accuse me with dispitefulnesse;
And vying malice with my gentlenesse,
Pick quarrels with their onely happinesse:
Was ever grief like mine?

26. Pilate, a stranger, holdeth off; but they,
Mine owne deare people, cry, Away, away,
With noises confused frighting the day:
Was ever grief like mine?

37. And now I am deliver’d unto death,
Which each one calls for so with utmost breath,
That he before me well nigh suffereth:
Was ever grief like mine?

51. O all ye who passe by, behold and see;
Man stole the fruit, but I must climb the tree;
The tree of life to all, but onely me:
Was ever grief like mine?

52. Lo, here I hang, charg’d with a world of sinne,
The greater world o’ th’ two; for that came in
By words, but this by sorrow I must win:
Was ever grief like mine?

54. But, O my God, my God! why leav’st thou me,
The sonne, in whom thou dost delight to be?
My God, my God ------
Never was grief like mine.

59. Betwixt two theeves I spend my utmost breath,
As he that for some robberie suffereth.
Alas! what have I stollen from you? Death.
Was ever grief like mine?

63. But now I die; now all is finished.
My wo, mans weal: and now I bow my head.
Onely let others say, when I am dead,
Never was grief like mine. 
 Need a change. Looking for a 4w trip with kids. Bali, Japan, CR or Patagonia. Can’t decide… a... 
 Punta Cana 
 Minimal synth artist from USA here, curious if there are others here 

#introductions #darkwave #... 
 Yo! Just signed up. Dark electronic/techno here 
Event not found
 Yes. Not sure how I feel about that. One engineer said live is momentsry but YouTube lives forever. I was a deafening mix live. Sounded great on my phone…but sucked live. What are we paid to do?