An author of children's books, who wants to save the world.
Good night Germany
Twitter/X is beyond disgusting right now. #nostr is the only way for the future.
Anna, what song is this please? Grazie!
GM! German Shepherd dog or tiny siamese cat?
tiny siamese cat
Warum hat Saskia Esken einen schiefen Mund*? Weil sie mit Hammer und Sichel isst. * Ural...
GM just look at this arco-íris 🤩
Yellow tree dicks it is.
GN! Honk (or zap) if you're missing a cowboy in this actual, current photo.
LUNGO LA STRADA II 39,5x20cm, oil on board Available for purchase on my site! With free shippi...
npublaftmyhm621rp6wsha3yzyjy5kqdvuy7g23q828a8q0cnmudvOds0sdcke Hi Isabella, this is Andy Maier.
Sorry. Wrong adress
GM ☀️ Almost Friday 🥹
Yes. Yippiyeah !
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