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 Tell #POTUS to issue executive order to stop doing business with convicted monopolists.


If you're not American, write a similar request to your top political leaders.

Seriously. Governments are VERY LARGE buyers of goods and services. If the government can't do business with monopolies, they'll buy from other companies. And those other companies will spring up like weeds to compete in the market.

#activism #antitrust
 Hi #Nostr, 

I'm currently living in a country in a global south, and #bitcoin casually came up i... 
 Over the counter paid debit card? 
 Where would you start a wreckless normie friend on the road to bulletproof opsec? (Not sure I am ... 
 If Bitcoin is embraced by the state, is it still Bitcoin?  
 Nothing about BTC is private. All transactions are on the public ledger. It is, at best, temporarily pseudonomous.

And censorship resistance? Not even close. Because each sat is individually traceable for its entire history, anyone can set up their payment gateway to refuse acceptance of 'tainted' sats; or be compelled to by a powerful entity, such as a government. 
 The NSF once sent our 261ft research vessel into a typhoon …  on purpose! 60ft seas for days. It was a wild ride. 
 The most compelling argument against this having been staged is this: the angry Narcisist (Trump) is a coward. 
 Now serving:
- darksapling-7b-v2.0_Q6_K at 32k context
- Poppy_Porpoise-1.4-L3-8B_Q6_K at 8k context
#aihorde #aihordeworker 
 Civil Air Patrol niggas are so funny to me

 the fuckers brag about dressing up in uniforms to go... 
 Not so in AK. Up there CAP pilots are known make short field bush-landings with skis, balloon tyres, or floats with SAR passengers or resupplying wilderness firefighters. And not all of them fly fixed wings. 
 One #Bitcoin is always worth the same, namely 1/21,000,000. It is the fiat currency that fluctua... 
 That's partly true. What is the estimated amount of "lost" and unrecoverable BTC due to sat-dust on wallet purge, or from lost keys, or even simple abandonment? Let's call this value LOST_BTC.

I think 1BTC = (2.1*10^7 - LOST_BTC). Thus 1BTC is worth more than 1/21,000,000. 
 Are there Zap-compatible lightning wallets in the #fdroid app repositories for Android?
 My question is: why haven't any of the hardware manufactures sued Cellebrite, et al, under DMCA§1201?  
 If the constitutionality of women's sufferage were called to question before the current #SCOTUS, would it survive?

Every decision they make brings us closer to becoming "Gilead" of Atwood's _The Handmaid's Tale_. 
 My first desktop came with 2G of storage and I was like holy hell, I’ll never fill up all that ... 
 My first computer used audio cassette tapes as storage devices. 
 I've done both. A machete is much easier and doesn't require removal of the fibrous husk before cutting. 
 Google is a convicted monopoly (Epic Games v. Google.) The judge in that case has not yet handed out the penalty.

How long will it take the internet to recover if he orders complete dissolution of the company?

 Which was the best decade for Horror Movies? 🎬🤔👇 
 1820s. The Frankenstein and Dracula novels, both resulting from the Luddite revolts, set the tone for all horror stories since. Are they movies? No, but multiple film adaptations have been made of each. Their influence can be seen and felt in horror stories even now, 200 years after first publication. And the core stories, wealthy elites first preying upon (Dracula) and then abandoning (Frankenstein) the newly impoverished working classes, are also modern contemporary reality; just as it was for the Luddites at the dawn of the industrial revolution. 
 I fear that Margaret Atwood did a disservice to the world when she wrote The Handmaid's Tale. I think she put too many ideas into the heads of monied polical-influencers like the #federalistsociety.


Was it a warning for the rest of us and, therefore, did she do a good deed by writing it?