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 And this is the total disconnection of the political class with reality.

Today the king visits the scene of the catastrophe, look what a security entourage.

To help the people nothing at all.

 El sol sempre acaba sortint.

Amunt Valencia!

 Good morning.

It must always be said, whether it's a bad day or not, the sun always comes out and life goes on.

Whether you are Spanish, American, Ukrainian, Russian, Israeli or Palestinian, the state does not want us, the state is cruel, the state lacks feelings, the state kills, the state wants us dead.

Valencia is a scene of war, more than 2500 missing and hundreds of dead, and yet I think this is nothing compared to the horror of war, it is nothing compared to what other countries are experiencing where the deaths are 10 or 100 times more.

In Valencia the state has totally neglected us, but even so there is a difference, it is not the state who has killed us, it has been a natural catastrophe. If I still feel how evil in person has lurked over us by denying us the assistance we have paid for with our taxes, I can't imagine how the inhabitants of countries that are dying with bombs will feel, nor can I imagine how it feels when they kill your friend, even if it is a squirrel.

This is not child's play, this is about life or death, or your state or human self.

 The American government has confiscated a man's pet squirrel and killed it, search on social media and you will see the story. 
 The Spanish army going around Massanassa does not even help the elderly to cross.

They are clean. They don't go down, they don't want to get dirty.

 A French firefighter is astonished to learn that they are the first on-scene relief force.

The government of Spain is corrupt to the core.


 And seeing the nonsense that is being said about climate change.

The climate has always changed, and man can do nothing to avoid it, but man is capable of preventing catastrophes with the right infrastructure, you just have to adapt to the climate.

The European Union is implementing a plan to demolish dams so that river waters follow their natural course, ignoring the fact that many dams were built precisely to prevent flooding.


I think it is great that water flows through rivers and there are no dams, but we also have to think about what happens with the hydroelectric energy produced by these and with all the houses and infrastructures built that are prone to flooding, we are talking about millions of people, millions of lives.

In 2005 the socialist government of Zapatero repealed the national hydrological plan approved by the government of Aznar which included the construction of a dam in Cheste to avoid precisely what has happened now.


In conclusion, what kills is not climate change, what kills are bad policies. 
 Lo del video es sabiduría, lo que le falta a los políticos. 
 Y viendo las tonterías que se están diciendo sobre el cambio climático.

El clima siempre ha cambiado, y el hombre no puede hacer nada para evitarlo, pero el hombre si es capaz de prevenir catástrofes con las infraestructuras adecuadas, solo hay que adaptarse al clima.

La unión europea está ejecutando un plan para derribar presas y que las aguas fluviales sigan su curso natural, obviando que muchas presas se construyeron precisamente para evitar inundaciones.


Me parece estupendo que el agua fluya por los ríos y no existan presas, pero también tenemos que pensar que ocurre con la energía hidroeléctrica producida por estas y con todas las casas e infraestructuras construidas propensas a inundarse, estamos hablando de millones de personas, de millones de vidas.

En 2005 el gobierno socialista de Zapatero derogo el plan hidrológico nacional aprobado por el gobierno de Aznar el cual incluía la construcción de una presa en Cheste para evitar precisamente lo que ha ocurrido ahora.


En conclusión, lo que mata no es el cambio climático, lo que mata son las malas políticas.
 Rescue dog 🐶 in action in Valencia.

Dogs are angels and even more so at this time, man's best friend.


 The government fails. The media, being an arm of the government, does not report it. nostr:nprofi... 
 by Nasa:

"Torrential rains caused deadly flooding and extensive damage in the province of Valencia, located in eastern Spain. These #Landsat images show the extent of flooding as of October 30, 2024."

 Police beating volunteers approaching zone 0, I can't confirm this but I have already received several complaints, as well as others that the police have even pointed a gun at them.

 No tengo más info de este vídeo pero a mí mismo me tocó mentir para poder entrar y dar ayuda. 
 Current situation in the Godelleta ravine, this is a humanitarian catastrophe.

 This is the parking lot of the Bonaire shopping center with more than 5700 parking spaces.

The numbers of deaths are being hidden, there are thousands of parking lots in this state.

Statism kills and kills a lot. The state knew that there were going to be torrential rains, they did not warn in time, they did not take the right measures, they are not taking the right measures afterwards and they are preventing the help of individuals.




 People trust the state for it, people pay taxes for it.

I'm just trying to show the lie of the state and what happens if you trust it. 
 Agradezco mucho tus palabras, simplemente intento que se conozca la verdad, que se sepa la crueldad que se está ejerciendo sobre el pueblo español y que a partir de los sucedido tomemos consciencia como sociedad e intentemos cambiar este sistema cruel. 
 Natural disasters force the european union to extend its powers.

This explains a lot.

 They are purposely leaving people to die and then offering their wonderful solution 
 I am giving all this information because I need the truth to be known, I need the Spanish state's treatment of its citizens to be known.

Neighbor of Valencia who was held at gunpoint by a police officer who would not let him go home.

 Es un sin sentido todo 
 Si alguien dispone de camiones, excavadoras, bombas de agua, tractores, grúas, o cualquier tipo de maquinaria pesada por favor remítanse a estos números de teléfono para coordinar la ayuda.

Utiel: 659 289 726.
Horta Sur: 682 177 249.
La Ribera: 619 975 059.
Hoya de Buñol: 690 027 099.
Castellón: 679 161 664. 
 Emocionado, grande el pueblo Valenciano.

Amunt Valencia!

 Police denounced “badly parked” vehicles that are about to bring help.

 No te puedes imaginar el asco que siento cuando veo ese anuncio. 
 This is what I love about anti government people.

First ones to say "where is government" after ... 
 You are a son of a bitch.

The Spanish government takes more than 50% of our income and you don't want us to ask for help?

You are a bad person, a very bad person.

 5 días ha tardado el ejército en llegar...sin comentarios 
 Mas de 500k afectados, miles y miles de vehiculos por retirar y revisar si hay cadaveres y tenemos 1500 soldados… y el gobierno esta impidiendo la ayuda de los particulares. 
 Amunt Valencia!!

Espero de verdad que tus familiares y amigos estén bien

Un abrazo muy muy fue... 
 Por suerte mi familia y amigos están bien, pero esto está siendo dantesco. 
 I am Valencian.

I have never revealed where I am from, now you know.

You will understand my involvement in this matter.
 Están todos muy pero que muy quemados, no se entiende lo que está ocurriendo, estamos hablando de que hay más de 500k personas afectadas y poco más de 1500 soldados después de 4 días. Ahora también te digo que la reacción del pueblo ha sido increíble, de película, no se puede describir. 
 Mi recomendación es que no donéis dinero, lo que hacen falta son medios, fuerza humana y maquinaria pesada. 

Si tenéis empresas de transporte, tractores, grúas, bombas de agua, contactar con estos teléfonos y ofrecer la ayuda para ver si se puede coordinar:

Utiel: 659289726
Horta Sur: 682177249
la Ribera: 619975059
la Hoya de Buñol: 690027099
Castellón: 679161664 
 There's a reason for this. 

Government employs first responders and disaster management. 

 You are talking if you are here.
There are more than 500k affected and the only help we have is 1500 military after 4 days. 
 What part don't you understand about the government not helping us?

I have had to go myself to bring food and water and help the people in the villages.

Are you seriously going to waste my time in this sterile discussion when I am trying to make known the crime that the government of Spain is committing against us?
 4th day.
Where is the help? Do you see the army?
Criminal government, for the Covid well they took out the army, to collect fines if they are efficient too.

Video by  @jabravo

 This is what the government delegate says:

“Much emphasis, we must stop the madness of people who are approaching the area of LA Torre, from Valencia. It must be stopped”.

They are trying to stop people from helping, the motives behind this escape me, I don't know if it is incompetence, malice or both.
All this is very sad, to let people know what is happening in Spain.

 Son más de 500K personas afectadas, créeme que 1500 soldados en todo este territorio y con lo que hay no sirven ni para repartir golosinas.

Solo vehículos para retirar por decir un numero ha groso modo igual hay mas de 100K.

Ayer en todo el día me cruce con 4 soldados de la UME y dos policías locales.

Esta muy bien pedir organización y tal pero la realidad es que son la gente con tractores, la gente con herramientas y que sabe de su oficio los que están salvando la situación. 
 The people of Valencia have been selflessly helping their fellow citizens, bringing food, medicine, water, vehicles, tools, water pumps and tractors.

The government is trying to restrict access to all these people because it has simply made them look ridiculous.

The Spanish government confiscates practically half of the GDP of the Spanish people and has been unable to help 500k of its citizens for 4 days and not only that, it is preventing the people from helping.

 The people helping the people, proud of the farmers.

 There are thousands of cars to be recalled, and when I say thousands they are thousands, 100000 cars maybe, I don't know. There is hardly any heavy machinery from the government, it is the people of the town who are saving the situation and helping each other.

The government of Spain is a criminal government that has abandoned its people.

No water, no electricity, no telephone, for more than 4 days, with hundreds of dead people, many of them already decomposing. The army has taken more than 3 days to arrive, 3 days!!! when we know that the first hours are crucial to find survivors.

I have no words to describe all that is happening.


 Good morning.

Firefighters from France, ignoring the Spanish government, have come to provide assistance.

It has to be recorded everything that is happening, 4 days have passed and are still to be mobilized Spanish troops. More than 500,000 thousand people affected.

They have barely sent 1000 army soldiers.

 Los medios de desinformación al servicio del estado son la viva representación del mal

 No puedo describir el asco que siento por todo lo que está ocurriendo.

 Es muy dantesco lo que está ocurriendo 
 Para la magnitud de la catástrofe nos hemos encontrado con medios muy limitados por parte del gobierno, apenas soldados de la UME, si es cierto que ahora parece que llegan comboys del ejército.

Realmente es la gente del pueblo quien está salvándose el culo, no entiendo el llamamiento de las autoridades a no ayudar porque obstaculizan la organización, ¿Que organización?

Muchas preguntas en el aire después de ver en primera persona esta catástrofe, los daños materiales son gigantescos, los humanos irrecuperables.

Aquí lo que hace falta no son escobas, son excavadoras.

 Vamos 5 personas a la localidad de Chiva con agua y otros enseres y vehículos todorreno y palas. si alguien necesita algo concreto o algún tipo de medicina por avisor avisarme por este canal o por privado.

 I appreciate your intention, but I don't want to collect any kind of money, what is most needed right now is manpower. 
 Todo aquel que este por la zona y  pueda ayudar de alguna forma, por favor háganlo.

 Buenos días, por decir algo.

El mundo tiene que saber lo que ha ocurrido en valencia y la dejadez de los políticos de este Pais hacia el pueblo que los mantiene.

 Si después de lo que está ocurriendo España no despierta, nunca lo hará. 

Todos los periodistas y youtubers sacando rédito de la desgracia sobre el terreno pero la ayuda oficial sigue sin llegar.

Incompetencia total o falta de interés de las administraciones o quizás ambas. 
 Los valencianos volcándose con sus congéneres.

Los políticos haciéndose fotos y dando discursos, pero el ejercito sigue sin llegar a los municipios afectados, no hay agua, ni comida, ni luz, ni internet, ni telefonía.

Los moros y los gitanos robando a manos llenas, tanto a los pequeños comercios, como a los coches siniestrados, casas a las  particulares, camiones, centros comerciales, etc.

Increíble todo lo que está ocurriendo, España es un estado fallido.
 Joder los anglos judios... 
 Los van a pagar y si no pueden pagarlos les embargaran lo que les quede de casa.

Este sistema es una apisonadora.

Todos deberían darse cuenta de esta mierda y aceptar Bitcoin como la única propiedad privada autentica y joder a toda esta panda de hijos de la gran puta que es el estado.
 Yo sinceramente no entiendo nada, es dantesco todo.

No quiero ser populista, pero para los inmigrantes si que les montamos hospitales de campaña y los metemos en hoteles de 5 estrellas y bien alimentados.

Lo de este país de mierda ya se va de madre. 
 Para el COVID sí que sacasteis el ejército a la calle, para ayudar a la gente de Valencia no. 
 La mayor ayuda que pueden recibir los damnificados de Valencia es que dejen de pagar impuestos y puedan rehacer su vida, no recibir limosnas de mierda por parte del gobierno.

Se sorprenderían entonces de lo rápido que se puede reparar todo.

En canarias los damnificados del volcán llevan 3 años viviendo en contenedores gracias al gobierno, y por supuesto siguen pagando impuestos para que no puedan levantar cabeza.

 This week ETFs have been in vacuum mode, yesterday alone blackrock over 12k, things are starting to get interesting.



 On climate change 

What are now seas were once deserts and what are now deserts will be seas tomorrow.

The climate has always changed, it has never remained stable. 
 Hey 😂🫡 
 I was thinking about this after testing the new version of macOS and damn the article sucks.

In macOS 15 the firewall is broken and still not fixed, problems and inconsistencies with tccutil, there are still network leaks even if you use a VPN, just like that.

While it is true some of the things he says about Linux, in practice all these security measures that Macos and Windows claim to have are just nice slides.

I forgot to comment that OpenBSD is the most secure operating system that exists (if you need that level of security).

Here you have also a list of all the innovations brought by 


And here why it is the most secure operating system in the world:


I have been a BSD user for almost 30 years, I have spent times where I liked BSD more and others more Linux, I have used BSD for years in production servers with 0 problems, especially web servers and data servers with ZFS (The best integration of ZFS has FreeBSD) lately I had something abandoned since I have codigo the taste to the immutable distributions of linux, but seeing as the shit of systemd increases and the political nonsense of Linus, BSD again knocks on my door.

Nevertheless a good Linux distro is still better than Macos and Windows.

 Basically it is a FreeBSD with a nice installer and some applications that make your life easier.

In BSD there is no such thing as a Linux distribution, fortunately. 
 How to manage natural and other disasters.

As individuals we can take advantage of statism to plan and manage natural disasters. This is applicable to other facets of life.

Statism due to a lack of incentives, or rather a total lack of them, is the perfect counter-indicator.

If the state tells you that a super catastrophe is coming almost 100% that it will be nothing, if the state tells you that nothing will happen almost 100% that it will be a super catastrophe.

Add to this the information or rather disinformation of the media.

Practically statism has predicted all major events if we multiply them by -1.

Some practical examples:

- Katrina (total failure in predictions)
- COVID (total lie)
- Bitcoin 

Keep your eyes open and use statism to your advantage. 
 Por desgracia esto se han cumplido en Valencia.

Como hombres y mujeres no podemos ceder nuestra seguridad a los caprichos del estado, se ha demostrado en reiteradas ocasiones que no velan por nuestra seguridad, solo nos saquean con impuestos.

Hay que dejar de confiar en ellos si es que alguien lo hace, la cantidad de fallos cometidos en esta tragedia es simplemente esperpéntica.

-	Demolición de azudes y pequeñas presas que han producido que el agua vuelva a antiguos barrancos o aumente el caudal de los ríos secos en llovidas.
-	Radares meteorológicos que no funcionan
-	Pronósticos erróneos por las autoridades supuestamente competentes.
-	Indiferencia por el gobierno central.
-	Descoordinación total de los cuerpos de salvamento y seguridad.

Para rematar algunos subseres están realizando saqueos y por supuesto no están ahí las fuerzas de seguridad del estado para evitarlo y como no, los medios de desinformación mintiendo descaradamente sobre los planes hidrográficos acometidos y por acometer para quitarse las culpas de encima.

España está viviendo el comienzo del fin, es la rebelión del atlas en su máximo esplendor.

