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Notes by Weatherall | export

 What the hell is wrong with you? It's your own home, loser.

Never has there been a greater #cuck  than you.

 you too can be BIG SOMETHING if your hollow and feminine spirit of malleability is peaking as you suck on all the right cocks. 
 the older i get, the more "actors" appear to me as useless, attention seeking slaves with no dignity or integrity. 
 American boomer women are the Ugly Spirit of the world.

 totally agree... 

who knew that our leaders would try to kill us all recently with industrial poison shots - all while flying a MAGA flag...

 The Radical Equality of Christ’s Teachings: Exploring Hierarchy, Wealth, and Original Sin

In C... 
 lost me at "she", cuck. 
 to a person such as yourself who , through such uneducated armchair mcmericana pseudo-anarchist and shallow quips like "she", it means nothing at all... which is why you do it, because you dont know what it means...

in the reality that exists outside of your mental masturbations, however, the created world reflects the eternal principles in a number of ways; one of the main ones being that the masculine is the creative force whilst the feminine is the receptive "force"...

i.e. God, for all intents and conversational purposes, is masculine.

the issue goes much deeper depending on the quality of mind pursuing the issues... 

can see here for more profound and coherent explications if you like:

 it makes a big difference:

"For example, one 1982 study mentioned in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that the anal cancer rate for homosexuals is way above normal, maybe as high as 50 times normal.1 And a 1997 New England Journal of Medicine study again drew attention to the “strong association between anal cancer and male homosexual contact.

Another study found that: 1) 80% of syphilitic patients are homosexual; 2) about one-third of homosexuals are infected with active anorectal herpes simplex viruses; 3) chlamydia infects 15% of homosexuals; and 4) “a host of parasites, bacterial, viral, and protozoan are all rampant in the homosexual population.”3
Another study found that: 1) amoebiasis, a parasitic disease, afflicts around 32% of homosexuals; 2) giardiasis, also a parasitic disease, afflicts 14% of homosexuals (no heterosexuals in the study were found to have either amoebiasis or giardiasis); 3) gonorrhea afflicts 14% of homosexuals; and 4) 11% of homosexuals had anal warts."

And thats just the damage it does to your asshole - nevermind your spirit, mind, emotional well being, relationships, society, children ... on and on...

Sodomy is a nasty sin.

 yeah its 2024 and apparently you dont know that you are a meme:


 "Politics is an extension of war... and, categorically, women are just not suited for that sort of thing."

~ Fuentes 
 @zach I'm trying to use flare but not getting very far... others confirming they are experiencing some of the same issues...

can you toss us an update on the current status of flare?


 also unable to purchase storage space at flare.pub thus cannot upload video... donation window pops up after clicking "upload" but then "get started" button does nothing...


#flare #filmstr #artstr #pinstr nostr:note1tvrugjf09d6epfj66k003yeena2sr3x0p8zutp3p68v6yyj355pq2yp6rj 
 he hasnt posted on nostr in two months...

too bad. 

i also was unable to get the "link video" option to work... it acts like it worked, publishing it,  but no video plays...

bummer... between @zach #flare and @Sep with #pinstr they are both broken and devs appear to be awol with any kind of support or engagement... 

who is involved in the flare.pub project?

unable to log in with npub on ios... tried brave, arc, safari... no luck.

works on desktop though...

any tips? 
 Simply beautiful. 

#artstr  #filmstr  #photography

 In 1911, Franz Boas, of Jewish stock, published a paper which spawned the entire oozing-pustule of "Sociology", and garnering him the title of "father of sociology".

The paper, "Changes in the Bodily Form of Descendents of Immigrants", found it's miserable place amongst the then-current academic work of racial and subracial differences. A field of research that had, coincidentally, produced significant publications on "Hebrew" racial differences as contrasted with Northwestern Europeans.

Again, Boas birthed the ENTIRE FIELD OF SOCIOLOGY.

So, what was the eseence of his work?


"The head form, which has always been one of the most stable and permanent characteristics of human races, undergoes far-reaching changes due to the transfer of European races to American soil. The East European Hebrew, who has a round head, becomes more long-headed; the South Italian, who in Italy has an exceedingly long head, becomes more short-headed; so that both approach a uniform type in this country, so far as the head is concerned."

LMAO... can you believe it? you best, cracka!

Boas's paper marked the entire field of Sociology, rejecting the sounder science of genetic determinism, and embracing instead the civilization-destroying WEAPON known as The Environmental Theory of Development.

His successor, Montagu(noticing) expanded all of this into the "everything is a social construct" idolatry, and was eventually invited by the United Nations to craft it's UNESCO "Statement on Race", which claims that for all practical social purposes, race itself was nothing but a "social myth".

And here you are. 
 welcome to #racerealism young Padwan...

"In 2017, Peter Springare, a veteran police officer in Orebro, the sixth largest city in Sweden, caused a stir when he published a Facebook post revealing that all the violent crimes his police department were investigating, were committed by nonwhites living in Sweden.

Here we go; these are the cases I have handled Monday-Friday this week: rape, rape, aggravated rape, assault, rape, extortion, extortion, abuse of justice, illegal threats, violence against police, threats to police, drug law, felony narcotics crime, attempted murder, rape, blackmail, and assault.
Suspected perpetrators; Ali Mohamad, Mahmod, Mohammed, Mohammed Ali, again, again, again Christoffer . . . what, is it true? Yes, a Swedish name crept into the outskirts of a drug law, [then it was] Mohammed, Mahmod Ali, again and again.
Countries representing this week's all crimes:
Iraq, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia, Somalia, Syria again, Somalia, unknown country, unknown country, Sweden. Half of the suspects we can't know for sure because they don't have any valid papers. This usually means they lie about nationality and identity.
Now were just talking rebro municipality. And these crimes occupy our investigative ability 100%. This is what it looks like and has been looking like for the last 10-15 years."

 "...that is where we’re headed … global pathologized totalitarianism. So, please, speak up. Call things what they are. Confront the Brians in your life. Despite the fact that they tell themselves that they’re trying to help you “come to your senses” or “see the truth,” or “trust the Science,” they are not. They are cultists, desperately trying to get you to conform to their paranoid beliefs, pressuring you, manipulating you, bullying you, threatening you. Do not engage them on their terms, or let them goad you into accepting their premises. (Once they’ve sucked you into their narrative, they’ve won.) Expose them, confront them with their tactics and their motives. You will probably not change their minds in the least, but your example might help other New Normals whose faith is slipping to begin to recognize what has been done to their minds and break with the cult."

 Seems like a good strategy in this day and age is to not believe anything. 
 Best mentally prep for the new Arab Clan Criminal Networks that are now operating all over your former homeland that you were too cool and/or stupid to value, McMerican.

 "In 2019, nonwhites pretending to be refugees in Germany committed thirty crimes every hour during the first nine months of 2019, according to an official report from the Federal Criminal Office. 38

In total the "refugees" committed 199,625 offenses, which included 261 murders/attempted murders, 3,702 sex offenses, 21,947 drug offenses, 52,368 forgery and fraud offenses, 47,477 thefts, and 30,879 "other offenses." North and sub-Saharan Africans-named as coming from the Gambia, Nigeria, and Somalia-are particularly noted for their violence, and the amount of crimes they commit is completely disproportionate to their numbers.

It would however be incorrect to attribute all of Germany's crime problems to the fake refugee invasion alone. As reported in the Bild newspaper in 2017, at least 75 percent-and likely much more-of all criminals in Berlin are legal Arab
"immigrants" who entered Germany decades previously, and their German-born descendants." nostr:note1vycwmu3ljqh3d4pmdeuxv0zhl363l758708exhm30g9c6z97k3hq09pekx 
 "In practical terms, this means that the "refugees" in Germany are responsible for 10 percent of all the crime committed there. This translates to around 1,578 criminal acts every day, according to the executive director of the Bavarian police department, Bernhard Egger. " nostr:note1anfl98hhqhy6rwnxlfwyszyzggkfcg9qsahgm02rj6amp8wp0trquhf9qs 

"Germany, as the main recipient of the fake refugee invasion of Europe after that country's chancellor, Angela Merkel, invited them all in in 2015, serves as yet another test case of the impact upon crime following a large increase in nonwhite numbers.
Official government figures have revealed that 92 percent of the massive increase in crime in Germany has been committed by the "refugees" who poured into Germany after 2015.32

According to the government-funded study carried out by criminologist Christian Pfeiffer, the massive invasion of mostly young nonwhite males has "fueled a rise in violent crime in Germany." 
 At least 2.5 million people have been murdered in Latin America in Just sixteen years (between 2000 and 2016), representing 33 percent of the world's homicides-despite having only 8 percent of its population, a report by the Brazilian Igarapé Institute has revealed. The report called the region of the Caribbean, Central and South America, the "world's most homicidal" place. 

See "Citizen Security in Latin America: Facts and Figures," Igarapé Institute, April 26, 2018. 

The clear link between race and crime was highlighten with the release of the 2020 rankings of the world's most dangerous cities and the fact that every single one of them, including those in the US have majority nonwhite populations.
According to the study, 20 St. Louis, Missouri, is the most dangerous city in America with a homicide rate of 61 per 100,000 citizens. This made St. Louis the 15th most dangerous city in the world.

Other US cities on the list included:
Baltimore (homicide rate of 51 per 100,000 citizens; 23rd most dangerous city in the world).
San Juan, Puerto Rico (homicide rate of 42 per 100,000 citizens; 40th most dangerous city in the world).
Detroit (homicide rate of 39 per 100,000 citizens; 46th most dangerous city in the world).

New Orleans (homicide rate of 37 per 100,000 citizens;
50th most dangerous city in the world).

The only other cities on the "most dangerous" list are all in the Third World-the nonwhite world.21
The correlation between race and crime cannot be any clearer, and only the willingly blind would deny it.

In Western Europe, the situation is no different. 
 good work. 
 yeah "partner" has been migrated from the sodo community into hetero world via feminism mechanism.

steer clear. 

i guess thats what you get when you sign fiat contracts written in fiat legalese for fiat businesses in a fiat sexuality world...

 Niggas ain't tough to be actin' on phones (Phones)
Let's link up and let's see what you on (Bitch... 
 fucking gay degen nigger shit...

maybe try presenting to the world something to be respected for rather than gay gangsta inflated ego nigger shit... EVERYONE is sick of it except for the cursed and stupid american nigger.

cultures TRASH... race is a disgrace.

change or fuck off. 
 fuck off. 
 go back to your jungle straw hut with that uncivilized toxic nigger shit, boy. 
 Daily Reminder: They HATE you AND your children...

"The regional police force Mossos d’Esquadra told Metropoli Barcelona that the attacker was arrested shortly afterwards.

Named only as Henry R.C, he is accused of carrying out at least three similar random attacks on Sunday." nostr:note1rejhnqkf7k75jq3t2kg0nxuufh5ry3vf97pu7wuhtxwh3pc87f8qlq3xcr 
 Slapping a man's child is a death sentence in most states in the US. Spain is gone

 he will be hunted down. 
 what is the Covenant of the Generations?

did the boomers follow it? 
 fuck the boomers...

turn your gaze to the up-and-coming... 
 in Canada, the sacred "indigenous peoples, including those police identify through investigation as First Nations, Métis, and Inuit, accounted for 5% of Canada's population in 2018, but 22% of all homocide victims."**

Mirroring the blacks and latinos in McMerica, by and large that is THEM KILLING EACH OTHER, and says nothing of the white victims at all...

We have a "minority" crime problem in the West. 

The coverup, the ignoring, and decades-long gaslighting by the establishment indeed reveals the frothing demon of our old pal "systemic racism" - a glaring and profound systemic racism AGAINST WHITES.

** "Homicide in Canada, 2018," Statistics Canada, November 27, 2019. nostr:note1n0g06076ypn868u2qms5692pmyl60plz84axkxe2nt6ah8smnnlsyua5xm 
 when that sick little voice in your head concedes a point to the invader aliens who apespeak their globohomo internationalist talking points asserting that you (speaking to whites here) are not "indigenous" to North America, simply remind them that it is well-established via genetic evidence that the so-called Native Americans are actually indigenous to Asia. 
 i'll say it again... 

i am not a jewish doctor
i am not a chinese chink
so i do not wear a mask
and dont care what you think.

dont walk with sideways shuffle
and dont worship jingly coin
come from greco-christian stock
and not your multi-kulti loins.

please understand the message
thats buried in the bile
if we give them just this inch
we'll be marching deadly miles.

our liberty unique it is.
the rest - they cannot grasp
ending in vexed populace
who necklaces* your ass.


*Necklacing is a method of extrajudicial summary execution and torture carried out by forcing a rubber tire drenched with petrol around a victim's chest and arms, and setting it on fire.

 even better! 
 Next time your cousin's black wife attempts to justify reparations, or, for that matter gets all blackitty-black-black-black about anything at all, just have this printed on one page and ready to hand out...

Pre-emptively could be used as a stocking stuffer to eliminate possibilities of future wasting of precious time. Though be conscious of potential blowback with this type of boldness.

America is a humorless gimp. nostr:note1f8xm5qurc9e2eetjsn4qq35ywugrl27vqh0qhnajd87835y939xqt5vsp7 
 Reading time: 2-3 minutes

Australian journalist for Sydney Morning Herald Paul Sheehan, in 1995, publishes the following succinct summary of the concern at that point in time - keep in mind that 30 years later, it's a whole lot worse: https://image.nostr.build/b5a28532d338556afdadf477183c0709d37116a89d6b864b761568ebfa1b770b.jpg https://image.nostr.build/c2a1c002e91caf0b9445fb998a98685783252888076a0addad668f2e0bb425ce.jpg  
 The Industrial Baby Food Complex doesn't want you to know that you can literally chew up the food... 
 also, how many people whom you inform of this will actually do it?

5%... max? on a good day? 

they never have good days.

how retarded and fucked are a people who are unable to pass down feeding knowledge from the beginning of time because cable news? 
 all legitimate revelation agrees:

time and its manifestations are cyclical and you are currently manifest in the final age of the current cycle. The Dark Age. The Kali Yuga. The End Times.

so, either find an eternal reason to continue in your, let's call it, salvaging operations, or fuck off...

no one needs your social capital motivated shekel-grabbing "positivity" or "hope"(in this world) illusions.

if you need that you are ruled by the little girl inside.

real men DO IT ANYWAY, devoid of trend-denying false hopes and fantastic fake-future comforting utopias.

any terrestrial reward you gain will ultimately be neutralized and you will be forgotten shortly after death.

deal with it and act accordingly, according to your nature - will you still do it even when it is bound to fail? when you wont be rewarded, but more likely punished as all things are inverted and corrupted in The End.

 Ima stop replying to the energy drainers in here, all they do is try to get a rise out of you n d...