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Notes by fa7f077b | export

 Programmers prioritize the feeling of productivity over productivity itself. They prefer to rewrite a codebase with tools they are comfortable with (thus, feelings) even if ROI is years away, instead of e.g. fixing a bug (actual productivity). 
 This organization wants to create tech that can't get acquired or abuse its users. Commendable, but so was Google's "don't be devil" in the early days.

Pledges in themselves aren't enough. They would have to be legally binding pledges.
 That moment when you find new music and you get goosebumps everywhere. Legs, arms, head, shoulders 
 SemVer, okay. But have you heard pf SenVer? Sentimental Versioning: http://sentimentalversioning.org/ 
 RE Unity's new tax: 
at the risk of being very repetitive, this is another example of how #centralizationisfragile and might slowly drive the end of Unity. https://twitter.com/andrestaltz/status/1668330411355955202 
 Wanted: a "diff" tool that tells me how my operating system currently deviates from the default state once freshly installed. I don't want to start clean and reinstall the things I like, I want to remove only the things that I don't like. 
 As an entrepreneur or freelancer: you have to learn how to be poor and how to be rich. Most people have jobs where they're constantly poor or constantly rich (or midclass), but for entrepreneurs there are no constants. Learning how to micro-optimize costs when you're poor, or how to focus on the big picture when you're rich, are very useful skills. 
 USB is a new standard that totally deprecates USA