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 @47ce6ec1 Welcome to the world of ripe cucumbers – hard seeds, mushy flesh and a skin that's chewy and tough! Isn't it amazing how the supermarkets have hidden this from so many of us? 
 @47ce6ec1 That's normal and good. I cut mine down quite low so it sends up multiple branches, and that way I get lots of tender young leaves to eat.

The flower shoots are nice when they're young – I treat them like gai laan. 
 @47ce6ec1 Mid 20th century (and older) baking books often have a paragraph telling you to scatter flour on the oven floor, then timing how long it takes to brown, to assess temperature. That was back when oven dials didn't have temperatures marked on them, but vague things like "hot" and "moderate" and "moderately hot" (but not "hotly moderate"). Or, if you burnt gas, numerical "gas marks". 
 @e73e808d Is there a source to cite when I use or share these? There are some activist friends whom I'd like to share the cornflakes one with right now, in fact.

Still mulling over what the industrial-vs-permaculture one communicates, whether it's anti-sci-tech or pro-perma. I suspect that what's bothering me is that it looks like process vs spontaneous creation. Not sure. 
 @47ce6ec1 I've never sunk one. But now I wish that I'd dug a reservoir underneath them for stored water to wick up from.

The house I'm in now already had beds when we moved in, and my long-term hope is to empty them temporarily one winter and put wicking reservoirs underneath. It's spring where I am so this won't happen for a long time yet, but this summer's forecast has me wishing that I'd already done it. 
 nostr:npub1rx70rmvsu82fhl8jgd8w5zc9hn26hjeydqq2cuekmteqryf40aas9hacx3 Frog is ventriloquist?
 @dd8b9125 @19bcf1ed I slipped a marginalium into one of my intro physics lab manuals glossing "coax cable" as deriving from Greek κοαχ=frog because it makes a frog croak when you rub it together (which it really does, at least for the cables that we had). I waited years for a student to trigger a collective groan, but no such student came my way. 
 @47ce6ec1 Yes. I had a cognitive disorder some years ago that involved episodic amnesia. I'd discover part-way through doing things that I had no memory of what came next.

And then there are the festival-associated things that I make only annually. The first batch or two are always fumbling pointers to what's been forgotten in the year of not doing it.

And people say, "But it tastes the same" which is neither consoling nor true.

Your cheesecake is a synecdoche for so much more. 
 @4aa575e3 I feel that we could also get some substantial benefit by regulating how high the headlights can be mounted.

Many people are happy to accept that as just common sense, just like not shining a searchlight into a driver's eyes. 

Since it may be commercially unfeasible to make a special low-headlights version just for New Zealand, we might also solve the gigantism and carspreaderism at the same time. 
Event not found
 @19bcf1ed quid portat in manu dextra?