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Notes by hackerhereje | export

 "all humans should have the right to speak, though no one is obliged to listen." jameson lopp

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #agorism #cryptowars #digitalsurveillance 
 "i would rather obey a fine lion, much stronger than myself, than two hundred rats of my own species." voltaire

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #agorism #cryptowars 
 "the anarchy that threatens a degrading society is not its punishment, but its remedy." nicolás gómez dávila

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #agorism #cryptowars #digitalsurveillance 
 "you never change things by fighting the existing reality. to change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." buckminster fuller

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #agorism #cryptowars #TAZ 
 "everything is human behavior. human behavior is extremely patterned." bill binney 

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 "the occident’s adoption of a castrated slave morality pushed by the intentionally diminutive state has led to a crisis of virtue." charlotte fang

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 "the universe smiles upon encryption." julian assange

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 "the digital dictatorship is already here; it is just not evenly distributed." pavol lupták

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 "without cryptography, secrecy lacks material form or readability." dejanirah couto

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 "crypto anarchy is the tactic of using cryptography to create a space of freedom which cannot be penetrated by power and capital monopolies with coercive force." dark.fi

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 "the problem with democracy is that those who need leaders are not qualified to choose them." michael malice

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 "the citizenries ability to protect itself with encryption is akin to its constitutional right to gun ownership." tim c. may

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 "should the majority be uneducated or unenlightened, the tyranny of the majority can equal the tyranny of a dictator." j. hospers

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 "the cypherpunks were the single most effective grassroots organization in history dedicated to protecting freedom in cyberspace." e. beltramini

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 "aristotle has pointed out that democracy has many points of resemblance with tyranny. it was he who first told us how a democracy as well as a tyranny, may become a despotism." nicholas murray butler

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 "radical politics, code and cryptography were the stimulants of choice for cypherpunks." brendan mccallum

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 "the cypherpunks believed that together, encryption, anonymity, crypto currencies and leaking platforms would provide them the ability to re-shape the world." craig jarvis

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 "give me two lines written by the hand of the most honest of men and i will find something in them which will hang him." richelieu

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digital-surveillance #digital-privacy #cryptowars 
 "crypto anarchy is liberating individuals from coercion by their physical neighbors —who cannot know who they are on the net or what they are doing— and from governments." tim c. may

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars #truenyms 
 "crypto anarchy basically undermines democracy: it removes behaviors and transactions from the purview of the mob. and once crypto is deeply entwined into the fabric of life and commerce, it will be too late to pull the plug." tim c. may

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars #truenyms 
 "'the net is an anarchy.' this truism is the core of crypto anarchy. no central control, no ruler, no leader […] no 'laws.'" tim c. may

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars #truenyms 
 "the basic right of free speech is the right to speak in a language one’s neighbors or governing leaders may not find comprehensible: encrypted speech." tim c. may

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars #truenyms 
 "a basic credo of the cypherpunks movement has been that technological solutions are preferable to administrative or legislative solutions." tim c. may

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars #truenyms 
 una tarde flamenca con el marqués de sade. 

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars

 crypto anarchy: a technological solution to the problem of too much government.

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars #cyphernomicon 
 the menace of the herd. 

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars
 "if the collective is weakened and the individual strengthened by the fact that I have the power of cheap guns, cars, computers, telecoms, and crypto then the collective has been weakened and we should ease the transition to a society based on voluntary rather than coerced interaction." duncan frissell

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars #cyphernomicon 
 "freedom is, practically, given as much (or more) by the tools we can build to protect it."

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars #cyphernomicon 
 "public speech is not a series of public speeches, but
rather one's own words spoken openly and without shame." eric hughes

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars #cyphernomicon 
 "crypto anarchy is the logical outgrowth of strong crypto." tim c. may

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars #cyphernomicon 
 "computerization is robbing individuals of the ability to monitor and control the ways information about them is used. […] the foundation is being laid for a dossier society, in which computers could be used to infer individuals' lifestyles, habits, whereabouts, and associations from data collected in ordinary consumer transactions." david chaum, 1985

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars 
 "use of crypto = right to speak as you wish." tim c. may

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars #cyphernomicon 
 "detailed central planning is impossible; don't even try." lucasfilm's habitat

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars #cyphernomicon 
 "don't get mad, get even. write code.” tim c. may

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #digitalsovereignty #cryptowars 
 "don't get mad, get even. Write code.” tim c. may 
 oh, no! here they come again! the four horsemen of the infocalypse!


#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 cifra. encripta. 

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars
 cifra. encripta. 

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars
 cifra. encripta. 

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars
 "there has never been a ruling or law that persons have to speak in a language that is understandable by eavesdroppers, wiretappers, etc., nor has there ever been a rule banning private use of encrption." tim c. may

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars #cyphernomicon 
 «aquellos que sacrifican libertad por seguridad no merecen tener ninguna de las dos.» benjamin franklin

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars 
 cifra. encripta. 

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digitalsurveillance #digitalprivacy #cryptowars
 "artificial intelligence is an oxymoron." timothy leary

#cryptoanarchism #cypherpunk #mondo2000 
 "honest people need crypto because there are dishonest people." tim c. may

#cryptoanarchism #cypherpunk #cyphernomicon 
 "we are actually not very 'punkish' at all. about as punkish as most of our cyberpunk cousins are, which is to say, not very." tim c. may

#cryptoanarchism #cypherpunk #cyphernomicon 
 "crypto = guns in the sense of being an individual's preemptive protection." timothy c. may

#cryptoanarchism #cypherpunk 
 «la privacidad es el poder de mostrarse selectivamente al mundo.» eric hughes. 

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism

 "the universe is a bunch of digital programs running, running, running." timothy leary

#cypherpunk #cyberpunk #cryptoanarchism #mondo2000 
 hacker hereje: guerra al cielo y a la tierra.
 «las órdenes que se teclean en un ordenador constituyen un tipo de lenguaje que, más que comunicar algo, provoca […] que suceda algo. […] son conjuros. […] la lógica del conjuro está invadiendo nuestras vidas.» julian dibbell 
 «se da la rápida ascensión de […] la temperatura psíquica de la tierra… vemos una marea humana que nos impulsa hacia arriba con toda la fuerza de una estrella en contracción. no es una marea que se extiende […] sino una que sube: el crecimiento inevitable en nuestro horizonte de un verdadero estado de "ultrahumanidad"».  teilhard de chardin 
 “of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. it may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies.” c.s. lewis 

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism #digital-surveillance #digital-privacy #cryptowars 
 "liberty can only be created by liberty." bakunin 
 preparando el primer concilio cypherpunk en el monte sacro. ¡dale dura, cabrón! ;-)

#cypherpunk #cryptoanarchism 
 "technology is a force of nature." ilya sutskever 
 "we aren't going to be secure in our persons, houses, papers, and effects unless we get a better understanding of cryptography." john gilmore 
 "you can have my encryption algorithm. . . when you pry my cold dead fingers from my private key." john perry barlow 
 "if privacy is outlawed, only outlaws will have privacy." steven levy 
 "when you invent the ship, you also invent the shipwreck; when you invent the plane you also invent the plane crash; and when you invent electricity, you invent electrocution." paul virilio 
 el caló es una lengua minorizada; jerga de ocultación… código ideal para la jáquer herejía.

 la ruta de la seda es un largo y tortuoso camino…

 ¡guerra al cielo y a la tierra!
 hacker hereje estuvo allí  
 «la verdad se impone sola. solo las mentiras necesitan subvención del gobierno.». antonio escohotado 
 «aquello mismo que nos hace menos aptos para el tipo de civilización que hoy priva, acaso, eso mismo nos condicione mejor para la civilización de mañana.» miguel de unamuno, 1911. 
 el estatismo, el socialismo, es absolutamente incompatible con la vida. 
 «la democracia es profunda y esencialmente inmoral.» jesús huerta de soto 
 "dance like nobody is watching, encrypt like everyone is." 
 privacy is a lifestyle. 
 surveillance is the new black. 
 «sacad los hierros y que no salga ninguna con las bragas puestas.» enrique morente 
 jáquer herejía del día:

el código es el lenguaje para hablar con dios. 
 «no hay nada más soso que lo insípido.» seth godin