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 # Dia da banana

A fruta mais consumida por aqui. São mais 455 mil hectares de bananais e quase ... 
 # Dia da banana

A fruta mais consumida por aqui. São mais 455 mil hectares de bananais e quase 7 milhões de toneladas por ano! A média do consumo individual de banana é de aproximadamente 25 quilos anuais!

Já dizia Raul Seixas: "A banana é vitamina que engorda e faz crescer". Nutritiva e saborosa cai bem com vários acompanhamentos em alimentos doces e salgados ou de forma individual. Pode ser consumida crua, cozida, frita. A biomassa da banana verde é enriquece preparações.

Tem gente que gosta tanto que até arruma jeitos de comer até a casca! Há quem ama e quem detesta. E você? O que acha dela? nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 'I 💯 can 💯 see 🎉 the sun, but even if I 😂 cannot 🤔 see the sun, I 😀 know 😀 that it exists. And to know 🎉 that 💯 the sun 🎉 💯 is there - that is living.' Fyodor Dostoevsky https://cdn.nostr.build/p/Gx27.png #wisdom 😂 🎉 #philosophy #psychology #spirituality #poetry 🤔 #art 🎉 😂 #surrealism 🤔 #psychedelic 🎉 #dream #midjourney 🎉 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 Will there be a #BANKRUN on the #OpBLACKHEATH  banks?


Among them = 

1.  Federal Reserve (New York)
3. HSBC (London)
4. RBS (Scotland)

 Lightning network = You hold 1 of the 2 private keys that holds the bitcoin in the lightning chan... 
 Lightning network = You hold 1 of the 2 private keys that holds the bitcoin in the lightning channel.  You can unilaterally close the channel at any point in time.

Liquid network = in order to withdraw bitcoin from the liquid network, you don't hold any of the private keys.  You are relying on a 11 of 15 multisig to approve your withdrawal, otherwise known as a federation. Up-side is blocks are confirmed every minute, transactions are confidential, and transactions fees are generally cheaper than the base layer. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
 So over “woke” mind virus. Common sense + kindness is not a bad thing. 
 So over “woke” mind virus. Common sense + kindness is not a bad thing. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
  cda5bf9e05f3d1f91d36fe7d4934d3d82333a4a1c1f2c90af4d827634f69c324 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
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 I think she is really quite mad that one. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz 
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 How does that how does what the and now I and smashed head? nostr.fmt.wiz.biz