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Notes by erikcason | export

 I am forced to live in a reality with a bunch of smooth brained morons who are incapable of thinking of a world where they are not slaves.

 It’s true, just having a bad week 
 "I HEARTILY accept the motto,—“That government is best which governs least,” and I should l... 
 On civil disobedience is so fucking good. Be safe Hommie! 
 If I’m around normal people for too long, I feel existential estranged and start to get really depressed and like there must be something wrong with me.

Then I get to be alone in the forest for a week, and I’m happy as a clam again. 

Turns out that NPCs are poison for my mind, and crushing for my soul. 
 “No really, I won’t sting you in the back again! I mean, I promise. Like lol lmao, we almost drowned last time.”

 We are in the middle of an inflationary crisis that ends in hyperinflation—mostly because 90% of people are highly regarded and will follow others off a cliff if that ‘feels right.’

I understand that it’s like talking about preparing for an earthquake. They happen so infrequently that the idea of being in an 8.0+ quake seems impossible—yet many people who live in earthquake regions are poorly, if not at all prepared.

This is simply a function of the human brain being unable to adequately calculate tail-risks, nor understand that inflation, like an earthquake, is a white swan, not a black swan event. 

Everyone will get fucked by hyperinflation, and every fucking muppet on the block will act like they could have never seen it coming. You absolutely can, it’s just hard to look at; so most don’t. 

If you want some chance of not watching everything you’ve worked for in your life from evaporation away, you will need Bitcoin to save. 
 >telling me about astrological earthquake predictions and San Andreas fault line

Say more about this, I have skin in the game. 
 I paid $25 for a burrito and drink last night.

The dollar is fucked and you’ll never see prices go down unless your unit of account is Bitcoin. 
 Sadly this was a normal restaurant, however I probably live in one of the most expensive rural places in the USA outside of Alaska. 
 “But Erik, no one cares about decentralized, open-source, censorship-resistant protocols!”

Right, just like how most of the Jews in Germany in 1935, despite the writing on the wall that what was going to happen was much more horrific than what had happened, most just kept plugging along, staying in their lane, oblivious to their own impending murder by the state.

“The state would never let that happen!”

They did and they’ll do it again. And again. And again. 

They keep stealing, killing, and violating every ‘right’ you have until you don’t let them do it anymore. Or they enslave you. Or kill you.

Look, all the lemmings are gonna living in the camps, lick the boots, eat the bugs, and own nothing and ‘be happy’ under the tutelage of global ‘happy happy nice nice we all love each other and are totally equal…except for white men who are piece of shit who must burn’ communism. 

These people are worse than useless, but are detrimental to creating real change where we could be empowered against such totalitarianism, but refuse to engage it in any meaningful intellectual manner, because they are cowards and slaves, abated mostly unconsciously. They have allowed for the brainwashing to convince them the state is just a giant daddy to care for them and keep them safe. While it is true, it’s a much more sinister version that’s more than happy to engage in filicide because you didn’t clean your room.

Trying to convince these people of real change and empowerment is a waste of time. Focus your efforts on people who want to be helped, and are willing to actually think about why you might need these tools in the future and to prepare for such a future.

The masses are not our allies or friends, and we should stop looking to them as such. Change will come when we valiantly push forward with courage and tenacity that we have the solutions that are needed, and finding those who want to actively work with us to improve, deploy, and develop said solutions. 
 It blows my mind that anyone could be Palestinian and not be a bitcoiners. 
 TBH it’s pretty disappointing. They just tell you to vote harder at the end. 
 Voting AT ALL is a detrimental process of giving your power away. At best you may be afforded some small local changes, in exchange for compliance towards the global war machine and obed

 This behavior seeks permission from structures of abuse and exploitation to ask for  the possibility of the political—which will never be given.

This is why we’ve never seen a plebiscite to end unconstitutional wars 
 My fucking cat sent this when it was half thought out…damn it 
 This was ziggy 
 I just spent over an hour in conversation with none other than Phil Zimmerman, and the mission wa... 
 Doing Gods work. 
 There are only two bitcoin journeys. 

1. Bitcoin destroys you and you rise like a phoenix 🐦... 
 It has to humble all of us in one way or another, or else you simply don’t understand it. 
 When you meet a smooth-talking scorpion that absolutely convinces you that giving them a ride across the river could never end in tragedy because that doesn’t make any sense, remember that they are

It’s not about what they say, or even what they believe because they really don’t think they’ll sting you and kill you both, because that DOESN’T make sense.

But that’s the whole thing, right? They are a scorpion. It is their very nature to sting in times of panic. 

Don’t trust scorpions, even when they paint a rosy picture that doesn’t involve you drowning in the middle of the river. Because that will happen, and it’s because you trusted a scorpion. 
 Don’t judge how I make it through the morning 
 None, I definitely did not get stung and drown in the river for being gullible. 
 I’ve seen him live 3 times and every time is better than the last. 
 I’m reading Heidegger’s Being and Time right now, and it’s kinda fucking with me. For some background, I’ve read a lot of his other works (including The Event, which is the Time part of ‘Being and Time’) and I honest to God think that Bitcoin is The Event that Heidegger is speaking of.

It’s going to be a very, very long concourse to unpack it, but it seems that Bitcoin is authentic Dasein as a reflection on Being in our world and what the implications of understanding Bitcoin means to any person both today, and into the foreseeable future. 
 TBH because I’m familiar with much of his lexica, and have read several other of his later works which were even more esoteric, I’m finding this to be his most straightforward reading so far.

What’s really funny is I remember trying to reading him 15 years ago, and I was so frustrated:

“Why can’t you just fucking say what you want to say in a meaningful way, you wretched cunt!” 

I totally get why now, and unfortunately understanding Heidegger is a slog. 
 This is probably the best way to go about it, but some of us like to do
Things the hard way. 
 $100k #Bitcoin by 11:59PM Dec 31, 2024 
 If you are right i owe you a steak dinner 🍽️ 
 I did!

I wired up this goddamn house fan after fucking with the wiring for 3 days. 
 This is the only time I do not want zaps 
 A whole house fan in the attic to suck hot air out of the house. Just needed it wired on a 20 volt circuit, but all were full at the sub panel and trying to run the wire was a bitch, so I tied a few other things together and freed up a slot, but only after trying like 5 other things. 
 Holy shit, I’m 3 days into this electrical project that should only take an hour, but each step recurves into like 20 side quest. JFC fuck the guy that did this wiring. 
 I can’t fucking win here. Damnit 
 This was really good for the talk about having a public persona. 

A little after two hours he makes the point about agency. Something like there are little cheat codes throughout that you can find and exploit to your benefit.

I generally don’t like Eric, but I enjoyed this conversation, even the physics shit talking. 
 I live 50 miles from any stop lights.

I have a deep hatred and enmity for stoplights. The Pavlovian training to instill obedience to a light through the creation of the risk of death, verse a roundabout, and the selective and thoughtful placement of both, is the urban architectural project that is secretly a eugenics project.

 Spent a lot of time in SE Asia. I am familiar with the slow walk to cross the street. 
 I should I just send it on more of my detached philosophical ramblings?

This is a rhetorical question. 
 The real interest rate is the rate of interest in Bitcoin.

 Something that is pretty fun is how you can use color schemes to create cryptographic primitives:

 There is no Truth that can be given, as truth is a process of unveiling what was already there. The only thing that can be done is creating the space—the global public square—where such Truth can be mulled over, compared, explored, and debated so one may use their own volition to unveil The Truth.

 Buh, ser

YoUr VoTe mAtTeRs

 My favorite is the people in front of the supermarkets with a petition of some kind. Tell them that voting doesn’t matter is detrimental to humankind is always hilarious. 
 Bitcoiners should stop simping to any political banner or system  and realize that they are a new kind of power unto themselves. 

It will only be with the full realization of this that peoples will start to organize the new political dynasty and possibilities for a future freed from the lies and corruption of a monetary system that is tied to the current system of party politics. 
 I would zap you if I could. 
 How much do you think you really self-censor before you post something?

I often will write out something, and then edit it a few times and ultimately delete it, for no real particular reason. Perhaps it’s from a deeper subconscious fear of being cancelled or having your account destroyed by whatever fiat service you are posting from. That is now something that cannot happen here. 
 Now this window doesn’t need to define conversations or convention as much. There is a possibility of doing something new, having real, and sometimes uncomfortable conversations outside of that window. 
 The older I get, the more grateful I am that my parents homeschooled me. nostr:note1vaw6g5fhkzv49... 
 What were somethings that you like and disliked about it? What are some of your favorite memories of it? 
 Galileo didn't trust the science that earth was the center of the universe and was sentenced to a... 
 Time is flat like a circle. 
 I sometimes think about the totality of how many people throughout human history have gotten totally fucked by their governments and had to flee their homes and communities with nothing more than what they had on them.

What has been the economic cost of this, what is the cost of always living in a state of fear that it will happen again?

While it can happen, at least with bitcoin you can keep some of your property beyond the violent expropriations of any government. The value of such a thing cannot be understood by dollars or purchasing power, but only through the cost of life and what real economy security means to someone who has seen just the smallest amount of the horrors of the genocides of the 20th century. 
 Yes, this is why Leviathan is the cover of the book with bitcoin in the scepter, representing the overturning of the temporal realm to the spiritual once again. 
 One of the wildest psychological phenomenon I've witnessed during this meteoric rise of fruit & h... 
 "If a man is scared of carbohydrates, he is weak and fearful, and you shouldn't date him!"

Like who the fuck listens to anyone on a social media app for dating advice because of what food they eat? JFC this whole thing is totally out of hand. Happy these dipshits are too stupid to figure out what an NSEC is to ruin this place. 
 It blows my mind that these smooth brains can’t even contempt the possibility of these tools being expropriated and turned against them to make sure every human on the planet knows what an absolute piece of shit this guy is. I hope when everyone really knows, every single person will refuse to interact with him economically, and he will die of starvation. The hubris of these fuckfaces is amazing. 
 I have a real love-hate relationship with owning an older home. There are constant projects and repairs to be done, which are not only costly but a real time sink. On the other hand, I really enjoy feeling capable and learning from each project and acquiring new knowledge. It’s just a real bitch in between the start and finish of the project where I don’t know what I’m doing and I can lose motivation because I feel like I don’t know what I’m doing and can’t do it.

It’s a good metaphor for most things in life. Going through the chasm to completion is almost always the hardest part. 
 Indeed, however if you get something from the 60s out in the sticks like me, most likely it was one drunk guy who finished most of the project with, “fuck it, it’s good enough”.

Damned either way. 
 I have a deep fear of moving because I don’t wanna feel like I build this little paradise just to walk away in a few years. 
 You know how people say to bet on yourself? 

Yeah don’t do that. 

Bet on bitcoin. 

Bitcoin i... 
 This is the only reason I’m not totally fucked financial. 

I’m kinda retarded, but I’m at least dumb enough to understand that the best and brightest are building and working on bitcoin, and all I have to do to get ‘equity’ on that project *forever* is hodl bitcoin. 
 #Bitcoin Protocol is Politically Neutral

The Bitcoin User is Politically Biased 
 Political neutrality in a world where all has become politicized is the most political of all things. 
 I’ve done a lot of incredible stupid and poorly thought out things in my life. Sometimes I run into folks that for whatever reason it was, I have to take some ownership of some pretty embarrassing things that I did. 

While it fucking sucks, it’s better to clean up the fuck ups rather than let them languish and become gangrenous. 
 just paid $10 for a water bottle, cookie, and hamburger in an airport 🤯 
 How many did you get all of that, particular at an airport for only $10 
 I've seen some opinions on Bitcoiners getting wealthier by providing no value. I can't speak for ... 
 TBH I agree with the statement ‘Bitcoiners get wealthy by providing no value’ because that is how a neutral money is suppose to work.

Now what is important is that bitcoin, unlike any other form of money, isn’t bias towards any fiat political system that inherently supports war, theft, and extortion on the grandest of scale. Of which pretty much everyone is captured by.

Bitcoiners get wealthy because they use a system of law that steals from no one, supports no wars, and has a fair and open distribution based on computational energy. It turns out that these features alone make it the greatest investment ever simply because it provides value to no individual; but to how the whole system functions, unlike all fiat monies and investments. 
 While I have a big orchard (about 50 trees) I haven’t had a large garden in the last few years. After this last trip to the grocery store however, I really realized how much I’m getting fucked on subpar produce and products that I can grow and make much better for myself.

I plan on doing a larger garden next year, adding about a dozen chickens (got two nice coops and a good area for a chicken run) and maybe three or four goats if I’m feeling ambitious. 

I know it’ll make traveling much more impractical and add about an hour more of chores each day, but I’m sick of making the trip to the store and losing so much on something that I’ve done much better before.

I feel like the goats and the chickens will be the real game changers. I’ll need to up my preserving and fermentation game, which isn’t bad, I just need to do more of it. 
 I had a deer problem, until last summer I came home from vacation and there was a dead deer strung up on the inside fence. A cougar had been waiting for it to go into the orchard before ambushing it, letting the fence give it the upper hand.

There’s also a huge black bear that seems to use the orchard down the way as his own personal spot, which would also keep them away. 
 I saw that and it’s looks awesome, but I’m out on the west coast so it’s a bit far out for me. 
 To all those who make shitty negative comments that don’t add anything:

It must suck to be you and feel so much hatred in your heart. 

 I truly feel sorry for you and hope the grace of God will find you one day. 
 My first reaction is anger, and then once I think about it for a moment and realize it has nothing to do with me, it just becomes pity and contempt for being so small.