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 Can anyone explain why this isn't the biggest news story in the country right now? 
 A packed crowd of MAGA patriots!!! 
 Weedheads, reply guys, and endless war swamp creatures 

Mike Cernovich @Cernovich has a message for each of them

And his next film “Meaning” is going to dive into all of it https://t.co/86wwKam4sG https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1777767192991281153/vid/avc1/1280x720/6T85qUr92ayACBOI.mp4?tag=14 
 Chasing Trump exposes the four leftwing prosecutors who are interfering in the 2024 election to try to save Biden and stop Trump. 

It's a must watch documentary!!! 
 Going live now!!! https://t.co/xjFkLpZutS

Tune in! 
 Live on Rumble now!!! This one you don’t want to miss 
 Tonight on Triggered I’ll discuss my father’s abortion comments and will also have @Cernovich joining me to talk all things in the cultural zeitgeist. Don’t miss it. 6 pm est on Rumble. https://t.co/0zcgA6R5Af https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GKrA75AW8AAxPAF.jpg 
 Triggered 6 pm ET with the one and only Mike Cernovich @Cernovich 

This is one you’ve all been asking for - and we’re going to cover a lot more than just politics 

Mike even has another film coming out that is going to be big. 

See you on Rumble!! https://t.co/vvb8zOuEJy https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1777444266148597760/vid/avc1/1280x720/SYY9ad-viiguSTMq.mp4?tag=14 
 If you’re an idiot, everything can always be about racism. 
 Curious about the billions of dollars and weapons Congress sent Ukraine? You need to watch the first episode of the explosive 12-part series, "Zelensky Unmasked," that exposes the truth behind the war in Ukraine!

 6 pm ET , 3 pm PT 

This is going to be a fun one with @Cernovich 

See you on Rumble!!! 
 If you’re practicing medicine, merit should matter more than anything. 

Why do so many on the left oppose that?

Thankfully, @drdrew is on a mission to restore sanity to healthcare and combat all the propaganda https://t.co/ldtq2Vcj1V https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1776338621785604097/vid/avc1/1280x720/Ft4vxJQvU-kpkz_z.mp4?tag=14 
 If you’re practicing medicine, merit should matter more than anything. 

Why do so many on the left oppose that?

Thankfully, @drdrew is on a mission to restore sanity to healthcare and combat all the propaganda https://t.co/bn1zuU6oiU https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1776335994750431233/vid/avc1/1280x720/p5fq7PqYWDeRKicx.mp4?tag=14 
 Kamala might somehow be more embarrassing to our country than walking dead Joe! 
 Curious about the billions of dollars and weapons Congress sent Ukraine? You need to watch the first episode of the explosive 12-part series, "Zelensky Unmasked," that exposes the truth behind the war in Ukraine!

 Head over to Rumble now!!! 
 6 pm ET on Triggered with @drdrew 

This is going to be a special one.

It’s time to end medical tyranny and Dr Drew has the answers 

See you on Rumble!!! https://t.co/mrFe9WY2D2 https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1775997031468650496/vid/avc1/1280x720/0JtPc5H0R0CE5KOJ.mp4?tag=14 
 Tonight on Triggered an episode I’ve really been looking forward to.

We have @drdrew on medical freedom and how “public health” policy went so wrong, so fast.
Rumble 6 pm ET see you there!!!

 They know that if Ukraine joins NATO, it will immediately trigger World War 3 with Russia - Which is what Joe Biden and the establishment have always wanted. Vote Trump to save America and stop these war mongering psychopaths!!! 
 Good to see that Team Biden is finally being honest about how Crooked Joe's inflation is crushing the American people! 
 Have you ordered your copy of “Unhumans” yet?

The book that is meme-ing its way to the top of the charts and giving you all the tools you need to defeat the Marxist far-left freaks driving our country off a cliff https://t.co/E3JOBgRlM7 https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1775543528891760640/vid/avc1/1280x720/hFDIz4uqqLj22YZl.mp4?tag=14 
 Biden's DOJ cares more about DEI and wokeism than the rule of law. 

“A large number of so-called intel officers aren’t spending any of their time on intelligence because their entire taxpayer-funded job is devoted to political advocacy & bullying into submission anyone who dares not fall in line.” - @Cliff_Sims 

 Another day and another hoax from the Biden campaign. It's bloodbath part two. Here is the full video where Trump is clearly calling the illegal who murdered Laken Riley an animal. Does Biden think her killer is a good person and not an animal??? https://t.co/qcE99wYODp https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1775287062876319746/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/3kAEmG7PZVbMH0i-.mp4?tag=12 
 Great news out of Nebraska. A big thank you to Governor @jim_pillen!!! 
 This leftwing fraud wants to trick Montanans into believing that he's a "moderate" who supports my father's policies. Don't buy it for a second. Tester is a Biden rubber-stamp and anti-Trump radical! 
 Republicans weren't "seeking" an illegal immigrant deported by my father, to come back into the country because of Biden's open border and kill an American citizen.

The fake news is truly the enemy of the people! 
 See you there!!! 
 Coming up 6 pm ET on Triggered 

The book that @JackPosobiec won’t stop talking about

Why are “Unhumans” memes flooding  my feed??

See you on Rumble!!! https://t.co/WrS0BJJzdu https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1774913656343384064/vid/avc1/1280x720/qLEdv-Z68wuARNFr.mp4?tag=14 
 Tonight on Triggered we’ll have @JackPosobiec and @JoshuaLisec 

“Unhumans” tells you everything you need to know about what we’re up against - and how to defeat it.

Never surrender to the religion of wokeness 

See you at 6pm et on Rumble 
 I’d normally make an Aprils fool’s joke today, but honestly what’s more of a joke than real life right now? Our entire country is a punchline right now. 
 After this weekend blasphemy, this has to be a sign from God! 

Thunder and lightning delay the start of the White House's Easter egg roll https://t.co/uKntyJZ9kP 
 Biden is banning religious symbols from Easter celebrations at the White House, while flying the trans flag and declaring Easter Sunday to be "Trans Visibility Day."

This is the left's new religion. They want people worshiping the trans flag instead of God. They must be stopped. https://t.co/vVTZf7t5M7 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJ75ezmXEAEdoFb.jpg 
 Meteor 2025 if Biden “wins” again. 
 Anything, but Easter… we get it. 
 Really strange that it seems all the pedophiles and sex traffickers (allegedly 😉) hate Trump. 
Can’t get a more solid endorsement than that. 
 Imagine this in the inverse… a bunch of Maga hat wearing Trump supporters taking over a mosque. The hate crime indictments would be flying.

We don’t have to allow this to happen to us. We can put an end to the insanity and bring back decency but we can’t do being apathetic. 
 Even more proof that the Trans community is the most privileged class in America. 
 Let’s go Ohio! This year we’re going to elect the good Moreno and deport the bad one. 
 Going live now. 2 hour or so AMA so get your questions going. Triggered on Rumble. 
 About to go live on Triggered, 6 pm ET

Taking your questions. Ask me anything!

See you on Rumble!!! https://t.co/y2B3mYRUhX https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1773465760322478080/vid/avc1/1280x720/ZiNUei9kibS6znAc.mp4?tag=14 
 E: All of the Above!!! 

 “Jon Tester is Schumer, Pelosi and Biden's errand boy...He does whatever he is told.” - @StephenM https://t.co/0jG9fbP2Ze https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1773427915771764736/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/EYDoUc6J4BUHDmRr.mp4?tag=12 
 Tonight on Triggered I’ll be taking your questions live!! You can ask me anything.

Also so much big breaking news to cover.

See you at 6 pm ET on Rumble!!! 
 Have fun kids. 

Washington Examiner: George Soros pledged $1 million to ‘Hamas propaganda’ organization linked to terrorism

 Maybe the CIA should be more focused on protecting the country instead of pushing wokeness? @Cliff_Sims's book is going to be a must-read.

Breitbart News Exclusive: Book by Top Trump Intel Official Cliff Sims Exposes Trans Propaganda Inside CIA

 The ADL is now saying the term 100% is a white supremacist trope. These people are 100% F-ing insane. This is a term used by virtually anyone discussing probability on a daily basis. They will find racism in anything and everything and it needs to stop now! Enough of this BS! https://t.co/C5ZPYVsyE0 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJsyOyDXYAAdeqI.jpg 
 Another innocent American victimized by Biden’s migrant crime wave. Secure the border! 
 What’s driving the woke DEI, ESG madness inside corporate America?

And more importantly, what are the next steps to stopping it? 

@ColeMacro has the answers https://t.co/ZnsSvvJCv4 https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1773018807369408513/vid/avc1/1280x720/nkSPZOcW1uxx9UjT.mp4?tag=14 
 Which American company is the most woke? Let me know what you think here:

 The fact that “squatters rights” are becoming a thing in Joe Biden’s America & they’re the ones getting the benefit of the doubt tells you everything about the trajectory of America under democrat control. How long till someone moves into your home and throws you out? 
 Don't be fooled, Sherrod Brown is 100% for open borders. He opposes finishing the wall and supports mass amnesty for illegal immigrants. 

Breitbart News: Sherrod Brown Touts Fentanyl Border Stance Despite Years of Opposing Border Security

 I’m sure it will end at the “Rain Tax” 🙄

They definitely won’t just confiscate whatever they want in the not too distant future!!! 
 Going live now! 
 Triggered 6 pm ET so much big breaking news to cover 

Appeals court slashes bond ruling 

Boeing CEO’s emergency exit 

And new details on Biden’s disgraceful Afghanistan withdrawal 

@ColeMacro and @JerryDunleavy 

See you on Rumble!!! https://t.co/vL2ybpAYy4 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJiSsLPXoAAhD40.jpg 
 We went from remain in Mexico to them making demands of us under threat of them flooding our country with more criminals and illegals. Mexico is not extorting us!!!! 
Welcome to Joe Biden’s America people… it doesn’t have to be this way. 
 Mike Benz @MikeBenzCyber with everything you need to know about the swamp’s censorship alliance, the Ukraine scam, and the corruption inside “The Blob” https://t.co/nnz9YQ2hHG https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1772048434603696128/vid/avc1/1280x720/wCaMqpO7fMDk_oAF.mp4?tag=14 
 Joe Biden’s only accomplishment: The resurrection of ISIS 

With World's Attention on Gaza, ISIS Is Making a Global Comeback https://t.co/nZLGcuViaJ 
 My buddy @JackPosobiec has a new book coming out on the history of Communist revolutions. Pre-order it at the link below!

 Leftwing Democrats like Sherrod Brown, Bob Casey and Jon Tester all just voted to continue putting illegal immigrants ahead of American citizens. 
 Going live now.  Tune in!!! 
 While everyone’s talking about the dangers of TikTok and election interference, let’s not forget that it’s a provable fact that Democrats constantly collude with Big Tech to interfere in our elections without 1/100,000,000th the outrage. https://t.co/gEXxs6DKzv https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJOO1mkWYAANLiE.jpg 
 Great to see @FrankLaRose endorse @berniemoreno for US Senate! It was a tough fight in the primary, but Frank deserves a lot of credit for understanding that we need to unite to defeat Sherrod Brown. I look forward to working with him to help retire Sherrod and Biden in November! 
 Tonight on Triggered is the interview many of you have been asking for

We’ll have @MikeBenzCyber who has all the inside scoops on mass AI surveillance, the censorship corruption, and why it should terrify you.

Rumble 6 pm et see you there!!! https://t.co/ZxVsAAp2kT https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GJNhGQTWgAAUzaD.jpg 
 Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey is just another leftist career politician bending the knee to BLM radicals!!!

Breitbart News: Law Enforcement Calls Democrat Bob Casey’s Backing of Defund the Police Group ‘Alarming and Extremely Dangerous’

 Sherrod Brown is a leftist radical that votes with Joe Biden 99% of the time. He pretends to stand with workers, but sells them out to leftwing special interests at every turn. 
 Yesterday, Peter Navarro reported to prison for refusing to comply with the disgraceful, discredited, and corrupt J6 committee. 

Today, Hunter doesn’t even show up for the House Oversight hearing on Biden family corruption. 

Where’s his subpoena? Where’s his prosecution? https://t.co/hMFGGAMQ8h https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1770464210134138880/vid/avc1/1280x720/ado9EYUwQCOppZ4z.mp4?tag=14 
 NRSC, Steve Daines back Trump in SCOTUS amicus brief, warn of 'slippery slope' for future presidents

 Congrats to @berniemoreno!!!

Time to send Biden's number one cheerleader Sherrod Brown into early retirement. 
 Just heard from a friend in the media industry that the @AP's contract with Gannett that just got cancelled is a major revenue stream for them - In the $10-15 million a year range. 

Maybe they should start acting like an actual news org, instead of a leftist National Enquirer? 
 Seriously folks?? These companies are bulldozing the American workforce and replacing with illegals!  Time to support companies like Patriot Mobile that defend freedom and employ Americans!

 This is Peter Navarro’s @RealPNavarro last interview before he reports to prison.

He stood up to the corrupt Jan 6th committee - and was persecuted for it.

Peter is a patriot while the left’s lawfare is as destructive as it’s ever been. https://t.co/qr2E0y4MAf https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1770073492127367168/vid/avc1/1280x720/dM_YFffkrXZDm1EJ.mp4?tag=14 
 Ohio MAGA patriots - Get out and vote today for America First warrior @berniemoreno for US Senate! https://t.co/9DNR5ygVAg https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1770049755797700608/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/9pi5oUJ_3Av5dTZq.mp4?tag=12 
 Why does the entire RINO establishment fear @berniemoreno? 

Because they know he will put AMERICA FIRST.

"If you're in this country illegally...You will be deported!" https://t.co/obXX2C9gnq https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1769880292360167424/pu/vid/avc1/1152x720/di7g3DqYu5irb-Lr.mp4?tag=12 
 Hey establishment media morons - Might want to start paying attention to what's actually happening in the world before manufacturing your next hoax!

Breitbart News: Chinese Auto Executive: ‘Bloodbath’ Coming for American Auto Industry

 Interview with @RealPNavarro on Rumble now!!! 
 Tonight on Triggered is one of the most important episodes I’ve ever done 

We’ll be joined by Peter Navarro who is actually reporting to prison for standing up to the sham Jan 6th committee

But Peter isn’t backing down- he’s doing just the opposite. 6 pm et Rumble https://t.co/BDMfca9dEc https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1769833387559194624/vid/avc1/1280x720/swwCgbxG-W9xkYOz.mp4?tag=14 
 How many American citizens have to die because of Biden's open border? 
 Bernie Moreno will put America First!!! 
 Peter Navarro stood up to the corrupt Jan 6th committee - and tomorrow he’s reporting to prison.

The left’s politics of personal destruction is dark, disturbing, and destructive.

And it’s why Peter’s new book “The New MAGA Deal” matters more than ever. 

Rumble 6 pm et. https://t.co/5xIIVhq4LF https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GI9kq_0XIAAMbLg.jpg 
 RINO Ohio Senate candidate Matt Dolan is the most liberal Republican running for US Senate anywhere in the country. As my father likes to put it, Dolan wants to be the next Mitt Romney! https://t.co/LbTJZ38d6T https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1769706712544444416/pu/vid/avc1/1280x720/_K80cMjgO244ex4r.mp4?tag=12 
 BREAKING: AP's reporting on Moreno faces scrutiny over potential malice

 Ohio Senate candidate @berniemoreno rips his RINO opponent Matt Dolan for putting Ukraine ahead of America. This is the real reason the establishment Swamp fears Bernie: 

"This flag on my lapel pin says that I have an obligation to the United States of America!" https://t.co/50tIxBtrW3 https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1769405993702535168/pu/vid/avc1/1152x720/J2TQG8VvBmzb31tW.mp4?tag=12 

Exclusive — Associated Press Admits It Has No ‘Geolocation Data’ to Back Up Bernie Moreno Smear

 RINO Matt Dolan would be Mitt Romney Jr. in the US Senate. 
 Make America Great Again!!! 
 Ohio - We need America First Patriot @berniemoreno in the US Senate 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 

AP Smear of Trump-Backed Bernie Moreno Further Collapses: Founder of Adult Site Publicly Confirms ‘Geolocation’ Data Does Not Exist

 The entire RINO establishment is doing everything in their power to try to destroy America First patriot Bernie Moreno because they know he is a threat to the corrupt uniparty Swamp!!! 
 Tucker has a good take on this. Worth a listen. 
 America First vs Illegals First 
 Going live now come on over to Rumble and ask your questions. 90 minute ask me anything starting now. 
 I’m proud to be an investor in the company that is leading the way in the parallel economy.

The acquisition of the leading buy now pay later company that services the 2A industry, Credova, will help $PSQH in building the pro-freedom marketplace 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 
 Guys tonight on Triggered, I’ll be taking your questions LIVE!!

Ask me anything.

Plus, what the heck is going on at Boeing? 

See you on Rumble!! 6 pm ET https://t.co/gaqKCs39Yg https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GIpgHGHW8AAfhAE.jpg