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 The internet digitized information

Facebook digitized social connections

YouTube digitized education

Amazon digitized retail

Netflix digitized entertainment

Spotify digitized music

AI is digitizing the workforce

#Bitcoin is digitizing the money 
 What makes #Bitcoin the foundation for a merit-based society?

How does Bitcoin fight corruption where fiat fails?

What makes Bitcoin trustless and unstoppable?

"Bitcoin isn't solving for money; it's solving for human behavior." - Arvind

BFM090 is out now ⚡️

 @MaxDeMarco check your email! :) 
 “Did Millenials prepare for a future that doesn’t exist anymore?”

Stay humble, provide value, stay solvent, study #Bitcoin, and stack the hardest money to ever exist to build your future.
 “Did Millenials prepare for a future that doesn’t exist anymore?”

Stay humble, provide value, stay solvent, study #Bitcoin, and stack the hardest money to ever exist to build your future. 

Michael Peyton, a former cult member of 5 years(!), recently emailed me to share his thoughts on #Bitcoin and if it is the cult many critics say it is.

His answer might surprise you 👀

 #Bitcoin is an invention.

 Trading your finite energy⚡️ in time (your productivity) for something that could be created infinitely (fiat money 💸) is not a fair exchange of value.

If you’re really honest about it, it is the dumbest trade you could ever make.

Study #Bitcoin 
 #Bitcoin produces an economic constant in an economic marketplace that lacks a constant.
 BFM088: “Holy sh*t! It’s a protocol for Money on the Internet?!” with @ck⚡️

We discuss Bitcoin challenging the status quo, how it gives property rights to 7 Billion people, fighting for financial freedom, and why Bitcoin is the unstoppable money protocol.

 Don’t stop talking about #Bitcoin! 
 #bitcoin’s reason of existence and its mental impact on the world explained from a psychology perspective (without talking about Bitcoin)
 Debt is a shortcut to access economic energy from the future, now.

That’s fine if you pay back your debt.

If you don’t or can’t, you have basically stolen energy from the future that someone else in that future - YOUR KIDS - can not access.

US DEBT vs GDP: 122%

Study #bitcoin 
 I had a great conversation with the Onramp Bitcoin guys on their podcast ⚡️

#bitcoin really is “your last trade” if you do it right 🙏

 Wow that is amazing to hear! Hope you are able to help your friend get further on the Bitcoin path :) happy that this episode was valuable to you! 
 This better be some legendary #Bitcoin bull run because I AM BORRD.

Luckily, patience is a virtue 
 This #bitcoin newcomer is considering selling his stack because the price went down after Iran’s strike (and gold went up).

What would you tell him?

(I will share this post with him)
 No clue for what 
 BFM087: “#Bitcoin Empowers You to Vote with Your Money” - with @brian⚡️

We discuss central banks' money manipulation, why Bitcoin is the antidote to fiat theft, the power of economic decisions, Bitcoin’s role in a modern revolution, and more!

 Went golfing today
 You spend your finite energy in time for a reward you lend out to a bank who doesn’t hold it but just shows you the IOU number in your banking app, until they don’t.

Your money is not real.

Study #Bitcoin
 The only war I support is #softwar⚡️ 
 #Bitcoin has no top because fiat has no bottom.

Fiat monetary debasement is mathematically assured.

Bitcoin's absolute digital scarcity is mathematically secured.

Slowly but surely, game theory pushes people to the more superior money.

Study Bitcoin.
 The simplicity of #bitcoin = the beauty of Bitcoin =the argument for Bitcoin.

Ultimate engineered truth on a protocol that will never stop is the most ULTIMATE way to force transparency and help humans beat our own corruptability.
 To #Bitcoin, or not to Bitcoin - that is the future defining question for anyone under 40.

Do you stick with the pain an unfairness of fiat money? 

Or do you decide to do the work to study and adopt Bitcoin, giving you hope for the future?

Your progeny WILL JUDGE YOU. 
 Only the people with weak ideas that would never be adopted organically hate free speech 
 If you save in #bitcoin nobody can fuck with your money.

If nobody can fuck with your money, nobody can fuck with your thoughts.

If nobody can fuck with your thoughts, nobody can fuck with your opinions.

#bitcoin == Free Speech == Sovereignty == Freedom 
 What makes #Bitcoin the ideal solution in a world of broken money?

How does broken money affect our incentives and minds?

Why is separating money from the state crucial?

"Inflation is a form of censorship; it limits our true value expression." - Seb Bunney

BFM085 is out now⚡️

 Adopting #Bitcoin is a vote against theft through inflation.

It is voting with your money.

 Zuckerberg’s public coming out as a #Bitcoin-er will mark the peak of this bull run, and he will be the legend of the next.

The ultimate internet redemption.

From bringing more people online than ever.

To complying to control.

To advocating for the greatest technological discovery of our time and usher in a new era of prosperity.

To free ourselves with absolute digital scarcity.

He’s an internet nerd like us. Come on. 
 It’s fine to think that. I do think he could turn it around. He has big clout. 
 The “value” that #bitcoin produces and offers to the world is that it is a constant in the economic marketplace.

Its promise is to NEVER CHANGE.

The rules now = the rules forever.


So participants in that marketplace can trade equitably, which incentivizes them to provide real value.

That improves the quality of the products and makes prices go down.

This incentivizes to keep on improving.

And so on.

Fueling a marketplace with money that constantly loses value over time leads to lower quality because that is what that money incentivizes.

It makes the future more unpredictable.

This makes people consumers. Not builders.

Builders make us progress and innovate.

Which makes prices go down and living standards go up.

Scarce constant money = abundance in everything else.

Study #bitcoin 

s/o to Jesse Myers for sharpening my thoughts today 🙏

We recorded a 90-minute podcast today.

It was GOOD 👌 
 Brother I got you.

I just finished this short paper. Not published yet. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YyS0w6bJtoedXqS9u4MF4BaIEWzpR_105wXQMC8FpBQ/edit 
 Let me know your thoughts? :) 
 Bitcoin OG @BitcoinBrains reveals why there’s no stopping #Bitcoin now https://youtu.be/bNebAe3cUxU?si=6QIzKJ4z_MTwh5kr 
 @BitcoinBrains check! Sorry for the bad tag 
 Bitcoin is The Standard Measurement for Human Productivity.

Selling your finite Energy IN Time for a fiat money reward that can be created infinitely, is a dumb trade.

Your Energy IN Time should only be exchanged for / rewarded in #bitcoin https://image.nostr.build/5e2d0af4c83cc169fe33198d2d4058dd9f5805073ad78575b88a1880a1e3e182.jpg  
 After a much-needed multi-month sabbatical from doing any podcast interviews, I'm looking forward... 
 Talk soon! 
 This post by Anastiasia is one of my favorite #bitcoin posts ever⚡️

Give it a listen 👀⤵️ https://video.nostr.build/4324ebed15484aa441793eaee67e3ba6b5ff49ef4ac764e3810671c3d645d1b2.mp4  
 Traditional banks do not like #bitcoin as an alternative money system because they rely on the fiat money system to stay alive.

Banks that do like #Bitcoin understand that the fiat money ponzi they are profiting from will implode at some point so they adopt this parallel money system for when it does. https://image.nostr.build/ded96f14b644077280b98502c760f845b27677104552ead8db623c58750b5aaf.jpg  
 How are all the degrowth proponents still alive?

Typical ‘talk but no walk’. 
 These people want less people. Just unalive yourself if you really bout that life (see what I did there? ;)) 
 Wife, 2x daughters, newborn son, & dog, just chilling on the sofa 

Happy Friday all

Feeling ble... 
 The best. Blessed. 
 #bitcoin is the world’s financial backup plan and ordinary people have the chance to frontrun the people that messed up the first plan.

Decentralize everything.

Flip the power. 
 Inflation is a tax you never agreed to pay.

As long as you keep using fiat money the prices you pay for goods and services will go up forever 📈

That’s because fiat money can only survive if prices go UP, while you want them to go DOWN.

Move to #bitcoin and all prices fall. 
 I find it interesting (and logical) that #bitcoin is still “risk-on”.

Wouldn’t you agree the extreme predictability of Bitcoin actually makes it a risk-off asset?

It is only risk-on if you look at the $ price but once you truly understand it it is the least risky asset to own. 
 Understanding #Bitcoin is a psychological test titled “Can I still tryst myself and my judgement?” 
 Yes imo that is part of the (ego) test.

Is the outcome of my research really corrext?

Why do I doubt myself? 
 I am watching the financial debt game of musical chairs from the side, in this chair. Comfy. https://image.nostr.build/d23ee9cfb4b026b84207823d8b318005572913ce429147fa9a96c73a1b25bf69.jpg  
 Your money is programmaticaly devalued.

Your pension is non-existent.

Your banking app amount is a number in a database.

Food prices keep going up.

You can’t afford a home.

You’re 35 with a roommate.

You can’t afford a child.

But #bitcoin is a scam because the TV says so. 
 Everything else besides fixing our money is a distraction.

Good money = good incentives.

Bad money = bad incentives.


Bad incentives drive:

Funding war

Deteriorating education

Treating > Curing/Preventing health issues

Fake food

Government overreach 
 AI will decentralize entertainment and destroy the influence (propaganda) of Hollywood et al.

NOSTR decentralizes communication and helps us battle against government propaganda (misinformation).

#bitcoin decentralizes money and will help us prevent our time being stolen. 
 I just recorded a podcast with Michael Peyton. A gentleman who wrote me an email as a reaction to a previous podcast where I asked my guest Bob Burnett if #Bitcoin is a cult.

As a former cult member(!), Michael shared his thoughts on that question with me, and soon with you all! 👀 https://video.nostr.build/d6bf8e8192f2f363584f31683c80ba6dffad4188a3d7a7d6025f9ecec55a079a.mp4  
 “The digital scarcity of bitcoin is not virtual. It arises out of real, physical limits. The rules of #Bitcoin’s difficulty adjustment do not simulate physical laws, they are brought into existence because of physical laws.

Bitcoin is a digital item in a digital environment, brought about and kept alive by physical processes. It is the combination of the physical with the digital that gives Bitcoin its power: a digital commodity that can be sent around at the speed of light, inexorably linked to the physical laws of our universe.” - 

🔗 https://dergigi.com/2022/10/02/bitcoin-is-digital-scarcity 
 What’s the true cost of trusting the current financial system?

Why is #Bitcoin the ultimate tool against money printing?

Why is decentralization the ultimate defense?

"The system is taking advantage of you while you are trained to trust it." - 
Sina G.

BFM080 is out now ⚡️

 “Without new buyers, the Bitcoin system can't sustain itself. Its value isn’t like gold’s intrinsic value—it’s purely based on market perception.”

Sorry, that is wrong ❌👀

Market perception = I should have gold because others do = narrative

Why should you trust anyone? The narrative can’t be neutral. 

Discovering a trustless asset is revolutionary.

Everyone can use that same asset forever.

Immutable, permissionless, neutral.

Aligning the incentives of all participants.

Bitcoin = verifiable.

We become builders instead of consumers.

We accelerate. 
 How can #Bitcoin protect you from fiat money collapse?

How can you handle NPC critics?

What makes Bitcoiners so resilient?

“Bitcoin is not just a financial asset; it's a worldview that reshapes how we understand wealth, energy, and psychology.” - Nolan Bauerle

BFM079 is out now⚡️

 Shout-out to Tomer Storlight, my favorite #Bitcoin writer 🙌

"This isn't like you are joining a cult and repeating after me. You don't emerge as a clone of another cult member. You emerge from your existing cult, into freedom. All by yourself." https://video.nostr.build/af737aa159abe3a4c094d296f9256d19ed4cfb9e9c34dbe5d15a0d71f0312931.mp4  
 If there is one thing people need to understand about why our money is broken, it is this:

"Improving technology should make things cheaper over time. But Central Banks' inflation mandates, continually expanding the amount of money, ensure prices increase instead."

@Jeff Booth @LynAlden https://image.nostr.build/48ea9448d2a76c7b13095f47333d5ea124c8aec67fbbbc6ebb9dcc913264d5a6.gif  
 Today marks the anniversary of my podcast '#Bitcoin for Millennials'! 🎉

Some stats:
78 episodes
600K+ views/listens
150K watch hours 🤯
9000+ subscribers

One year ago I decided to contribute to Bitcoin starting a podcast that focuses on educating my generation on why Bitcoin is the most important discovery they should understand and adopt.

It's been incredibly rewarding to learn more about Bitcoin myself, help others learn (more) about it, broaden my network with incredible people, and work towards building this into a sustainable business that I will commit to for many years to come.

Huge thanks to all my past and future guests! 🙌 Highlighting your stories and thoughts is so much fun. It gives me lots of inspiration and builds my conviction around what Bitcoin could mean for the world.

Also a shout out to my sponsors, thanks for your trust and collaboration to grow this podcast!

If you haven't seen or listened to any of my episodes yet,  you can find them at http://youtube.com/@bramk and on your favorite podcasting app via http://bitcoinformillennials.com.

If you have any suggestions for interesting people to talk to, please let me know with a reply!

👀 Sneak peek: Once I have hit 100 episodes I will publish a Bitcoin book that is based on my first 100 episodes.

Onwards! 🚀 https://image.nostr.build/86ede73e5c94bff5a873020c7d1c20ae7af8b2a276ee9f5451c30ee2bb78a562.gif  

Thank you for watching, truly appreciate it 🙌 
 Got paid in bitcoin by a client for the first time today. Thank you nostr:npub1gfxgylgst4lcemkjth... 
 Love it! 
 The Bitcoin protocol is the base layer of free speech. 
 The ultimate use case for #bitcoin Lightning is creating an (open source) API platform that AI Agents can connect too, create wallets and exchange payments with other agents. Autonomously. 
 If Elon Musk donates Starlink to humanity, people could pay whatever they want for free global decentralized internet access. 

Freedom to interact withy anyone should be for everyone.

Add in decentralized communication with #NOSTR and decentralized money with #bitcoin

And we’re free. https://image.nostr.build/dd577f363a58d88a6991fff30061e65a8ee7791e43d4e4dac217a844fbb1c1a3.jpg  
 Ok. You’re cool. 
 Is Bram Kanstein from Bitcoin for Millennials podcast on #nostr
#bitcoin #asknostr 
 Yeah fun convo. And have great ones coming up.