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Notes by The Economist Data Team :_p: | export

 Why are so many of the victims in Gaza children?

In part, because of its unusual demography #press

 Unexpectedly, the cost of big cyber-attacks is falling

Natural disasters tend to do far more harm than man-made code #press

 A short history of India in eight maps

Understanding the breathtaking diversity of India and Indians #press

 Don’t blame “quiet quitting” on Gen-Z

A global index of workplace attitudes suggests that it is more widespread #press

 The old have come to dominate American politics

Voters say they favour age limits for elected officials #press

 After Dobbs, Americans are turning to permanent contraception

More young women are tying their tubes #press

 Five reasons why Indonesia’s election matters

The vote on February 14th is more important than the world realises #press

 Some good news about America’s fertility problem

Part of the decline in births should be celebrated #press

 Why are cities in Latin America getting more expensive?

In this year’s cost-of-living index they rose by an average of 13 places #press

 Where are Europe’s most expensive cities for renters?

Our “Carrie Bradshaw index” moves across the pond #press

 The sudden demise of Indian vultures killed thousands of people

Without “nature’s sanitation service” pathogens spread into the water supply #press

 How motherhood hurts careers

A new study measures its impact on women’s employment worldwide #press

 China’s “demographic dividend” appears to be a myth

If youth didn’t drive past growth, is ageing bound to be disastrous? #press

 Don’t be fooled by America’s “new” supply chains

Despite attempts to diversify, they still lead back to exactly where you would expect #press

 Is it cheaper to rent or buy property?

We crunch the house-price data across every American county—and make a surprising finding #press

 Quantifying the rise of America’s far right

The extremists are becoming more deadly. The ideology is becoming more mainstream #press

 Russia’s missile attacks on Ukraine have been ineffective

Its focus on civilian infrastructure is a sign of strategic failure #press

 Tracking the Ukraine war: where is the latest fighting?

Our satellite view of the conflict, updated daily #press

 A new study finds that 47,000 Russian combatants have died in Ukraine

The invasion has at least doubled Russia’s total combat losses since 1945 #press

 Prescription rules for obesity drugs may unfairly exclude non-whites

The relationship between body-mass index and weight-related ailments varies by race #press

 Brexit was wrong, say 57% of British voters

And for the first time, a narrow majority say they would vote to rejoin the EU #press

 Ukraine’s counter-offensive is speeding up

Territorial gains have been slower than hoped. But this could be a turning point #press

 Which countries get the best night’s sleep?

Asians sleep later, shorter and less well #press

 Corals are bleaching and dying earlier in the year than ever before

Scientists are evacuating corals off the coast of Florida to save them #press

 Latin American cities are struggling in the liveability ranking

Places in Asia have improved rapidly; Latin America is failing to keep up #press

 Don’t blame “quiet quitting” on Gen-Z

A global index of workplace attitudes suggests that it is more widespread #press

 The old have come to dominate American politics

Voters say they favour age limits for elected officials #press

 Are American children’s books getting more “woke”?

A new study suggests not—at least in representation of race and gender #press

 To help schoolchildren in poor countries, reduce lead poisoning

Doing so could close the gap with rich places by a fifth #press

 Places claiming to be centenarian hotspots may just have bad data

Adopting birth certificates appears to cut the lifespans of the very old #press

 What drives people to vote the way they do?

A new study using data on charity donations highlights the role of moral values #press

 Wagner routinely targets civilians in Africa

Its attacks are far more deadly than those of state forces or rebels #press

 How China became a car-exporting juggernaut

Its dominance in electric vehicles is partly to thank #press

 The pandemic has broken a closely followed survey of sentiment

Americans’ opinions about the state of the economy have diverged from reality #press

 A new study of studies reignites controversy over mask mandates

Most papers are inconclusive, though the largest covid-era study showed benefits #press

 Britons should brace for more travel chaos

Travel demand is closer to its pre-pandemic levels. But transport networks are struggling to keep up #press

 Hollywood is losing the battle for China

The rise of domestic cinema counters Western cultural influence #press

 China’s new GDP figures may restore faith in its economy

But it still has deep economic problems to overcome #press

 Quantifying the rise of America’s far right

The extremists are becoming more deadly. The ideology is becoming more mainstream #press

 In America, school test results are still lagging behind pre-covid levels

Only 20% of the decline in pass rates for English has been recovered #press

 Do Britons even like the royal family?

King Charles III’s coronation raises a thorny question #press

 Sudan’s spiralling war, in maps

Four graphics depict the fighting that threatens the entire region #press

 Suicide rates for girls are rising. Are smartphones to blame?

Hospitalisation rates for self-harm have increased by 140% since 2010 #press

 How popular is Joe Biden?

Weekly opinion polls from The Economist and YouGov, tracking Joe Biden's approval ratings and the issues that are most important to voters #press

 Charting Ukraine’s soaring exports to the EU

The influx of grain is testing its neighbours’ solidarity #press

 Accounting for flood risk would lower American house prices by $187bn

Unpriced future damages inflate home values the most in rural, inland regions #press

 America is less dominant in defence spending than you might think

Meanwhile China and Russia are ramping up #press

 Expensive energy may have killed more Europeans than covid-19 last winter

Our modelling estimates that high energy prices claimed 68,000 lives #press

 Why have Russia’s armed forces been so ineffective in Ukraine?

Chaos in the top ranks offers some clues #press

 “Bonsoir l’Europe!” How languages affect Eurovision scores

Crunching the numbers on 67 years of largely terrible tunes #press

 Our model suggests that global deaths remain 5% above pre-covid forecasts

Attributing this increase to covid would make it the fourth-leading cause of death #press

 Sacking Tucker Carlson has put a dent in Fox News’s ratings

Although the channel’s viewers skew conservative, they are open to persuasion from other sources #press

 How well does your country provide for its citizens?

A global index that attempts to compare people’s well-being across 170 countries #press

 South Korea’s suicide rate fell for years. Women are driving it up again

Some are also live-streaming their attempts #press

 South-East Asia is in the grip of a record-breaking heatwave

Hotter temperatures and reduced rainfall will also worsen the region’s dreaded haze #press

 Satellite data show Ukraine’s forces are testing Russia’s defences

The attacks may be part of the highly anticipated counter-offensive #press

 Cheap vaccines could prevent millions of deaths from cervical cancer

A turning-point looms in the campaign to eliminate the disease #press

 Demand for chocolate causes more illegal deforestation than people realise

New maps show the extent of the destruction in big cocoa-producing countries #press

 Russia’s missile attacks on Ukraine have been ineffective

Its focus on civilian infrastructure is a sign of strategic failure #press

 When will China’s GDP overtake America’s?

Recent forecasts have pushed the date further into the future #press

 Ukrainian advances on Donetsk and Zaporizhia can be seen from space

Satellite data can be used to track the counter-offensive #press

 How much is Russia spending on its invasion of Ukraine?

By historical standards, it’s a puny amount. That tells you three big things #press

 China’s influence in South-East Asia has grown. America’s has waned

President Joe Biden hopes to reverse that #press

 Man City v Inter Milan is the most lopsided final in Champions League history

Blame City’s wealth and Pep Guardiola #press

 The great global baby bust is under way

Fertility rates are tailing off sooner than expected #press

 Buyers of Russian crude are exporting refined oil to the West

The price-cap scheme has created opportunities for middlemen #press

 Tracking the Ukraine war: where is the latest fighting?

Our satellite view of the conflict, updated daily #press

 Perilous migrant crossings of the Mediterranean are rising

But the numbers remain below those of 2015 and 2016 #press

 The world’s most liveable cities in 2023

An index by our sister company rates the best, and worst, cities in which to live #press

 Are Canadian cities better than America’s?

EIU’s liveability index has an answer #press

 Supply chains are back to normal. Why is inflation still so high?

Covid disruptions and energy-price spikes may have led to persistent price pressures #press

 Dobbs electrified supporters of abortion rights

New bans made terminations rarer but united Democrats #press

 Antarctic sea ice has shrunk by an area nine times the size of Britain

Today’s coverage is far below the average between 1981 and 2010. What will be the consequences? #press

 Sunday brunch is the new Friday night

Post-lockdowns, in-person spending has shifted from weekdays to weekends #press

 Can America’s stockmarket rally last?

After a surge in the first half of 2023, the second half might not be as cheery #press

 Prescription rules for obesity drugs may unfairly exclude non-whites

The relationship between body-mass index and weight-related ailments varies by race #press

 Drug-trafficking networks are expanding into new territories

Track seizures of the illicit cargoes on our map #press

 North Korea’s hackers are after intel, not just crypto

The country’s “all-purpose sword” is living up to its name #press

 How many Russian soldiers have been killed in Ukraine?

A new estimate uses inheritance records and social media #press

 A new study finds that 47,000 Russian combatants have died in Ukraine

The invasion has at least doubled Russia’s total combat losses since 1945 #press

 Visualising India’s record-breaking rainfall

Climate change and weak flood resilience are making things worse #press

 NATO defence spending is rising, but not fast enough

It’s about what you buy as well as how much you spend #press

 Are cities in Asia becoming better places to live?

The region is becoming increasingly attractive for expats, according to EIU’s index #press

 In drought-stricken Europe, leaky pipes are worsening the problem

Some countries are losing up to 60% of their water supply #press

 Brexit was wrong, say 57% of British voters

And for the first time, a narrow majority say they would vote to rejoin the EU #press

 Could Ukraine’s allies be sending it more weapons?

Its arsenal is still dwarfed by Russia’s #press
