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 All life begins in the soil

Everything we do on our farm orbits around regenerating healthy, living soil

When the soil is healthy, the plants are healthy. Healthy plants are strong and resilient. They don’t require pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizer to thrive

When the plants are healthy, the animals that consume them are healthy

When the animals are healthy, the humans that consume them are healthy

As our ducks roam the forest ponds, they forage on bugs, mechanically cycle the soil and leave their droppings to fertilize it

We take our soil very seriously. We will have a soil lab in our barn, and a compositing operation that harnesses the power of worms and bacterial decomposition to brew high grade soil juice 

By protecting our time with #bitcoin, we have the time to learn about and care deeply for our soils

Soil is the cradle of life and the ultimate source of human health

#nostr #soil #farm #ducklife #worms #bitcoin #food #nutrition #ducks #duckstr #farmlife #satstandard

https://m.primal.net/KlxF.jpg relay.13room.space