gates ripped off qdos, ripped off windows, microsoft is like the amazon of software, they do everything, just non-shitty enough to ... as they elquently describe it "embrace, extend, extinguish"
i am not grateful to gates for making contracts with hardware manufacturers to ONLY write firmwares and drivers for windows... at all, in fact i think such a contract should be considered a conspiracy
i've written a fair bit of code interacting with bluesky, in #golang if that's what you will be using maybe it will help (and i'm happy to natter about the ins and outs of what i discovered while learning it)
portugal also has a pretty strong "council" (junta) influence too, as does italy... france it's unions, which leans more to communism but it's on a continuum
IMO we can do nothing and bitcoin will be fine
at this point, if the Core devs bend over to the many suitors wishing to ream them then there WILL be a bitcoin classic, aka, not a fork, the original, and this will be where the mass of userbase (as in businesses) will be pig-headed (for economic reasons) and stick with it
i think people on X and people in the general world outside of the unbiased feed of #nostr are funneled into panic mode about everything and guess what
that's the first thing a gypsy hustler does to you, try to induce panic
first thing you do to win against this shit?
bah. move has <Option> which for C/C++ will be familiar in the form `union`
it is an abomination, and has contaminated most multi-language RPC API frameworks with this idiotic trash
at least move also has go-like tuples but i'm never going to willingly use this abomination in my Move code. not negotiable, the thing should not exist.
instead it should have FUCKING INTERFACES
also it's really simple to write a static analyser on the ASTs of parsed code to identify when there is a path where a vector or interface type (they are related in the way they are dual indirections) may have a zero value and demand a nil guard somewhere between the declaration and usage where it would be panic condition
i generally don't have the cold problem but if it is that cold yeah i have trouble typing, my cadence is all broken
what i have more problem with is pain especially joint and tips of my fingers
it's actually a recurring phenomenon across the ages... in the late 19th century, russia was having its' "free love" time, and the very ❤️ symbol itself actually originates from a time in rome, this represents a leaf of a plant that stimulates abortion (not sure, maybe it's actually rivea corymbosa, aka morning glory, the leaf shape is the same)
humans keep falling for the same shit over and over again, i'm sure if you wanted to do a really deep historical survey you can find times where the fad of "free love" arose over and over again and find the same kind of scum, possibly even historically connected scum promoting it
interesting thing i'm learning about eating beef cooked on the spit is that actually a lot of bits that i used to not eat, especially the fatty skin bits, are actually really good to eat
tehy just need to be charred up a bit and voila
did much better on the #espetada #madeira style (espetada madeirense) today 😁
a few tricks:
- slice the garlic thin and squash it onto between the chunks
- put the salt on it and let it sit for a while so the salt gets nice and stuck... for steak bbq enthusiasts this is called "brining" but it's not quite the same with skewers as is the espetada style
- push the chunks through, if they have a fatty segment on one side (eg picanha cut) push that fatty bit perpendicular to the spike
- it may look like it's burned, but i assure you, it has to be almost black to be burned
- inevitably, the fat will melt and drip all over the coals and make flames, this is ok, flames are nice, but they char more than cook
ultimately, it's still good that the inner parts are still mostly raw but warm, because actually raw meat is even better but not as safe to eat, or as tasty
so this leads me to my last tip:
- cut small segments, like, maybe 5cm max diameter or so, seems to be ideal
yep, KYC, the first step to national social media score punishments like house arrest, city arrest, country arrest, freezing of assets, and other fun stuff that totalitarians love
i already suffered under this shit by having my top 1% intellectual abilities hobbled by my bottom 1% supply of fucks about obeying self declared authorities in my last year of highschool... which cost me being able to get into a CS degree
and i really drove the nails home on this one, i was the one they pinned a prank involving a parody document that specifically lampooned their social credit system (i merely cheered it on, gave some small feedback and did some of the distribution work in fact) and of course all the tyrannical bitches in the school administration and teachers had it in for me after that one
i left australia because of that whole experience, followed up with another 15 years of being obstructed from gaining meaningful employment, and starting my own business as a freelancer
then i arrive in bulgaria, run out of money, and i'm in a job 2 weeks later
after thousands of applications and all that 15 years trying to get off welfare
no way i would live in that shithole
australia is one of the most advanced fabian socialist systems in the world, up there with Israel and the UK
> The Fed’s balance sheet is back at August 2020 levels. Yes, you read that right. While bitcoin is partying like its “money printer go brr” time, the Fed’s balance sheet shows the exact opposite.
yeah but how much of the curent USD supply was added in 2020?
the dollars aren't everything, they flowed out into gold, platinum, uranium, stonks, real estate, and now they are going back into bitcoin
people aren't stupid
the dollar should be ~half the market cap of everything but it's almost always much more and then other things become media of exchange
oh man... that game is so awesome... two best sim games of all time: populous and settlers
i don't think sims have really surpassed them in the time since (nearly 40 years)
the reds are so obstructed in their ability to think by this idea that any politician is not a tyrant
hello! biden was a tyrant
trump was and will be a tyrant
politicians = tyrants
they are empowered most fundamentally by byzantine systems of delegation of a democratic vote that does not place any stake upon the decisions assented to by the voters, or by their delegates (representatives), and these systems have been fundamentally coopted by media corporations with their government licenses and funded by the banks whose most fundamental power - to pick and choose economic winners, and thus punish those who oppose their interests...
what they do understand, however, is that inventing technology is a key tool to breaking the injustice of an establishment
that's why i'm here doing things on Nostr and why for my paid gig i work on federated database systems (aka shitcoin blockchains)
democracy literally means people power
it's about violence not judgement
there is no formal ideology for justice, it's just "kritos"
the marketing for democracy is about it being efficient by making rules to pre-judge a case, yet if it was really justice we could challenge every law and every law could not be only validated by the mere assent of the representatives, via delegation, the law should have to derive its merit based on established principles, at the base
democracy can only work when the value of the property being decided on is held by those who have a vote, and their vote power is in proportion with the value (relative to the whole, the commonwealth)
neither parliamentary democracy nor modern, secular liberal democracy are valid applications of democracy because the main point is about stake... when you have none, your vote having a nonzero value means you can vote to have property reassigned to you, ex nihilo
the "greatness" of america was based on the right of ownership of property, and the voters were solely those who owned property, but even then it was weak, because they summarised the relative value, so you could get a vote out of a few square yards of dirt and make decisions about things that would affect those with thousands of times more
the only form of democracy existing in the modern world that actually follows the original principle is the votes of shareholders, and even there, the delegation of vote power to delegates is a dangerous step that requires a complicated process of disbarring a delegate and allowing reassignment of the vote power to a more preferred delegate
without stake, democracy is just a mob of violent people shouting
if i were to propose what i think would work as a government system it would be based on the UTXOs you control
you cast votes based on those utxo secret keys and it would be impossible to cheat it
since the money represents 50% of the economy, the stack you have reflects your power in the economy to move it to a different configuration, and this is more important than any other subjective value that would ultimately be denominated by its proportion of the total amount of sats held by people in that space
the only thing that would be required to make it work is a proof of geographical location with a zero knowledge proof, to protect your actual location... that's the hard part of how it would work... you could then make proposals that map over a geography arbitrarily and those who have claims in those zones would have the right to decide on ratifying them
i'm sure that this is much what will eventually come to be but it will take time for the need of it to become clear i think
not possible to just add label? what a clown show...
the sound of rain on my roof gives me goosebumps
i do hope it fines up long enough for my washing outside to finish drying and my dirty clothes that i just washed this morning maybe get a chance to dry too... probably need to string some cord up on the rafters to get stuff to dry during this next 6 months of wet winter here in #boaventura #madeira
as an aside, while i got some issues with stuff about this work, it's work, first of all, and secondly, Move, the language of Sui and Aptos are basically languages with a lot of syntactical and project structure similarities to Go (packages, mains)
they have a far reduced set of basic data types (basically unsigned integers and strings) and
use tuples in almost exactly the same way, with a bit more braces than Go
they don't have objects \o/ fucking hate objects and
the only thing that i still hate about it is all the generic syntax, because if they'd used compositional structuring it would be a lot less verbose (the number of times you have to repeat <TopLevel<Instance>> throughout the code to make a thing generic is sad
still, my point here is that i'd rather code in Move than Rust, C++, Javascript, any day without question, if I can't work with #golang
the good news is, aside from actually learning how to work with the blockchain crap of Sui and Aptos, i should be moving on from working with Move at the level of managing and completing a port from Sui to Aptos, and then building a middleware, or, basically, "gateway" server, which essentially acts as a cache and shim between the front end interface parts of the system and offloads the replication from the front end so that one front end can interact with multiple back ends (ie, smart contract blockchains)
which means after a month or two of working with Move i'll be able to move back to what i prefer, which is Go, and get paid good for it... and hopefully as the bull proceeds i may even get a pay rise next year
almost all of the "popular" mainstream languages share a common feature...
every one of them, nodejs with node_modules, rust with target, move with build, and there's probably others i am forgetting, literally copy almost the same big giant set of standard library code into that directory
if the disk had deduplication capability, i guess that might not be so bad, i think that ZFS has that, but i'm not even going to talk about this Unix :TM: bullshit because they deigned to force a whole different CLI API on us to just access them and since i don't need to learn this to use ext4 or btrfs, in the basic use case, fuck them, what the fuck were they thinking not binding it into mount and fucking fsck???
so, if i've been working for a while on a hundred projects or more, my disk has to have this many copies of the standard libraries, plus all the other dependencies that each one pulls in, and very often, in most languages there is dozens of more libraries that are basically de facto standard libraries, and pretty much will be stuffed in that directory for you every last one
of course, Go doesn't do this shit... in $GOROOT/pkg/mod there is a folder with version namespaces on each version of everything that everything you have ever used lives, and you can remove all of it with "go clean -modcache" or some command like this
every time you start a new project in these other systems, first step includes DOWNLOADING AND WRITING this shit to your disk. AGAIN.
if you think #golang is not a good language or toolchain, maybe that's because you have more money than brains
yeah, it's quite interesting to watch video of incidents like this at low speed to see exactly how they roll with it... there is also a mental discipline with it, though alcohol helps it... it even talks about this simplification of reaction in the writings of Chuang Tzu about how drunk people are more natural than when sober, and there is the fable of the Taoist Butcher and the story of ... i forget who it was, but it is something of an initiation ritual for Taoism to float to a waterfall and to learn to let go in that same way
a lot of words to say...
if you practise chi gong and stuff like Ba Gua Zhang and Systema (russian martial art a lot like aikido and ju jitsu) training yourself to crumple and relax in the face of a strike is really powerful to protecting you automatically
before i had even done 10 lessons of Systema, for me the iconic training session of Systema at the beginning is the solar plexus punch soak training... basically, you get a partner, and you face up together so they are in perfect reach, if you don't move, to land a hard punch right on the middle of your sternum, possibly one of the most painful places to get punched maybe just a little less than the funny bone on the elbow... and you learn to take it, not the actual impact, but to arch your back and bring your shoulders and head forward so the peak force of the punch misses you and you basically at most feel a bit of a bump
this, for me, was a really good lesson in letting go in the face of a collision with something, and i have trained it and when i am in a better state of mind i find it very easy to do, i rarely strip over anything, i rarely bruise myself on things i didn't see
ah yeah, it probably saved me from a broken bone a few months ago when i came off an electric bicycle going down a way too steep concrete "caminho" near my place... i think i got off with one ding in my knee where there was a small compression in my kneecap
the most clear deficiency of ntfs can be seen when you are copying (either reading OR writing) large volumes of source code or small files... ext4 is like 100x or more faster at reading and writing small files, it's completely out to lunch how bad windows ntfs is
and then you have the issue of the bad implementations for linux, which no coincidence due to the design of the structure also are bad at large numbers of small files (and no amount of tuning the block size makes a stick of difference)
also, don't try to mess with changing the filesystem, there is voodoo in there... best to move partitions around or copy them across (ie, make one big enough to fit then use DD to dump it onto the partition
windows does tolerate being moved about, but not simple copies, the filesystem holds magic sauce
that's because you aren't using it for discussions... unfortunately the fact is that is kinda necessary still... idk if you've used meetup but it's awful ... and bitcoiners at large are still not warmed up to nostr even though most of us are bitcoiners
i was digging in the dirt tonight... it was nice... like ...
incidentally, i'm some kind of asexual drone on fiat food, but as soon as i start eating real meat regularly i turn into an animal
yeah, the mind doesn't have energy without the body
it's really making a difference... maybe soon i will start to see other things start to improve finally
i know one thing for sure, i've almost beaten the peripheral neuropathy and muscle weakness
the beef, of course
i also observed this with goat but it wasn't nearly as tasty... if i could get my hands on a goat hind quarters and cut it up just right it would probably be equally good... the thing is what they feed em on, pretty sure this beef is grass fed, and the goats just prefer ... well, not even just grass, but whatever is poking out of the ground
possibly maybe there could be one such shop on this whole island but it's really not a big place... 300k people live here, last time i lived in a place this many people was Novi Sad and that isn't exactly a big place either
anyway, i can actually get whole goats if i ask around, the bigger problem i have is finding someone who knows how to cut them up properly
i just had fun for about half an hour in the fading light of evening in front of a collapsed stone wall that fell over the path down the road from my place
it wasn't this one
this is nothing, i was able to pass it easily, but actually it was as i was passing it, and deciding to move some of the rocks off the path so my path would be easier later, i got in a mood...
actually, i got in the mood way back on the cliff road around the bend to ponta delgada, where they didn't actually get around to delivering my phone, the blackview bv4800 saga continues
they send me a message after i left, that they will get it there by the end of tomorrow
hah... i'm not going there tomorrow you assholes
the actual part i'm talking about is much closer to my place, and right near that abandoned, mostly still standing building by the side of the path i took photos of the other day
one section near it had totally screwed the path up, and i got it into my head i was going to make it at least passable for me in the dim light to pass over it safely with my bicycle
so i sat for half an hour, digging at the dirt with my hands, getting my nails thoroughly full of grit and gunk, seeing the odd bug crawl out as i moved things... lots of big chunky rocks in there, just sorta have to push into it and feel around and some of them were small enough, had one i was able to pull out and cause a small avalanche, but i kinda expected taht because of how it was positioned and how big it was, no harm
i will go back there in a day or two and make it totally passable though
it's definitely the best way for me to pass with my bicycle to go to the post office so it will be made passable
plus, i love digging in the dirt
and i read a few years ago that dirt has bugs in it that have antidepressant effects, so probably i need it
women are a majority in a system where there is constant war because the men are being slaughtered
this is why there is this gender imbalance in russia, and the chinese instituted the one child policy with the context of the cultural meme of having sons to try and correct that... but that's the end result of pure totalitarian states. too many women, and they are the most pliable to nonsensical demands of democratic politics
i think that eyes are the most beautiful part of all animal bodies, except maybe ugly ones like flies and wasps, they give me trypophobia... but my point being that this "she has nice eyes" thing really just means you want to connect to them emotionally
almost any other part of the anatomy is kinda wonky in most cases but eyes tend to be 99% perfection in almost all cases... except for evil people, where you see nothing in them except the abyss
um, wait, you mean "for distribution on gay homo windows store?
cos nothing is stopping anyone from building .exe files and/or even building installers to place them into neat folders in a user's directory
all the permission required is
don't let anyone ever tell you that the place you are in doesn't drag you down
it can
and even, this was understood by Mohammed and inscribed into the Qur'an
if you cannot make profit where you are, migrate
and it follows
if the place you are in sucks the life out of you
300 years in iceland until the catholic church pushed tithes on them... 9000 years in jericho, no signs of a centralised government or monarchy... and prior to Samuel in the bible there was no jewish king, only judges, decentralised, market based law
it's the demand side doubled, this is principally why the bankers funded suffragettes and getting women the vote and all that... to double their tax cattle base
people would not do this without being pushed and coerced and lured into it though
women are not hunters, engineers, builders or farmers, they are at best teachers, managers, nurses, artists... it's only PR that drives this nonsense about the upwardly mobile yuppie woman business nonsense, and it's completely illogical
it only continues because people can't put together enough money for a house anymore, it's got to the point where a substantial proportion of the population have given up on it altogether, and not only are they not buying houses they arent't getting married or having children, except for the women using it as a way to stay on welfare, and that was already a thing by the 70s
i can't begin to emphasize enough the toxicity of most seed oils though... damaging your skin's ability to soak oxidative radicals and UV light is just one aspect of it, it also disrupts many other systems having this half-damaged garbage going in through the oil pathway of the intestines... it hurts your liver, your lungs, your eyes, everywhere there is fat, there is damage
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