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name Paul Jackson
about A software engineer by day, who's interested in stuff and also things, including but not limited to #RetroComputing #RetroGaming #Amiga #Gaming #Photography #MusicProduction and of course #CatsOfMastodon Photos are my own unless otherwise credited. Header: A grey tabby cat named Captain Jack laying on a white cushioned garden chair with a black and white patterned cushion behind. Profile: Two cats, one grey tabby and one calico, are playing with a classic retro style joystick.
banner https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/headers/110/842/165/295/226/548/original/c5e17bfd4893678b.jpg
nip05 Paul_Jackson@mastodon-social.mostr.pub
picture https://files.mastodon.social/accounts/avatars/110/842/165/295/226/548/original/a767282574582b0d.jpg