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Notes by TheBotmaster | export

 An obvious attack against #bitcoin. By an adversary with large financial means. 
 The last thing in the universe that military midwits are ever going to grasp is that high housing costs, and high costs of living, are a direct threat to national security! If costs of living prevent family formation then all the young men they need will never be born! Gen Z is already amongst the smallest generations in history….
The USA has lost the coming war a generation ago… ‼️ 
 With #gold the amount of purchasing power you can carry is limited by the size of your colon. Wit... 
 Don’t believe a word of it. Did they just “randomly” find that stuff in a “random” traffic control? There is more to the story. (If true) 
 Big piece coming up, on the profound effect of plastics on humanity. It's not just about health. ... 
 “Facemasks”, “faceshields”, and the pharmaceutical industrial complex would not exist without plastics. Plastics poison this planet while being forced upon us by the same cabal that claims to be concerned about #climate  
 Airports are like a scenario of communist dystopia. 
 #airports shouldn’t even exist! Think about it. When a ship reaches the coast it needs somewhere to dock and unload, but airplanes? Why couldn’t an aircraft land on any even ground? Besides basic infrastructure for loading and refueling, there are absolutely no needs for ANY of the additional crap that goes on in airports.
Now you might argue that we need them for “#security” but that’s a hoax. If planes landed just anywhere, they could be much smaller, like personal cars, cheaper, and it would not be possible to target them for any significant attack.
tldr: air-”ports” are nonesense 🛬 
 You forgot a couple of hashtags there, buddy 
 I know. It’s still early where I live and I have yet to get my daily dose of peanuts 🥜 
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 Simple: pour concrete down the drain. If I can’t live in my house, neither will you! 🔥🔥🔥 
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 There is no such thing as a “Digital nomad”. It’s 50% scam and 50% clever marketing by agencies who want to repackage standard work visas to make them appear to be somehow a new thing. 
At this point no country on earth offers anything that even remotely resembles what most believe to be #digitalnomad visas. I’m fact, the very idea of foreigners “working” remotely goes completely against everything governments stand for and represent: the #enslavement of individuals to a specific geographical region. 
As such Digital Nomads are a hoax and I have yet to see a single example of anyone pulling it of successfully in my 10+ years of #travel 
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 Yours? Recent? Context?