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 Micro-blogging. Remind me why do we choose to do it this way again? 
 I guess in a way, it is a quick and easy way for people to get emotional stuff out of their chest. But I feel like that's not really healthy, no? If we're just throwing emotions at each other, without really much thought, that feels like a way for us to be rather disconnected and divided. 
 I mean I wouldn't think saying these would be much of a connection, either. Micro-blogging is too short for us to be able to properly relay our thoughts and their reasoning. It surely does serve as a way for us to, uhm, vomit emotions at each other rather than build a healthy social medium for thoughts. 
 Fuck ppl who want to talk about ppl.

Discuss ideas. 
 Ad hominem is not a principle to be upheld. It is a sham on our cognitive abilities. The fuller context, what the ideas are, and how they are meant to affect the world has nothing to do with the people who say them. It has to do with our efforts to study these ideas. 
 nostr needs to stop shoving bitcoin down everyones throats and just make it another subtle and us... 
 Micro-blogging is a medium where complaining has an advantage over many, more thoughtful "content."