Oddbean new post about | logout

Notes by Jon | export

 We do have a moral duty to hate perpetrators of rape, kidnappers of children, mass murderers of incidents.

That’s why I hate kikes and want them all dead.

 Are you a breastplate man or a cuirass man? 
 Dress for the job you want, and you'll never wear clothes a day in your life. 
 The levels of reality denial this faggot is on are practically impressive.

 Tits can be too big. 
 @yockeypuck :redditGold:  Too much of a good thing is a grotesquerie. Moderation in all things. 
 And in just four or so days we'll be cursed with this song.

 @Godcast (GOWAD half) Maybe you. I am uncurseable. 
 Hey, don't forget that it's almost the end of September!

You only have another 4 or so days to enjoy this song this year!

 The Handmaid's Tale 
 @Caek Islove 🍰 💖  Sorry, I haven't read that. 
 We should have forced them to wear the stupid red costumes tbh 
 @Caek Islove 🍰 💖  Red costumes? What are you referring to? 
 Feminism won because women did actual violent terrorism, and men said "Aww, how cute."

I sometimes think about that and just shake my head in disgust at how consistent simping has been throughout the ages. 
 @Clever_Moniker I usually just block monocle shitters on sight, but I'm curious today: What does that react mean? 
 @Mongoose I’m aware of how wrong most people are on most of those, but the official spic number is a complete lie. There are way more beaners here than they are admitting. 
 Can't even watch a Mandalore video without him using singular they/them faggotry. Apparently this gay shit is just the new normal. 

Fuck that. I will forever fight against the gayness. 
 @Fash-E :windmilloffriendship: I use SponsorBlock for Youtube and it works great when combined with ublock origin. 
 @2985d5e0 Give back the railroads?

WHAT FUCKING RAILROADS? You niggers took them from us through the diversity tax! The tracks have already fallen apart! 
 You may not like it, but this is what the peak anarchist body looks like.

Event not found
 @Tiny "T" Kratchitty - Crutch Operator >we could have had an entire lake of pilsner 

We fought the wrong enemy