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 Did the guys on the ocean gate titan,  really not feel anything when the submersible imploded?

 @Alice They felt the ocean's embrace 
 Has the ADL added octopus plush to the list yet? 
 BREAKING: The Biden Administration has tasked the CDC to help Israel/Palestine with data assessment in the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Pursuant to this, the CDC is proposing new categories of data to better understand needs on the ground. For example, no longer will casualties in explosions be labeled "dead" and "injured". Instead, they will be more accurately labeled "dead with explosion" and "hospitalized with explosion". 
 Ah rats. Invidious's playlist import is busted. 
 "Each war has two sides" Nope 
 YouTube thumbnail face 
 Small batch, artisanal homegrown terror 
 Faux speech extremist 
 Clutch 'em by the pearls 
 Kids' heads in kibbutzes > Kids in cages 
 Don't call it a blowback 
 It's almost too delicious to believe, my friend 
 The Hummus Wars have escalated 
 TIL Snoop Dogg has a YouTube channel with videos for kids 
 @c586c339 Ha, yes a young one that will need another to pollinate with and won't fruit for several years if you're lucky. Other trees on there are in the $40 range. Glad I bought mine when I did. I paid about $30 for mine years ago. I wonder if some YouTuber talked this particular variety up and there's a shortage. That's happened with certain fig varieties. 
 @c586c339 Thank's Joe 
 @7afab20d Finger staining time! 

That's for a whole tree. 
 @c586c339 Ha, yes a young one that will need another to pollinate with and won't fruit for several years if you're lucky. Other trees on there are in the $40 range. Glad I bought mine when I did. I paid about $30 for mine years ago. I wonder if some YouTuber talked this particular variety up and there's a shortage. That's happened with certain fig varieties. 
One of my best friends wen... 
 @b2e3a57d I find all the new excitement around nuclear interesting. Lots of cool projects being worked on right now. 
They still have a working ... 
 @b2e3a57d Thanks for the "boots-on-the-ground" info! TYFYC 

I grew up ... 
 @b2e3a57d Yeah, I know. Not my title, but I enjoyed the video nevertheless. Getting pinned to a ceiling by a control rod is quite a way to go. 
 "Formal deprogramming" That's where you get to wear your Sunday best while a contractor waterboards you. 
 @65573fdf Amber Heard preparing to do her thing? 
 @9ae5aff6 I'm sure it is different around the country but in some states these awarded teachers get pulled away from the great job their doing to go to Department of Education events haha 
 @669563d8 Coming soon: gov't efforts to solve the shortage crisis 
 @7fb19bc4 The last one has a Charlie Chaplin look 
 “The democrats are a bunch of gutless chickens. And I’m going to choke those chickens until t... 
 @3a92a9b1 Politicians are all the same when you turn the house lights out 
 >The world is a terrible place with people not respecting one another and just looking out for themselves
> Maybe if we all started respecting each other and looking out for one another...
>No way! That's how we got here!
> Huh? 
 I shoulda labeled the speakers "strawman1" and "strawman2" 
 nostr:npub1l9qghernyxp9st0wgx47x2ym0prjdgkwv22q7s692y6k6hgejmvsvpez0u oh boy, she gets his collec... 
 @9ecce132 These hallucinations remind me of AIs in scifi novels going insane over time.
“Captain Hawkstone suddenly broke in over the newly activated PA system. "Officer Dahn says the computer is operable and quite sane.”
Starhammer by Christopher Rowley 
 Today I found out Biden’s FEMA text was designed to track citizens🤡
I mean, they already hav... 
 Been traveling from Isaan to Bangkok by bus, then flew to San Francisco via Taiwan, had a 10 hour... 
 @540c4953 Wow, how much more you got? Safe travels! 
 Jim Jordan put his hat in the ring for Speaker of the House. 

So should it be Trump or Jordan? 
 @9340560b Ron Paul. He's old enough for it. 
 Why are the flags down now? 
 @41995660 This would get you in Gulag back in the day 
 Whelp, nothing happened with the emergency alert. Think I'll pop around to the shop. Anybody want anything? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqQ8Y9Sjp7o 
 ITM, y'all. I'm about to truck an extremely heavy load of agricultural equipment about 700 miles,... 
 @6ba9e811 I'm looking forward to someone hacking one of these to endlessly scream "EXTERMINATE!" 
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 @6e4b1411 About how tall would you say he is? 
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 @mullvad  Oh, the poor babies. Lol, they trample the rights of people the world over and this is a bridge too far. 
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 @de63a1b3 Prepare for the next meeting by having a counter-shirt at the ready😆 
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 @7192c2c3 Very true. I'm glad I kept old stuff around, so I could see the change over time. 
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 @3a92a9b1 Hoping she recovers quick! 🙏