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 Lightsaber nunchucks. 
 Do not register the https://torment.nexus/ 
 How did Apple screw up screen savers *this* time? 

Well! In macOS 14.0, it calls startAnimation, but never calls stopAnimation, or kills the process.

So once a screen saver has launched, it just keeps running forever in the background on a now-invisible window. A top-level window with both 'visible' and 'onActiveSpace' being true. 

Any ideas how to detect this crazy state? 
 Grifting bozos step on rake, blockchain NOT involved!

Liquidity Crisis in Ticket Reselling Economy:

In ticket reseller lingo, Scott's tour is a "bloodbath," the result of overzealous brokers and noobs "overbuying" tickets based on a miscalculation of...

 Ring Is Cashing In on the UFO Craze to Promote Its Surveillance Dystopia.

The "Million Dollar Sighting" contest is Amazon's latest scheme to make people think of Ring cameras as wacky and fun instead of frightening and paranoid.

Sold as a home safety...

 Is there documentation on how the "# Explore" tab algorithm works? I mean the one on mastodon.social's web interface. 
 Spoofing Alerts in 4G LTE Networks.

You will be shocked, shocked to learn that Presidential Alerts are easy to spoof:

In this paper, we investigate the details of this system, and develop and demonstrate the first practical spoofing attack on...

 One Revolution Per Minute.

Erik Wernquist:

Putting aside the perhaps most obvious problem with those wide windows being a security hazard, I believe that the perpetually spinning views would be extremely nauseating for most humans, even for short...

 Apparently my Mac Studio can no longer run iMovie after the macOS 14.0 upgrade. Great job everybody.

 Can't wait for the EMERGENCY ALERT so that my timeline will stop being full of EMERGENCY POSTS telling me about the EMERGENCY ALERT 
 Dear Lazyweb,

In Safari, clicking this checkbox just toggles it. In Firefox, it both toggles it and loads the URL. How do I make it not do that?

<a href="/"><input type=checkbox>text</a>

('Move it outside of the A" is not the answer I am looking for.)

Update: I have tried many things involving event handlers and z-index that haven't worked. I'm interested a tested solution that works, not something off the top of your head that you think might work. (Why do I have to say this out loud.) 
 Dear Google, as the author of exactly one app listed in the so-called "Play" store, an app that does not and has never charged money, thank you for your recent informative and actionable email, "[Important notice] Tax changes in Nepal". 
 Remember eleven months ago when the Tumblr CEO said that they would be supporting ActivityPub real soon now and then never mentioned it again? Sounds like they got cold feet. ("Wait, how does being open and interoperable make us money??") https://mastodon.social/@_jv_/110692572741573511 
 Anyone got a TTF/OTF of the classic Mac "Geneva 12" font? A pixellated version, not outlines. I found Geneva 9, but not 12: https://www.wfonts.com/font/geneva-9 
 So awesome that installing ImageMagick requires clang-11, clang-14 *and* gcc12. The more the merrier I guess. 
 Dear Lazyweb,

The fuck is this shit? New lossage with macOS 14:

launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.dnalounge.nginx.plist
Load failed: 5: Input/output error
Try running `launchctl bootstrap` as root for richer errors. 
 The worst part of upgrading macOS is Linux: the 5+ hour circle-jerk that is the mandatory upgrade of MacPorts. 
 From this thread:
I found that these apps installed on my Mac are still vulnerable to the WebP exploit:

Arduino IDE, Keybase, Slack, and AdGuard for Safari. 

The first 3 I haven't launched in months, but... it certainly was A Choice that "AdGuard *FOR SAFARI*" contains an entire copy of "Chrome/100.0.4896.160" inside it. 
 "Seeing your mask makes me think I should be wearing one."
"Then it's doing its job." 
 Wait are The Witcher and Wheel of Time actually different shows??

This is like that time I was two hours into Heat before I remembered that Al Pacino and Robert De Niro are completely separate people. 

It makes a lot more sense if you know that. 
 "How are all these songs 15+ years old and yet none of our customers are old enough to drink?" -- The Club Owner's Lament 

These kids know all the words to The Offspring songs. THE OFFSPRING. 
 Willingham Sends Fables Into the Public Domain.

Absolute table-flip badassery: The comic book property called Fables, including all related Fables spin-offs and characters, is now in the public domain. What was once wholly owned by Bill Willingham is...

 Doom Loop FTW! The Salesforce NFT restaurant is dead! 

Sorry, did I say "restaurant"? I meant "global experiential hospitality platform". 

"Despite a strong demand for the concept with millions of dollars in both pre-sold and reserved memberships...

 Breaking: Scorpion stings frog.

As I keep saying: maybe using a web browser owned by the world's largest advertising company is a bad idea. 

Google gets its way, bakes a user-tracking ad platform directly into Chrome: Don't let Chrome's big redesign...

 Plato's Cave Regrets to Inform You It Will Be Raising Its Rent: We do not undertake this lightly. As the costs of maintaining a cave meant to trap you in your ignorance increases year after year, we want you to know, from the bottom of our hearts, that...

 "Share" buttons clicked on the @15b209ed calendar pages:

Oct 2019: facebook 54%, twitter 46%
Jul 2022: facebook 62%, twitter 38%
Aug 2023: facebook 38%, twitter 32%, mastodon 29% 
 Code with swearing is better code.

Jan Strehmel: We find that open source code containing swearwords exhibit significantly better code quality than those not containing swearwords under several statistical tests. We hypothesise that the use of...
