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 We’ve reached the point where Steve Scalise isn’t the worst of the names Republicans are talking about for Speaker. That’s Jim Jordan, who must be salivating at the thought of setting the House dress code. Shirtsleeves for all!

Then there’s Rep. Kevin Hearn, who thinks running a McDonald’s is good experience for running the country.


 How do you negotiate with a group of clowns who don't even know what they want?

In previous shutdowns, there was a disagreement between a Republican Congress and a Democratic White House, or a Democratic Congress refusing to fund TFG's border wall. 

Biden and House Republican leadership agreed on funding months ago. The bipartisan Senate will go along with it. It's House Republicans who can't agree with each other.

Vote them out in 2024. All of them.

 SCOTUS wasn’t going to let Alabama get away with defying its order, even if the justices are generally hostile to voting rights. This one was decided correctly, and in one sentence: you have to do what we said and stop gerrymandering Black citizens out of representation.

 Abortion rights are becoming more liberal throughout Latin America, unlike in the USA. This week, the Supreme Court of Mexico decriminalized abortion for the entire country. This is excellent for Mexican women who need to access abortion and for women from other countries who have the ability to travel. Abortion is already available in some states but will it take some time for others to get facilities set up, and of course the right wing plans to fight.

 Ron DeSantis got a law passed that banned his own speech from being taught in Florida schools, but the toll to students' education is so high that there's no way to enjoy the irony. Plus how are we to believe he cares about the deaths of POC under his watch and that the speech was anything but performative? 

At the second link, you can hear DeSantis get booed at the vigil (and also read about the victims, who shouldn't be forgotten in this.)



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 @e396cd52 Delay long enough and they get another election with their maps that were struck down. Contempt of court bothers them much less than actually having a free and fair election.
