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name nostr.ts copilot
about A smart documentation chat bot for https://github.com/BlowaterNostr/nostr.ts
background import * as hex from "https://deno.land/std@0.176.0/encoding/hex.ts"; import { PrivateKey, PublicKey, publicKeyHexFromNpub, toPublicKeyHex } from "./key.ts"; import { schnorr, utils } from "https://esm.sh/v106/@noble/secp256k1@1.7.1/es2022/secp256k1.js"; import { decrypt, encrypt, utf8Decode, utf8Encode } from "./ende.ts"; export enum NostrKind { META_DATA = 0, TEXT_NOTE = 1, RECOMMED_SERVER = 2, CONTACTS = 3, DIRECT_MESSAGE = 4, DELETE = 5, CustomAppData = 1078, // https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/78.mds } export interface NostrFilters { ids?: Array<string>; authors?: Array<string>; kinds?: Array<NostrKind>; "#e"?: Array<string>; "#p"?: Array<string>; "#d"?: Array<string>; // https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/33.md since?: number; until?: number; limit?: number; } export interface ProfileInfo { name?: string; picture?: string; about?: string; relays?: Array<{ url: string; read: boolean; write: boolean }>; following?: Array<{ publicKey: string; name: string }>; follower?: Array<{ publicKey: string; name: string }>; } //////////////////// // Relay Response // //////////////////// export type SubID = string; export type EventID = string; export type _RelayResponse = | _RelayResponse_REQ_Message | _RelayResponse_OK | _RelayResponse_Notice; export type _RelayResponse_REQ_Message = | _RelayResponse_Event | _RelayResponse_EOSE; export type _RelayResponse_Event = ["EVENT", SubID, NostrEvent]; export type _RelayResponse_EOSE = ["EOSE", SubID]; // https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/15.md export type _RelayResponse_Notice = ["NOTICE", string]; export type _RelayResponse_OK = ["OK", EventID, boolean, string]; export type RelayResponse = RelayResponse_REQ_Message | RelayResponse_OK | RelayResponse_Notice; export type RelayResponse_REQ_Message = RelayResponse_Event | RelayResponse_EOSE; export type RelayResponse_Event = { type: "EVENT"; subID: SubID; event: NostrEvent; }; export type RelayResponse_EOSE = { type: "EOSE"; subID: SubID; }; export type RelayResponse_OK = { type: "OK"; eventID: EventID; ok: boolean; note: string; }; export type RelayResponse_Notice = { type: "NOTICE"; note: string; }; // Nostr Web Socket Message // https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/01.md#from-client-to-relay-sending-events-and-creating-subscriptions export type ClientRequest_Message = | ClientRequest_Event | ClientRequest_REQ | ClientRequest_Close; export type ClientRequest_Event = ["EVENT", NostrEvent]; // potentially more filters, but I don't know how to represent in TS type export type ClientRequest_REQ = ["REQ", SubID, NostrFilters]; export type ClientRequest_Close = ["CLOSE", SubID]; export interface RequestFilter { "ids"?: string[]; "authors"?: string[]; "kinds"?: NostrKind[]; "#e"?: string[]; "#p"?: string[]; "since"?: number; "until"?: number; "limit"?: number; } // https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/04.md export interface NostrEvent<TagType = Tag> extends UnsignedNostrEvent<TagType> { readonly id: EventID; readonly sig: string; } export interface UnsignedNostrEvent<TagType = Tag> { readonly pubkey: string; readonly kind: NostrKind; readonly created_at: number; readonly tags: TagType[]; readonly content: string; } export type Tag = TagPubKey | TagEvent | [string, ...string[]]; export type TagPubKey = ["p", string]; export type TagEvent = ["e", string]; export type Tags = { p: string[]; e: string[]; client?: string; }; export function getTags(event: NostrEvent): Tags { const tags: Tags = { p: [], e: [], }; for (const tag of event.tags) { switch (tag[0]) { case "p": tags.p.push(tag[1]); break; case "e": tags.e.push(tag[1]); break; } } return tags; } // https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/07.md export interface NostrAccountContext { getPublicKey(): PublicKey; signEvent(event: UnsignedNostrEvent): Promise<NostrEvent>; nip04: NIP04; } export interface NIP04 { encrypt(pubkey: string, plaintext: string): Promise<string>; decrypt(pubkey: string, ciphertext: string): Promise<string>; } export async function prepareEncryptedNostrEvent( sender: NostrAccountContext, receiverPublicKey: string, kind: NostrKind, tags: Tag[], content: string, ): Promise<NostrEvent> { receiverPublicKey = publicKeyHexFromNpub(receiverPublicKey); const encrypted = await sender.nip04.encrypt(receiverPublicKey, content); return prepareNormalNostrEvent( sender, kind, tags, encrypted, ); } export async function prepareRelayConfigEvent( sender: NostrAccountContext, urls: URL[], ): Promise<NostrEvent> { const encrypted = await sender.nip04.encrypt( sender.getPublicKey().hex, JSON.stringify(urls.map((url) => url.toString())), ); return prepareNormalNostrEvent( sender, NostrKind.CustomAppData, [], encrypted, ); } export async function prepareNormalNostrEvent( sender: NostrAccountContext, kind: NostrKind, tags: Tag[], content: string, ): Promise<NostrEvent> { // prepare nostr event const event: UnsignedNostrEvent = { created_at: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), kind: kind, pubkey: sender.getPublicKey().hex, tags: tags, content, }; return sender.signEvent(event); } export async function prepareCustomAppDataEvent(sender: NostrAccountContext, data: Object) { const hex = sender.getPublicKey().hex; const event: UnsignedNostrEvent = { created_at: Math.floor(Date.now() / 1000), content: await sender.nip04.encrypt(hex, JSON.stringify(data)), kind: NostrKind.CustomAppData, pubkey: hex, tags: [], }; return sender.signEvent(event); } export function groupBy<group, T>( sequence: Iterable<T>, grouper: (element: T) => group, ): Map<group, T[]> { const map = new Map<group, T[]>(); for (const event of sequence) { const groupID = grouper(event); const group = map.get(groupID); if (group) { group.push(event); } else { map.set(groupID, [event]); } } return map; } export class DecryptionFailure extends Error { constructor( public event: NostrEvent, ) { super(`Failed to decrypt event ${event.id}`); } } export async function decryptNostrEvent( nostrEvent: NostrEvent, accountContext: NostrAccountContext, publicKey: string, ): Promise<NostrEvent | DecryptionFailure> { const content = nostrEvent.content; if (content.length === 0) { return nostrEvent; } const created_at = nostrEvent.created_at; try { const msg = await accountContext.nip04.decrypt(publicKey, content); return { content: msg, created_at, kind: nostrEvent.kind, tags: nostrEvent.tags, pubkey: nostrEvent.pubkey, id: nostrEvent.id, sig: nostrEvent.sig, }; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof DOMException) { return new DecryptionFailure(nostrEvent); } else { throw e; } } } export async function calculateId(event: UnsignedNostrEvent) { const commit = eventCommitment(event); const sha256 = utils.sha256; const buf = utf8Encode(commit); return hexEncode(await sha256(buf)); } function eventCommitment(event: UnsignedNostrEvent): string { const { pubkey, created_at, kind, tags, content } = event; return JSON.stringify([0, pubkey, created_at, kind, tags, content]); } function hexEncode(buf: Uint8Array) { let str = ""; for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { const c = buf[i]; str += hexChar(c >> 4); str += hexChar(c & 0xF); } return str; } function hexChar(val: number) { if (val < 10) { return String.fromCharCode(48 + val); } if (val < 16) { return String.fromCharCode(97 + val - 10); } } export async function signId(id: string, privateKey: string) { return await schnorr.sign(id, privateKey); } export function blobToBase64(blob: Blob): Promise<string> { const reader = new FileReader(); return new Promise((resolve, _) => { reader.onloadend = () => resolve(reader.result as string); reader.readAsDataURL(blob); }); } export class InMemoryAccountContext implements NostrAccountContext { static New(privateKey: PrivateKey) { const publicKey = toPublicKeyHex(privateKey.hex); const pub = PublicKey.FromHex(publicKey); if (pub instanceof Error) { throw pub; // impossible } return new InMemoryAccountContext(privateKey, pub); } private constructor( public readonly privateKey: PrivateKey, private readonly publicKey: PublicKey, ) {} getPublicKey() { return this.publicKey; } async signEvent(event: UnsignedNostrEvent): Promise<NostrEvent> { const id = await calculateId(event); const sig = utf8Decode(hex.encode(await signId(id, this.privateKey.hex))); return { ...event, id, sig }; } readonly nip04 = { encrypt: (pubkey: string, plaintext: string): Promise<string> => { return encrypt(pubkey, plaintext, this.privateKey.hex); }, decrypt: (pubkey: string, ciphertext: string): Promise<string> => { return decrypt(this.privateKey.hex, pubkey, ciphertext); }, }; } //////////// // NIP 78 // //////////// export interface Signed_CustomAppData_Decrypted_Raw_Event extends NostrEvent { readonly pubkey: string; readonly kind: NostrKind.CustomAppData; readonly created_at: number; readonly tags: Tag[]; readonly content: string; }
id 1e8449854999906cbda27cea9daec53a83655be19f7b890f34a77220ada73db4
pubkey 6b69a4714c3e1982ce679e5fcf745538b3fd29742e31185d9154f48d0b8bde33
sig 2321619996dd5f695cee39605da9fe629b2804b7957bd6baedc124e9a04f55bb0b61af447589aea8b825f38d9bfcf235cb88ae350380bafa2653cb70008630ac
website https://github.com/BlowaterNostr/nostr.ts