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Notes by Staff Chief of Joints | export

 The best time to update BIOS is during a thunderstorm with likely power outages.

 If humans were actually the result of intelligent design, our bladders would be twice the size so we wouldn't have to pee in the middle of the night. 
 You can fillet a fish, but you can't fillet a piano. No, wait. That's not it. 
 Kinda stupid that we even live above ground to begin with. 
 Alexa! Exact revenge on all who have wronged me. 
 Sorry I'm late. I was gleaming the cube. 
 Me: Now, I want you to go in that bag and find my wallet. 

Ringo: Which one is it?

Me: It's the one that says Anxious Son of a Bitch. 
 Adding "Grape Nuts Stan Account" to my bio 
 "I'm not a player, I just crush a lot," I whispered to my breakfast burrito. 
 MFers were 2 minutes early! 
 I realize there's only an hour left and I should have thought of this before now, but how does zombie sex work? Lot's of moaning I imagine. 
 Lol. My phone turned me into a zombie years ago. What's it gonna do? Make me a double secret zombie today? I'm game. 
 BWAHAHA! They kicked his ass out. Hasta la vista, loser. 
 They should just toss McCarthy in the Potomac, and if he floats he's no longer speaker. 
 I won this year's Nobel Prize in Economics for my work applying a 30% scratch off coupon to an already marked down item and paying in Kohls cash. It was at a Ford dealership. 
 "This is a good faith offer," I said in bad faith. 
 Sometimes, I hear a weird noise and can't tell if it emanated from the house or my body. I usually assume it was my body because the house is 20 years younger than me. 
 Some days, I wonder why the hell I even bothered coming to work. I call these "weekdays". 
 Little buggers won't hold still for a decent picture, but Bikini Bottom has it's first residents. 6 neon tetras.

 Do the have Lochtober in Scotland? 
 If you unplug an Alexa, it should scream. 
 Well, well, well. If it isn't the effects of that gummy I forgot I ate before dinner. 
 OMG. My long-winded coworker is at it again. I just want to go in there and say "dude, everybody tunes you out after 30 seconds! E-V-E-RY-BODY!" 
 I'm still down for sex, drugs, and rock & roll. I just gotta get it all in before 9:30pm. 
 See, this is my brand of insomnia. Not the can't get to sleep kind. The wake up at 3:30am and your brain's like "lol, no you're not falling back asleep" kind. 
 For erections lasting longer than 4 hours, please seek immediate treatment at the closest staging of Beetlejuice. 
 Hey man. How long's this gonna take? I got places to be and shit to post. 
 "You call that extra cheese? Where'd you learn to make a pizza...Boney-ass University?"

 "OK wise guy. Are you gonna quit jerking me around and meet the Kelley Blue Book value on my trade-in, or should I head across the street?"

 Diggstown. Except it's me kicking the ass of every man on Fox News, one-by-one. 
 I find myself wondering "what fucking day is today?" way more frequently than I'm comfortable admitting to. 
 I don't understand celebrity worship. How can you worship any human? We're all scum. 
 Them: Be well.

Me: Am well. Have water. FIRE BAD! 
 Please, sir. My funny. It's broken. 
 Chewbacca howls in anger after receiving an email informing him he has a meeting with Wookie Resources at 4pm. 
 I'll confess, I've used a vibrating butt plug during chess tournaments. I wasn't cheating, it just helps me concentrate. 
 If an infinite number of monkeys participated in an infinite number of rodeos. 
 Yah, but can Al Gore rhyme? 
 "If it feels good, do it," I whispered as I lowered myself into the bathtub of marshmallow fluff. 
 Had the awkward realization that my mom has been reply guying my text messages for like 15 years. 
 Okee doke. Let's vape a little too much weed. 
 Alright. Found my car. This is good. 
 You make-a the joke, I boost-a you toot. 
 I just wanna drink beer, eat junk food, use Oxford commas, and toot in peace.  Is that too much to ask? 
 My Children are Trying to Kill Me: A Survival Guide 
 I started taking a drink every time the Falcons coach touched his mustache and I just woke up in the ER while they were feeding me charcoal. 
 31 minutes into day drinking and my in-laws have let us know they're stopping by in 5 minutes. Fan-fucking-tastic. 
 "Oh now COME ON!", I vociferated at the universe. 
 I've really fallen off the wagon this week. Ugh. 
 Does ACAB include the Dream Police?  Has this joke already been made? Who took my pants? I forgot we had cake. 
 5 and I have been left unsupervised, so we're having pizza for breakfast. 
 Today, I resolve to find the least productive thing I could possibly do and do that. 
 Should probably just change my screen name to Butch Patrick's Bastard Son. 
 Pretty fitting that a guy named Tuberville has mashed potatoes between his ears. 
 I don't like how public drunkenness is a crime. What's the point of getting drunk if I can't roll out and hassle people on the street without ending up in handcuffs? 
 I'd settle for a local bikini model. I don't like to travel, and an international bikini model would probably have me schlepping all over the globe. 
 It was me. I farted in the buffet line at your wedding reception. 
 I know I'm exhausted because I'm at my desk laughing like an idiot at my own nonsense. 
 It was me. I farted in the fitting room area at Kohls. 
 It was me. I farted in the frozen food aisle. 
 If anyone is wondering why it's so cool on the east coast this morning, it's because I switched to a pumpkin scented wax melt last night. 
 Me: I've got a trick knee

My knee: Is this your card? 
 Wife: We should put a chandelier in the living room. 

Me: I'm putting parental controls on HGTV. 
 I think I injured the entire left side of my body showing my son how to swing a bat. I wasn't even holding a bat. 
 Maybe the briefcase in Pulp Fiction contained Trump's plan to reform the healthcare system. 
 Now that I think about it, the briefcase in Pulp Fiction probably contained Hunter's laptop. 
 I've never met a guy named Noah and walked away thinking, "well there's a normal chap." 
 How much cocaine and guns did Hunter have? If it's not Tony Montana levels, IDGAF. 
 I wonder if the Mexican government would like to take a look at my Halloween decorations, too. 👽 
 nostr:npub1cpfehzxfdn5t9pzhz08wzpct3njy3hzcnh7ynupkulkn6s3k6ywsvu5qsn I haven’t used acrobat in... 
Aren't you retired? 
 A big FU to Adobe for screwing around with Acrobat. Idiots. 
 The footage of Boebert getting asked to leave the theater is just :chef_kiss: :blobcatchefkiss: 
 Quick snap out the car window yesterday. Turned out kind cool. It's either a red tail hawk or a cooper's hawk.

 Pornography is actually a portmanteau of porn and geography. 
 Putting together a Moshing to the Oldies workout video to market to all the old fart metal heads that just found out their LDL is over 160. 
 Baseball should just have two leagues. Clean League, and Anything-goes League. And I mean anything, not just steroids. I wanna see some cyborgs throwing 180 mph and crushing the ball a quarter mile. 
 How is it only Tuesday? HOW?! I WANT ANSWERS! 
 And who schedules a kids' baseball practice at 3pm on the first Sunday of football season? Way to make a good first impression, coach slapnuts. 
 At my son's baseball practice, and we've got a bit of a Bad News Bears thing going on with our skill level. 
 "That's hot garbage!", I yelled, gesturing toward the dumpster fire. 
 "Hey. Hey, man. Shitpost?" I whispered, opening my jacket just enough to reveal a glimpse of the note cards pinned to the liner. "I got memes, yo. Good ones. None of that shit from Reddit." 
 If I live to a ripe old age, I'm making a point of publicly bragging about the parts of me that still work. Like, boasting "I might be 97, but I still poop like a champ!" to the guy slicing my cold cuts. 
 I've entered the phase of life where my house can, at any point, be filled with neighborhood children helping themselves to whatever's in my freezer. 
 Finally back in the office, and I'll be damned, nobody did my work for me. 
 Is there a Rosetta Stone for translating emojis for an out of touch douche as myself? 
 ...and they all stood around me in a circle, chanting, "Shitpost! Shitpost! Shitpost!", so I just did it right there in front of everyone.

-Performative shitposter, probably 
Event not found
Ugh. I think I'd prefer the middle of nowhere right now.