Listen to the 2007 Munich speech by Putin. See the leaked ‘Njet means Njet’ cable’ out of the U.S Embassay in Russia. These will inform You of the realities which our politicians-by-hire, dont want You to see.
That is true….for shitcoiners.If You buy shitcoins these flashy cars will fill the void left by mom and dad not being there. For a while it will feel good. But we all know where it goes from there.
Bitcoiners will however see these cars and luxury items as depresiating assets.
We will Bild Cathedrals instead.
Send a test-transaction with a low amount first, and the some bigger ones. As long as the UTXO’(transactions) are bigger then 1.000.000 sats/bits You will be just fine.
Notes by c4bf9fff | export