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Notes by DukeCallis | export

 October 14 can't come soon enough for me. My decision was made long ago, when the Labor government came to power, I researched the Uluru Statement From The Heart, the people behind it's creation and those who are currently opposing the referendum. I am an 8th generation white Australian born of anglo-celtic stock. Amending the Constitution to recognise indigenous Australia, to me,  seems the fair thing to do.  The body to be created, that the government has called a voice to parliament is simply that. An advisory body/committee that consults to the Parliament. Nothing more. No legislative power, simply a consultancy. 
The history of colonialism,  aboriginal killings, legislated genetic obliteration of blood lines.... the history cannot and ought not be denied. Amending the Constitution as has been requested and suggested by the referendum question will have no impact on me. 
Warren Mundane states that as a nation we need to move forward. I agree, let's formalise that progress in the Constitution and walk the long path to understanding with the first Australians. 
This is my personal view, I do not side with either yes or no campaigns as I believe both have been hijacked by ideological considerations. The issue is and must be considered as being above politics, above ideological contests. The issue is one of conscience. 