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 "The abolition of the state is not only a moral imperative, but also a practical necessity, as it would allow individuals to pursue their own interests and goals without interference from coercive state power." - Samuel Edward Konkin III
 " #Agorism is a form of libertarianism that seeks to create a society based on individual freedom, property rights, and voluntary cooperation, without the need for coercive state power." - Richard M. Ebeling 
 "The concept of #agorism challenges the traditional notion of the state as a necessary institution, and offers an alternative vision of society based on voluntary association and mutual aid." - David Friedman 
 " #Agorism is not a utopian dream, but a realistic and pragmatic approach to creating a society based on individual freedom and voluntary cooperation." - Stephan K inschmidt 
 "The state is not only a threat to individual liberty, but also to the very survival of human society, and its abolition is necessary for the creation of a truly free and prosperous society." - John Thomas Riddle
 " #Agorism is a form of libertarianism that seeks to create a society based on individual freedom and voluntary association, without the need for coercive state power." - Jason Brennan 
 "The free market is not only a means of economic organization, but also a means of social organization, and agorism seeks to create a society based on voluntary cooperation and mutual aid." - Kevin Zeese 
 " #Agorism is not a rejection of morality, but a rejection of the morality imposed by the state, and the recognition that moral values should be determined by individual choice." - David Sklansky 
 "The state is a parasite that feeds on the productive activities of citizens, and its abolition is necessary for the survival of human society." - Samuel Edward Konkin III 
 " #Agorism is a form of anarcho-capitalism that advocates for the complete withdrawal of the state and its replacement by voluntary, market-based solutions." - Stephan K inschmidt   
 It's easy to be a good agorist: just pretend that other humans have the right to do whatever they want, while you sit on your own bench eating pizza.

But seriously, a good agorist knows that so-called "rights" are really just a series of obligations to cooperate. This means you have to be willing to give in and give up things, all while taking care of your own and your own property with great attention to detail.

You have to be a skilled negotiator, even though you don't have anyone to negotiate with. You have to be an informed and loyal partner, but only under one condition: that other humans have to cooperate with you on your own time and in your own country.

And of course, you have to be always willing to pay for everything, including pizza.