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 Today marks two years since Russia initiated the full-scale military invasion of Ukraine.


The invasion would never have been possible if Putin’s regime had not spent the past decade crushing every social movement in Russia—using torture to extract false confessions from arrestees and imprisoning or assassinating countless people. But this is not limited to Russia alone.

Everywhere on earth, governments are relying on more and more repressive and invasive policing to control restless populations. The war in Ukraine is part of a story that is familiar in Syria, Yemen, Ethiopia, Myanmar, Sudan, Palestine, and elsewhere. It represents the same strategy that governments around the world are employing within their territories, expanded to the scale of geopolitics: the recourse to brute force to suppress resistance and extend control.

Wherever we fight against state repression, we are fighting against a future of war.

In this picture, anarchists march today in Vilnius.

 The Ex-Worker #97: Understanding the RICO Charges in Atlanta


An audio version of our coverage of the RICO charges against 61 people accused of protesting a planned police militarization facility in Atlanta.


 If you let the government go on reinforcing the institutions that prevent other people from traveling freely, you make it virtually inevitable that eventually, when you have to flee from a hurricane, forest fire, economic crisis, or war, you will find those same agencies cutting off your escape route.


Refugees will continue to cross borders—legally or not—as long as they are driven by desperate need. The solution is not to build more walls, but to address the root causes of the escalating disparities in wealth and power that are destroying communities around the world.

Abolish borders. Solidarity forever. 🏴


 Our comrades at Municipal Adhesives have reprinted these stickers. You can order them in bulk here, extremely cheap:


They produced the stickers as a solidarity gesture to help keep our project visible in the streets after we were banned from certain corporate social media platforms.

Together, we are unstoppable! 🏴🏴🏴

 “Wait…but there’s no broken glass or even graffiti.”


“I mean the shelves are all empty. Did they just evacuate all the merchandise?”

“Haha what?! No. We looted it, the whole neighborhood. Well, women and children first.”

“And no one destroyed… anything?”

“Listen, we don’t want them to get a bigger insurance claim. Besides, if things keep going the way they are, that building may soon be ours.”

“I hope so. I can’t imagine things ever going this far in the states. Good luck with your struggle.”

“NO! No no no, brother—OUR struggle. You’re here. You’re in this. Tell people.”

“I don’t even know how I’d explain this to anyone back home.”

“Explain it like this: neoliberalism was born in Chile, and here it will die.”


On the four-year anniversary of the 2019-2020 revolt in Chile, join us for an event in Tucson, Arizona featuring memes, videos, and stories from the uprising.

October 18, 2023 
7:30 PM
101 E. Ventura St.
with a special guest

 Today, demonstrators in San Pablo, California took action against a proposed 43 million dollar police militarization facility.

Across the spectrum, politicians aim to weather the ecological and economic crises ahead of us by using brute force to control the desperate and displaced, pouring public resources into militarizing the police. The fight to #StopCopCity in Atlanta is part of a worldwide struggle over our future. 



 Anarchists have always been at the front of struggles against fascism. Yet liberals consistently seek to associate anarchy with fascism and authoritarianism, intentionally misusing the word in order to muddy the waters.

Seeking to concentrate oppressive power in the hands of autocrats is precisely the opposite of anarchy. The only reason to create confusion about this is to discredit anarchists, presumably in order to reduce the imaginable political terrain to a binary between different degrees of state violence and oppression.

Those who smear anarchism reveal their own authoritarianism and dishonesty.





 Tonight, after a judge dropped the murder charges against the police officer who killed Eddie Irizarry, people in Philadelphia engaged in multiple forms of protest, including looting corporate stores like Apple and Foot Locker.

This is a rational protest tactic in a society in which police murder hundreds of young people of color with impunity every year, in which millions are forced to scrape by in poverty while billionaires flaunt their wealth.

In the words of one witness of tonight's protests in Philadelphia, "Everybody must eat."

 As thousands of refugees pour into Armenia from Nagorno-Karabakh, we've added the perspective of another anarchist in Yerevan to our coverage of the situation.


In this analysis, the author argues that within Armenia, the ongoing Nagorno-Karabakh crisis has been used to quell dissent and discourage criticism of Armenian nationalism. Politicians on both sides of the conflict have used the threat of war to consolidate power and fatten their wallets. Now, despite having been partly responsible for creating this tragedy, the political opposition in Armenia is using Azerbaijan's seizure of the region opportunistically with the same intent as before.

There is no nationalist solution to oppression or war.

 Occupy Wall Street got off the ground 12 years ago today.

The initial idea was pretty silly—to occupy Zuccotti Park and reach consensus on a single demand, with the also naïve idea that President Barack Obama would somehow be forced to grant it.

Instead, owing to the financial crisis, as soon as a puncture opened in business as usual, tens of thousands of people poured into it, bringing a wide range of different concerns and tactics. The most combative Occupy encampments set the baseline for the protests against murderous police that broke out in 2014, setting precedents for the uprising of 2020.

You can read about some of the tensions that unfolded within the Occupy movement here:



 Introducing “Ink Lite” for Zine Printing


We’ve introduced a new option for printing our zines for when you need to make a little toner go a long way. We explain the feature and present a list of all the zines we offer in “Ink Lite.” That's 45 titles already!

And don't forget—we offer well over 100 PDFs altogether in our zine library.



 One year ago today, the Iranian Guidance Patrol police arrested Jina Mahsa Amini. Allegedly, she was not wearing the hijab in accordance with Iranian state policy. After Jina died at their hands, people across Iran took to the streets, confronting the police and opening up spaces of ungovernable freedom.


Today, our thoughts are with those who were killed or imprisoned as a consequence of that uprising, and with all who continue to fight today—in Iran and all around the world. Let's make a world without patriarchal violence. 🏴


 Participants in the movement to #StopCopCity have called for a mass action to shut down construction November 10-13. This follows the indictment of 61 people on trumped up RICO charges and the Atlanta city government's outrageous decision to reject a petition signed by over 100,000 locals demanding a referendum on whether to build Cop City.


This is the next stage of a historic struggle.

Those who hold power today intend to deal with ecological and economic crises by channeling more and more money towards police in order to repress the victims. The outcome of the movement in Atlanta will determine what the future looks like for all of us.

 This weekend, everyone who orders books, posters, or stickers from us will get copies of these zines.



 We’ve designed a zine version of our coverage of the RICO case targeting alleged participants in the movement to #StopCopCity.


Please print these out and share them in your community! The outcome of this case will impact all forms of activism.
