#PabloPicasso Portrait de Jacqueline accoudée, 1959 linocut in black and cream https://files.mastodonapp.uk/media_attachments/files/111/592/460/694/221/593/original/66e54e95991c08b7.jpg
A poem by Joseph Fasano. Prepare your heart before reading from Church of Jeff @58606072 https://files.mastodonapp.uk/media_attachments/files/111/296/367/765/546/997/original/2042b4189043822d.png
#RishiSunak the helicopter – cartoon by Chris Riddell in The Observer, 1st October 2023. The Prime Minister pays a flying visit to #Conservative conference. https://files.mastodonapp.uk/media_attachments/files/111/155/687/931/948/977/original/12aa8a1c63311cf7.jpg
Is there a useable search box here please..?
The problem is not that the #UK is bust. The problem is that the UK will not share its #wealth in a way that produces well-being for everyone. As the #ONS (Office for National Statistics) shows, wealth distribution is the problem in the UK: https://files.mastodonapp.uk/media_attachments/files/110/881/953/116/050/896/original/08f3f072edaf51b1.jpg
Notes by David Thomas Jackson | export