Unlike traditional financial systems, Bitcoin doesn't care who you are - it's open to everyone.
Unlike traditional financial systems, Bitcoin doesn't care who you are - it's open to everyone. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
They are running out of ideas 😂
They are running out of ideas 😂 https://t.co/zKstrC43Cv https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1832136725360934912/pu/vid/avc1/720x1280/vqXFOEc9SDMqb4ww.mp4?tag=12 nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
I hate cahill. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
Whoa oop a? nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
Doped or oh he need tongue... nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
How. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
What you? nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
It is the teeth. nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
Let's pack it come around... nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
How it? nostr.fmt.wiz.biz
Notes by ef66b81b | export